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Dr. Jabsco

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Everything posted by Dr. Jabsco

  1. hmm. Do the glued on wings have the angled cut too. Or is it a 90* angle. If it is 90* is the difference just not even noticible?
  2. Ive gotten all of my tools for free so far. My dad loves to do carpentrey type work so he has an almost fully loaded workshop. Only thing he needed was a router and bandsaw. Router we now have, and band saw on the way.
  3. Im using a small bit on my drill press and putting a hole through around the sides of the template, on certin spots. Then putting wire (the same size of bit) through and fitting the template right in. then take wire out. no margin for errors (and if there are any, hell.. its a cheap peice of pine)
  4. My guitar building reading material- Hiscocks book and www.projectguitar.com fourms dont see the point in spending all my cash on books when I can learn from experence and experenced people. (yes, i know, knowing what you do before you do it makes it much eayser... oh well!)
  5. I just found out my neighbour has a jointer!! thank god, no more weird table saw jigs.
  6. Im going to put the template on the body. and outline with the router a few times, and get a nice deep cut, then flip the board over and put the template on that side, and get the template in the same spot (on reverse side) and get a deep router cut there, then finish off with a jig saw . Following the outter part of the rout. Then clean up with more router and belt sander, and sand paper. got my work cut out for me
  7. I think thier both ugly and over-done, but kinnda sweet looking. I like practical guitars.
  8. its BEUtiful. Where did you get the top, and if you remember how much was it?? I love the blue, but personally I would have gone with an amber tent to really bring out the color of the wood.
  9. What is your job exactly wes? I know its some sort of construction, but thats about it.
  10. I JUST got done glueing 2 peices togeather for my bass. It was a real b**** to get the peices to fit perfectly because all i was using was a table saw. It took me about 10 passes i would say to get it just right, But Its ok if its just the tineyst bit off, cause the clamps bend it togeather a little bit when you glue. Overall it took about 30 miunets. so its not so bad.
  11. Im only putting side dots on my fretboard. I may put a wood inlay at the 12th fret, but thats as far as im going.
  12. Im going to do a big circle inlay on the headstock of the bass I am working on. I may also do one right after the bridge, and have the string ferrels go kinnda around it. should look pritty sweet.
  13. oh, is that the same on in my link? and also, a neighbour of mine is giving me a bandsaw for free. Its really a sweet deal. so you should check around with a lot of peopl you know, cause they just have old stuff lying around they dont use.
  14. How is the sound different? is it deeper or somthing
  15. http://pweb.jps.net/~kmatsu/ look at the jigs part, Its pritty accurate, and im in the process of making one. Its simple too. very helpful.
  16. I wonder how long it took to draw up that design? Im geussing 2 hours. (any takers?)
  17. You can make a scarf cutting jig for a table saw, thats real easy. Ill send up a link if your intrested in plans for it.
  18. The way I just did my full size plan, was draw it small, and get it RIGHT Then draw grid lines on the paper and make sure they are all perfect squares Then scale it out using the nut measuring technique or what ever you want to use, and draw bigger squares on a larger sheet of paper, and have the bigger squares be proportionaly ratio-ed (is that a word?) to the smaller ones. And then just go from there, drawing one square at a time. And sketch it lightly, and get a good eraser (you will need it)
  19. cool, poplar is pritty cheap too. ps black hawk, are you on AIM?
  20. I didnt think poplar had a very good sound to it. But I may be wrong.
  21. Its very sweet looking, and probley sounds great... but not so practical.
  22. My basses are on the floor in my room, laying down, with a pillow under the headstock so the dont get de-tuned. I dont have much of a problem with strings cause after i play i wipe this stuff called Fast fret on them. It helps a lot, and i picked it up at the local music store for 5 bucks.
  23. Gosh, I can imagin that thing with a nice hand rubbed Tung oil finish, open grain would really look great with the mahogony or walnut.
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