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Everything posted by eddiewarlock

  1. You mean Jackson makes neck thru I prefer neck thrus just because, and they look cooler BUT look at metal bands and you'll see some bands play neck thru, some other set neck and other bolt on. In Flames plays with set necks guitars, Megadeth played neck thru, it's all a matter of prefernce. I don't think neck thrus have a thinner sounds or a neutral sound, but then again, mine are made with a mahogany neck and mahogany wings or purpleheart necks and mahogany wings...always ebony fretboards....
  2. Hi, Demian. That was an awesome description of how we are living nowadays on Argentina. I have several "problems" with buying tools and different stuff for lutherie. And here it's all expensive (Vendoma has to low their prices). So, the problem it's that if you buy all the stuff like cds or books or what you can download from P2P programs, you cannot use that money for guitar building, and beleive me, here it's freaking expensive to get everything. Frank. Not only in Argentina, we are having worse problems in Venezuela, last year we had a limit of 3000$ for internet purchases, we still ran that risk of having your goods stolen at customs, i ordered 2 In Flames shirts and they got stolen, takes forever to arrive and it's very expensive, this year, after the suitcase with 800,000$ my goverment sent to Argentina, financing whatever crwazy thing in Colombia, NIcaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, cheap gas for London's buses , etc, we now only have a limit of 400$ for internet purchases and you must have a credit card, before you could use a debit card as well) it is not easy to get a credit card and i hope i can get one, but i don't think they'll approve that i'll spend money on a guitar making book...
  3. Ok, now I know who can send me by mail a paper with the real Kelly shape when I need it... Che, si la necesitas, me decis que yo te la envio a Argentina ( pero no envio valijas llenas de dólares!! jajaja )
  4. Hey Andronico, i'll answer you in english, cuz it would be unpolite to do so in spanish. Very simple, i have a friend who was repairing a Kelly, and i took some cardboard and traced the shape on it, and that was it. I don't trust the plans i find on the web, even if they are on CAD they have never been of the real size to me...better to buy templates at www.guitabuildingtemplates.com but i don't think they have Kelly templates. Yes both guitars will be painted solid, the explorer will be black and the Kelly will be silverburst
  5. yeah, the back is capped since the neck blank wasn't thick enough. I would have matched the pieces, but since the guitar will be painted a solid color i didn't care too much
  6. Ok here are some pics of a couple guitars i'm working on at the moment, a replica of a jackson kelly: 3 piece purpleheart neck, spanish cedar wings, quebracho fretboard, it will have a Kahler 7300 bridge: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd.../IMAG0022-3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd...ock/kelly-1.jpg 24 fret rhoads: Originally ti was gift from a friend while i lived in Spain, when i had to return to Venezuela, i had excess lugagge, so i left the body of this el cheapo rhoads copy and brought home the rest, built a Caferana body for it, and glued the neck to the new body, re did the binding and refretted it, and here it is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd.../IMAG0006-7.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd.../IMAG0007-4.jpg
  7. That's a 21 fret neck...did you measure that body so your bridge won't be where your bridge pickup is???
  8. You are a master Pukko, i take my hat off to you!
  9. Hola vecino ! No, la caoba la compre a 2 km de mi casa, el amigo Finlandés me pasó las medidas tomadas de su propia guitarra. Realmente fueron una ayuda invaluable. Saludos. Ahh asi si! jejejeje esta quedando bien bonita!!
  10. Che muy buen trabajo, pero que lejos te fuiste para comprar caoba! a menos que el finlandes ese viva en Argentina! jejeje
  11. thanks for helping! good to know thats pau marfin is called like this ein english. this name for cedro is the scientific name, it isn't? if I knew them, there would have no problem... Cedro Rosa is called Spanish cedar in english, in spanish is just Cedro, it's science name is Cedrella Odorata, it's a tree of the same family of mahogany, as you already know it looks very similar to mahogany but smells wonderful
  12. Hey Kiki, looks very good!! and using cedro eh?? cool, I am using it a lot and i really like it. Saludos desde Venezuela!!
  13. Looks really good man!! Now, i have inlayed bc rich style diamonds, jackson style sharkfins, gibson style blocks and trapezoids, prs style birds, etc, yet i am afraid because i'll inlay for the first time dots it's true!! if they don;t line up perfectly it'll look like poo!!
  14. I have a warlock i built that has a 46 mm width at the nut, and it´s thickness at the first fret is around 23- 24 mm. I have another warlock, made by BC Rich with a 43 mm nut but the nec k was also skinny and was too uncomfortable for me. Guitars with bigger necks sound really, really good. If i was you i wouldn´t worry too much
  15. I love it man!! looks AWESOME, if i was you, and seeing how much it bother you the finish, why not remove all the finish again and take it to a pro painter??? or are you doing like me and the Rhoads I built and i am waiting to f@@k it up a bit more and refinish it? Other than that...awesome man, just awesome, the most important things on a guitars are playability and sound, and you have both down, congrats man
  16. Looks good man!! SEe you on Guitarramanía!
  17. You'll use a floyd rose...just use gotoh's...
  18. Pukko, you're my favorite builder in this forum, all your work looks amazing, very clean and professional, and you always manage to design original guitars, retro looking, but very cool instruments, maybe some influence from Hagstrom? I love how this one looks man, keep up the good work
  19. I have no idea if it's similar to cedro paraguayo, but it looks exactly the same to spanish cedar, except it doesn't have the fragant smell, i have no idea if it's imported or a local wood either...but it looks nice...
  20. hehehe i ahve the same idea for a Telecaster, but i'm gonna paint it, since i carved the top of the guitar, theni thought that i was stupid and should have left the top flat and instead i could have just rivete some metal sheets on it, oh well, i'll paint it to look like a WW2 plane I love your designs man!! they look retro yet they are highly attractive!
  21. Thanks for the words man, I usually dislike PRS too...i think they are boring guitars, but i was looking at thje work of this guys from Spain, Alejandro Ramirez his website is www.o3custom.com and man, his guitars made my jaw hit the flood and i'm gas ing for a PRS guitar so i'll see what can i build... hehehe
  22. I think it's called Monkey Pod in the USA...Saman is the common name in Venezuela
  23. Cedrillo are the stripes on the back of the neck
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