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Everything posted by eddiewarlock

  1. It´s an original BC Rich quadmatic bridge, I bought this on ebay, pretty expensive, BC Rich just won´t sell them, i got really lucky and have 3 including this, i contacted a distributor in Spain that had 2 that they got by mistake, and sold them to me
  2. Not continental, they don´t have flights from Venezuela, it seems this time i´ll be flying with Air Portugal ( which i´m almost positive they suck) piece of advice : never fly with national airlines ie: air france, iberia, air portugal, etc etc etc I was worried because this is regular nitro, not catalized, which i think it´s the same Gibson uses, right?
  3. Hmmm when i went to england in march, they told me i couldn´t take it with me, that i had to check it, or buy another ticket, whcih was 1000$, that was with air france, this timw i think i´ll fly with another airline, i will call em, but i wanna have my bases covered...
  4. I would do it, but chances are they will take it away from me and put in in the cargo compartemt, where it will end up in pieces...
  5. As long as there are pets, they will turn the heating system on, if there are no pets, it will get cold as ****, according to my girlfriend, who works for japan airlines...
  6. Hmmm I have a question regarding paint, I know i already posted it on my warlock thread but this is the place to ask this question- hope someone knowleadgeble can answer it- Well this warlock was painted with nitro lacquer, i want to take it with me to England, but of course, it will spend more than 9 hours in a plane at minus 70 celsius, obviously the paint will check, so i want to give it a clear coat with 2 part automotive acrilic, made by Nexa. The guitar was painted first with catalized lacquer, and then , on top of it, regular lacquer as it ´s way easier to buff, i have done tests before, and if i remember correctly i can apply this 2 part acrilic paint on top of lacuqer, now my question is, if i do, will the paint still check? Thanks a lot
  7. The was probably some animals carried in the cargo compartment, i dunno if most transatlantic flights are heated/pressurised in the cargo compratment, my girlfriend is cabin crew for japan airlines, and she said unless there are animals, they don´t turn the heat on...
  8. Hmmm I have a question regarding paint- hope someone knowleadgeble can answer it- Well this warlock was painted with nitro lacquer, i want to take it with me to England, but of course, it will spend more than 9 hours in a plane at minus 70 celsius, obviously the paint will check, so i want to give it a clear coat with 2 part automotive acrilic, made by Nexa. The guitar was painted first with catalized lacquer, and then , on top of it, regular lacquer as it ´s way easier to buff, i have done tests before, and if i remember correctly i can apply this 2 part acrilic paint on top of lacuqer, now my question is, if i do, will the paint still check? Thanks a lot
  9. By the way Slain, i do know what you mean by kids playing Bronze warlocks, as it was my first BC Rich, so, i modified the hell of it : Mahogany body, neck glued to the body, single duncan distortion at bridge, grover tuners, and that HS on those guitars is the BCR pointy 6 in line http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd...warlockcopy.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/eddiewarlock/03.jpg
  10. The bridge is rougly intonated, but it is in the ball park, and Slain Angel, the pointy 6 in line for that guitar is different, yours look like a Jackson HS i should post a couple more pics today, thanks al for your comments
  11. The headstock is a pointy 6 in line, perhaps i should have posted a picture of the whole guitar, I´m a huge Sepultura/ Soulfly fan, so this is kinda like my version of a Max Cavalera warlock
  12. It will have a volume pot, i just haven´t drilled the hole for it, i haven´t done any electronics for it yet Glad you guys are liking it
  13. Hahaha i couldnñt find any more old strings lying around! hehe i just put those strings to keep the bridge in position
  14. I just need to solder the electronics, the specs are: Neck: mahogany, 3 pìece laminate Wings: Mahogany Figured mahogany veneer Fretboard: bound ebony, 24 frets, 24 3/4" scale Bridge: BCR quadmatic Pickup: Seymour Duncan JB http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd...ck/62be723e.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd...ck/100_0351.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/edd...ck/100_0352.jpg
  15. From what i´ve heard, the top wood won´t make much of a difference in sound...I say go for it, it looks really nice, and i like the no inlays thing
  16. I used CA as well, but i would recommend the gel type that sets in 30 seconds, i used regular CA on a preslotted fretboard, and while it worked great, the CA got into the slots and i had to spend a LOT of time with an x acto blade and nail polish remover very carefully to remove the CA from the fret slots but not detach the binding and damage it because nail polish remover attacks binding
  17. The stringers and the maple top only for the wongs sonds like a neat idea to me, or you can put still a maple top for the middle section and stringers, whicever option sounds cool to me, I wish i had the time and the money to build a mockingbird and an ironbird, but i need to finish first these 2 warlocks, flying V, PRS custom 24, carved top tele , 27 " scale RG 7 string, and explorer...
  18. Those carvin necks are gorgeous, but the lack of neck angle on them...you could cut it, if my memory serves me well, those necks are 1.7" thick, now, you run the risk of ruining that birdge, if i was you, I'd go for a hardtail kinda bridge
  19. I should have bought the maple top from Fryovanni, the one i bought won;t arrive here before i leave I paid 108$ for the top including shipping to England via air mail from America, and it's been a month since...
  20. ← Have it recromed and then spray a clear coat of poly, that's what i do when i use gold hardware, spray a clear coat of poly
  21. Dude!! leave the whole guitar trans purple, there's not need to hide anything! as far as inlays i'd go for diamonds, the cross idea sounds wicked, what fretboard is it gonna be? BTW I need to build an ironbird!!! so far it's been only warlocks, so i need a mockingbird and an ironbird
  22. Care to explain the Cianocrilate treatement? just to squeeze crazy glue on top on the wood so it absorbs it? I plan to use spalted maple at some point, and i was hoping it'd be just like you just described it is:) Looks gorgeus! xcongrats
  23. I'd say ebony as well, i think it;s the perfect match for a mahogany neck
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