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Everything posted by westhemann

  1. . i thought it was from falling off that chair
  2. wipe off the strings,and get pickup covers...
  3. okay well after cutting,pasting,and modifying the link i found the pic. it does look like a standard hardtail strat bridge,but the extra mounting screw hole on the bottom confuses me
  4. there are more types than what you have listed. crybaby alone has a number of different types. i recently bought a crybaby fasel wah...it has a large sweep i believe kirk hammett uses the fasel wah
  5. i thought the 1570 was a japanese 570. and that the 570 was korean made
  6. i cannot find the picture...all i find is a forum full of pervs.
  7. it is a cap...but i am sure they vacuum bagged it,not soaked and bent.
  8. doesn't look like a 1570...looks like a 570
  9. http://www.edenhaus.com/stratbdy.htm i see from here that the bridge holes are not factory predrilled and neither are the pickgaurd holes. why did you think you could just slap it together and that it would be perfect? you should have drawn a centerline on the body,lined your neck up with it,then placed your bridge on the same centerline,THEN installed the pickgaurd it is not hefner's fault,you should have researched a bit edit you didn't place the pickgaurd by centering it on the trem rout,did you? because the trem rout is offset.
  10. you aligned the bridge with the pickgaurd? what does that mean?the body did not come with the bridge holes predrilled? this is not that difficult to figure out.you have the guitar,use some common sense. it is much easier for you to figure out the problem with your guitar in hand than it is for us from a few pics.either you did not place the bridge properly or you didn't get the neck oriented properly. maybe you got some finish in the neck pocket and that is throwing it off.
  11. http://carvin.com/products/single.php?Item...=MTS3212&CID=GA all tube
  12. well you don't hold the guitar at all.if you are holding the neck up while you are playing then your guitar is not balanced properly. i assume by tension you are speaking of relaxing while playing...that comes with time.
  13. there was a tutorial on a way to get a crackle finish a while back...try a forum search
  14. faulty logic. i say this again and again.friction causes wear,NOT hardness.just because ss is harder,that does not mean it wears your strings quicker.as a matter of fact ,if ss is highly polished,it provides less friction than nickel.when you rub two substances together,the softer substance wears first...but not necessarily faster than against a similar,but less dense material than ss. but even if that WERE the case,it would not make a difference anyway because strings tend to break at the saddle or at the pick attack area.and how long do you want the same dead set of strings on your guitar. but believe what you want.i don't care.
  15. http://guitarpartsdepot.com/Merchant2/merc...egory_Code=PROS http://www.musicmailhouse.com/fender_pickups.htm http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Pickguards/Pre...pickguards.html there are a couple...but really...try a google or yaho search for pre wired pickgaurds
  16. i am sure you just misaligned it. before finishing,i am also sure you had just a hair of play between the neck and neck pocket.that's the way all these bodies are made.. it is slightly possible that the neck pocket was not routed straight,but more probable that you did your part wrong,since you make no mention of even trying to align it before drilling truss rod?what the hell?like 322 said,truss rod has absolutely NOTHING to do with the neck in that direction. by the way,when 32251 says "whack"....i am sure he means gently...not up against a desk or anything
  17. fixed your link in case some of you have problems navigating http://34musicstore.co.jp/cgi/data/img43/15.jpg they look nice..but i have never seen them.looks like a begginer type guitar though...judging by the name and the price(although i may be wrong about the price...it seems fairly cheap.remember that nowadays those japanese luthiers get paid as much as their american counterparts...so for quality you will pay about the same,unless it is imported from korea to japan) edit about $430 american
  18. moved and pinned. i enjoyed this discussion quite a bit. makes me want to try inlays on a future project
  19. a dremel will handle anything,for a while.it is just slower and the extreme use will cost it longevity if done often. just take it easy and only rout about 1/8" of depth at a time.and use the 1/4" double flute router bit on the dremel...you can find it anywhere as far as measurements...there are some pinned here http://projectguitar.ibforums.com/index.php?showtopic=633 right above this topic
  20. guys like me who are interested in handmade instruments look in "other" or type in the keyword "handmade" trust me,most people see "not a ...." and just skip right over it in protest like this guy http://stores.ebay.com/Stellar-Guitars-BUY...genameZl2QQtZkm great looking guitars...cheaper than agiles and probably at least as good in quality(not hard to do) but "les paul strings"? who the hell is he trying to fool. and i found it in "other electric"
  21. i like it very much.and i don't like very much at all.
  22. this irks me to no end and is ignorant reasoning at best. when i go on to ebay looking for a gibson,fender,gretsch,etc...the last thing i want is to be bombarded by a p.o.s. hamer slammer that has every keyword in the book in the title,even though it has nothing to do with any of them.auctions like this IMO should be terminated immediately so that ebay might actually become more useful.it is disgraceful. BUT in the case of the guy with the "bigsby" style trem,i think that it is only a descriptive term,and an honest auction,so it should be left as is. does no one have common sense anymore?
  23. i bought the bit from stewmac as well.it was worth the money imo,because it is a quality bit. with lmii there are a few other members here who have recived questionable service from them...i can't remember all of them but i remember guitarmaestro had the same problem as me
  24. any time a guy can just stand there and say nothing and makes me laugh,he gets my vote. that would be david letterman.i like the way he doesn't even pretend he has anything to do with the script..."this is what you give me?" he says,looking at the camera
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