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Everything posted by sepultura999

  1. why not? 20 bucks a week for half an hour to an hour isn't so bad unless you don't have a job or a mom or dad to fund you lol. The host on cyberfret even said it's best to learn through a teacher then online or anything. What about learning classical stuff, wouldn't that help your leads? I don't know what to look for in a teacher, but a lot of people suggest that if he/she has lots of students its best if he/she has a notepad to keep track of where you are. Also, you can learn grade style if you want. A lot of guitar teachers around here just teach whatever you want to learn, but in the end i think that might just leave you in the middle of nowhere - you can't remember how you got there, and you don't know if you can go forward, which is what happened to me and in the end I have improved my speed but I only know two scales, basic barre chords and open chords (which i taught myself) and the only theory I have learned (.001 percent) is from guitar pro 4 demo. Maybe my teacher was just inexperienced. I'm thinking of taking lessons and I found one guy who teaches grade style exactly from the Royal Conservatory of Music here in Toronto, of course I'll be learning on a classical guitar but I can always work my way to the electric. There's something like 10 grades and you can go beyond that by taking some kind of exam at the conservatory and then you start to do jams and concerts with other conservatory musicians. I think in the end it's best for me to go that way because a lot of the teachers I have found around here teach you songs to keep you interested, but I don't want that. I don't care how tough it is I'm going to stick with it. Hope this helps. Any thoughts on whatever I just said is appreciated lol. -Jamie
  2. rabjet if your mom passes away at 85 with illness or old age or whatever, you're telling me you wouldn't be upset and mourn for her because you saw it coming? The reason why people are upset is because he was a great leader who spoke out against communism, and was one of the first (if not only) to greet other religious leaders and apologize for the sins of the Roman Catholic church towards other religions. He also was one of the youngest popes and encouraged young children, hence why when he came to Toronto there were more teens there then any other age group. If you follow history, a lot of religious leaders didn't promote peace except amongst their own religion or people. Not to mention he uplifted many people's spirits by speaking, and i don't mean just by saying hello. I do however think the media is going a little nuts. Two weeks ago it was more crap on the war in iraq, then terry schiavo, and now the pope and it goes to show how things can be easily forgotten, which is a shame. Today's story is Tomorrow's history, or something like that. You may not think of it as being a tragedy, however it is a great loss and even I was upset because he was a great leader, and a lot of non-religious people respect him, as they do with many other leaders like desmond tutu, and the dali lama. Your 2 cents is noted but seriously not worth anything, especially for a non-religious person to say "oh my God". Also keep in mind the man was shot and suffered parkinsons disease, so "torture chamber" may not be the right word, but in pain? probably. masterminds: what are you talking about?
  3. of course it is. it's the quality or state of being decrepit
  4. maybe they're just taunting us. Making us crave them but of course never releasing them so we just end up talking about them and asking "what if...?" -Jamie
  5. it is, but what's better is if you give it to me unexpectedly. So how about giving it to me at a random point in time? -Jamie
  6. not sure, but you could go to your local library and ask if they have it and look at it before you make a purchase. It's got a good review as well. It seems like that's the only book on how to make archtop guitars from when I browsed amazon. http://www.dave.weimer.com/default.htm there's a link on building your own archtop, step by step. Hope this helps.
  7. http://www.guitare-village.com/amplis_24.php this is the one i am talking about it's 50 watts but it's a damn nice amp.
  8. i dunno if it could work but it could be a real pain in the butt. It's easier to just get it from Brian at universaljems, or if you're really strapped for cash, look in Dollar Stores or Arts and Craft stores. -Jamie
  9. the XXX is really nice for distortion, except the clean was kinda crap imo. Every peavey I have tried does not hold its own when it comes to clean, including the classical series. If you want clean, go with a fender. If you want the thick sludgy distortion, go with the XXX If you want a good rocked out one, nothing beats a JCM 800 lead series just my opinion. holy crap lol. My Fender Deville 4x10 is only 60 watts tube and the loudest i could have it in my house was 2 (out of 12) before the walls would start rumbling. If you live in an apartment please consider other people, unless you're trying to get evicted, or piss someone off -Jamie
  10. i could give you my input but i would need to know what chords you use already, because some chords sound amazing on their own, but when put with another it could be a catastrophe, imo at least. A tab of it would be best, but if you don't want to do that, then that's cool, just the chords should do. -Jamie
  11. make it symetirical, pref. the left side like the right side and it should look good, kinda like a bc rich style. -Jamie
  12. good to see another canadian here. Can't wait for metal matt to come back -Jamie
  13. also, why is this in the tutorials and referrence section? Please post it in the in progress and finished work section.
  14. awesome concept, but the pickup location looks bad when falling off the edge imo.
  15. thanks a lot Greg P and Gorecki. I have to get a new computer of course, and i've read some of the previous threads and all. here's what im getting so far, and its possible that it could all change. This computer's basic useage is recording and surfing the internet. No games or downloading music or dvds.... MICROSOFT® WINDOWS® XP HOME Intel® Celeron™ Processor (2.40 GHz, 128KB L2 Cache, 400MHz FSB) 1 Gb DDR memory 250 Gb SATA hard drive 15" flat panel LCD monitor CD reader/burner 3D sound card Is this enough to handle everything? A retail clerk at a music store told me that Presonus Firepod is an external soundcard, so I don't need a really expensive soundcard installed on the computer, just basic internal for PC bleeps and stuff. Is this correct? I was thinking for headphones of getting the Zalman surround sound headphones http://www.quietpc.ca/headphones.html The only problem I am thinking that could occur is I would have to go into the control panel every time I'd want to use either the Roki monitors, or the Zalman. Is it possible to have them both going at the same time? Thanks. -Jamie
  16. seek and destroy sounds good, though i can't get the solo! i'm not much of a soloer so i dont know where to start, any help please? PM me since i dont wanna hijack this thread. If I Had A Million Dollars - Barenaked Ladies is a pretty easy chord song Nirvana is as easy as it gets when it comes to powerchords simple man - lynyrd skynyrd for finger picking but there's prolly easier ones.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...7308619645&rd=1 wild wood. is that even wood? how would you even get something like that? -Jamie
  18. i understand, so it's more of an effect. i looked at my first post and what i meant was, if PG allowed other contests, it wouldn't be imo good to have a violin compete with a mandolin or something. Aren't they part of two different families? It would be cool to have these other contests however, I haven't seen one acoustic guitar made on this site yet (if so send me the link) so i don't know if the mods or brian would want to jump right into it but it would be cool. Like i said earlier, just post the pic and info in the in progress and finished thread and if they don't allow it then dont do it again. You dont need it in a contest when theres not a whole range of people doing non-guitars here (banjos, mandos, sitars, etc).. btw if nothings making sense, dont mind me, im super tired lol -Jamie
  19. good to always learn something new any violinists or classical pieces you know of that do this style? -Jamie
  20. Never heard a plucked violin in an actual music piece but i have heard a plucked violin and it sounds dreadful, because they're meant to be bowed, not plucked, or picked. William Laskin talked about this in one of his discussions about sound characteristics in November when I saw him. I forget exactly why but he discussed it in great detail. You mean you've heard Jimmy Page, right? If it's him you are reffering to, he can only do it on the low E string because the strings aren't arched like on a violin which he discussed in one of the previous guitar magazines in the last 6 months. A guitar can be bowed, however only one string, and a violin sounds like garbage when plucked, so i think it is pretty black and white. I am not saying you can't do it though. Jonathan Wilson makes violin guitars. -Jamie
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