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Everything posted by jer7440

  1. Hey Csuttle, I was just noticing that you are in Michigan. Where in Michigan do you live. I live between Grand Rapids and Holland.
  2. Sweet buy man. What are you going to do with two of those monsters? Maybe you should check out a phase converter instead of a new motor.
  3. Hey, how is that swirl tutorial coming?
  4. If you search the library at the MIMF there was an thread or two about making a plywood bandsaw. While it was possible, it seems like the reviews weren't great.
  5. Dude that link doesn't work. Well it works but ebay says that listing is not available.
  6. Man that is very cool. Make sure to keep us up to date on what you are doing! (If you have time)
  7. Is that plated and everything? If so what kind of plating are you going with?
  8. Derek, If you have some dimensions of what you want I can lay it out on my Cad and then I can get you a price on having 50 pcs cut with a laser. Although, I would have to imagine that there is a laser cutter in you area. This is going to be the cheapest route for the small quantities you are looking for. To stamp out what you are talking about is going to take at least a two station progressive die (one station to punch the pot holes and one to punch out the outside shape) or two individual dies to do the same thing. As far as laser cutting goes I would think you could probably get those cut for about $2 or $3 each including the material. You still need to account for finishing though (polishing and smoothing and plating).
  9. Deadgoodcharlie. To post pics you need a place to host your digital photos. Something like Photobucket.com or even your own website if you have one. (Photobucket is free.) You sign up for a photobucket account and follow the directions there for uploading you pics. Photobucket will show you a URL for each of your pics. To post them here, just copy that URL, then when you add a reply here push the IMG button at the top of the screen. A window will popup asking you for the URL location of you pic. Paste the URL in the box and you should be all set. I to am doing some work with CNC. I look forward to seeing your work.
  10. exactly. put the bridge on and just make sure your angle is good. Using the old stop bar holes may work, but it may not.
  11. Sorry for the confusion. Maybe this drawing will help. The top drawing shows what happens if the angle is too steep coming off of the bridge. The second drawing shows a more shallow angle. To get the more shallow angle you may have to move your ferulle holes farther away from the bridge.
  12. Actually, I think you need to drill farther from the bridge. Other wise the strings will go over the slots in the saddle and then hit on the frame of TOM or the part that supports the saddles.
  13. One thing you need to consider is that the strings are going to break over the TOM at a different angle with a string thru than they did with the stop bar. If you put the ferrules in the same line where the stop bar was it might be too steep. the strings might come off the saddles and hit the back side of the bridge. Does that make any sense? I really like the carve by the way!
  14. If you drill the ferrule holes to the recommended size they should push in kinda hard. They should be hard to get back out.
  15. Holy crap, my first thought reading the title of this thread was extra terrestrials!
  16. The diecast base is just known to wear out faster in the knife edge, the stamped steel will wear much better.
  17. It seems like it would be a nice machine to have. It is probably more than you absolutely need. You would easily have enough capacity to resaw anything guitar related and that's a biggy. I say if you have the floor space and the electrical capacity to run a 3 phase motor, go for it. Assuming the machine is in good condition and the price is right.
  18. Hey I did some poking around on google as well. This seems the be a fairly popular industrial machine in the UK. I found two different specs for throat depth 300mm or 350mm I'm not sure which is correct. The machine seems to be able to cut up to a 280mm depth and uses up to a 3/4" blade. Its probably a decent machine assuming everything is in good order. I googled the words "strartrite 352 bandsaw" and I had to go 3 or 4 pages deep before I found any thing that gave specs.
  19. I have a few HF tools as well. For the price you pay it's way better than nothing.
  20. I gotta respect the sentiment, but the song kinda sounds like something that was quickly thrown together to make a production deadline on an album. I agree with sepultra999 about stepping out of the box, but the whole thing just sounded forced.
  21. People use little blocks of wood and shove them in between the trem block and the guitar body, on the back side of the guitar, so the trem can't move
  22. I have an eight channel, computer, rc airplane or helicopter radio I'm looking to get rid of. For sale or trade. Things I might trade for would be a piece of quilt maple for my LP top or some decent humbuckers. The radio also comes with flight packs (recievers, servos, and batteries) for two airplanes, and a two radio, aluminum case. Can post pics if anyone is interested Thanks Jer
  23. Lookin' great Erik. I love all the layers!
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