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Everything posted by ToneMonkey

  1. Wow man, that's sad. I was talking to my old man about him last week. Bad news
  2. 6 goons in the back of a van....... ........say no more
  3. I painted a guitar with the same stuff, but the brush on version. Only 1 coat needed as the stuff goes on like treacle. You also can't sand it back and put another quote on. EDIT - Make thet "put another COAT on" - been sorting quotes out all day, must have them on the brain. It looks OK if you're into that sort of thing
  4. Nah, no can do, sorry blink. Jason Lollar's a good bloke, I've spoke to him over at Ampge a few times. He's a small business and I should imagine that the book might bring in a bit of good income to him (when he prints it anyway ). I think to have a copy floating around cyberspace would take money out of the blokes pocket. I'd probably do it if was a big company, but not a small guy. Maybe all those who want the book should get together and you should get one person to send him an email on everyones behalf. You could even start a thread here and send him a link to it. Everyone who wanted it could raise there cyber hand in the thread and if there's enough, you never know he might print a few. Hopefully, he'll stick around as he would be a MASSIVE bonus to the site and also makes some mighty fine axes. Kaj
  5. Mailman, If you are UK based then, I can print them out for you and post them. All for the bargin price of a beer (inc. postage) Kaj
  6. Matt, When we were using strong lights, even with the exhaust fan (and ours was a bit of a monster) we still had a big heat spot just below the light. This gets very hot and burnt anything near it - we did have something much more delicate though. Our light was hung on chains directly over the pieces (so that it was horizontal), we had an exhaust fan/filter mounted at high level and a low level air intake (I think if your curing laquer then a non return valve on the inlet my be a good idea (they're not too expensive). The oscillating fan that we used, cost about £5. It was a little desk type one with a bull dog type cilp, to connect it to your desk. Easy to mount, inexpensive and worked wonders. As for the relative humidity, we have a BIG damp problem in the house a the minute (loose tiles and lazy landlord). We paid about £15 for a disposable dehumidifier that we just empty and reuse. I think it's got silica gel (sp? - It's too early) in it so you'd have to check the COSHH sheet to see if it can handle the temperature.
  7. ahhhh flood control and no edit feature . Anyway, these ones are FAR more expensive than the cheep (patio umbrella mounted) ones that I saw in the garden centre http://www.grovelands.com/acatalog/Electri...io_Heaters.html
  8. I'd say that you need to have air flow around the piece too to avoid hotspots. A little oscillating fan would probably be OK. I think infra red lamps would be wicked for giving the heat in the room (like the lamps they use to keep food warm). UV lights produce virtually no heat so they can be placed right next to the piece (or plant in my experience) to give the maximum amount of lumins to the piece (light intensity is an inverse square law - twice the distance away means a quarter of the intesity, 3 times as far away gives one ninth of the intensity) so providing it's the actual light that you want the you want (and not the heat) this would be a good choice. I saw an electric patio heater at the weekend, I'll have a search and post a link as it may be handy.
  9. oooooooooo tough month, I like the simplicity, Malsteens. But I like Stew's. But I like Perry's (except for the colour, but what can you do). The back of thegarehanman's headstock is gorgous. Hell they're all top notch so Stew gets it because of the light (and because I like boats ) Well done to all entries, you can all be proud.
  10. If you're UK based then I can post it to you and you can BORROW it. If you swipe it, I'll hunt you down like a dog because it took me a while to get hold of it
  11. Rhodes, Rather than using mirror, I'd use Mylar. It reflects something like 98% of light and heat and it also comes in rolls so it's good for a flap type door. It's generally used for indoor horticulture where you need to reflect the maximum light from a sodium lamp. It's cheaper than mirrors and FAR more durable.
  12. Found this a while ago, hope it helps. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~g0nette/case/case1.htm Kaj
  13. I think he means Carbon Monoxide
  14. Yeah, I know what you mean, been planning a special resonator with my mate, it will be a thing of beauty, but if no one buys it, we can't afford to make it, if you know what I mean. I've heard of the prof that was working on this project, I've also heard of his other work and I would say that those guitars will be doing exactly what he wants them to. Next time I head up that way again, I might pop in and see them.
  15. Well, last night I was reading an Alumni magazine and I found an article about these guys. They started it off as a Phd project, but now it's a business. They're still based at my old uni. http://www.coolacoustics.com/ What do you think?
  16. Crafty - My apologies for getting a bit too heated. You have your view, that’s fine. I just don't like being told I'm something that I'm not. We've had (good) words on this board before, I can't see that changing because of this thread. No hard feelings (and I'm from Sweden too - well born there, no Swedish blood in me though) sepultura999 - I agree with you dude. I said in a post a while back that I find it hard to believe smoking just weed alone is harmless. I smoke with tobacco and I wish I'd never started (tobacco that is). I used to be fit, but now I'm not. Quitting smoking the baccy has been on the cards for a while now. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever done (and that's against some pretty stiff competition). I'll probably go down the same route as my folks and just smoke a pipe. Lovekraft - If you think that I'm trying to be outrageous or trying to impress people then sorry dude, you're so far wrong. I'm just being honest. I've taken note of what you said and your right, got a bit out of hand. I thought that a few minutes after posting. Basically, what I was trying to say (in a bad way I know) is that you can't say people are going to screw up because they smoke dope. Yeah, I'm not going to say that some people wont, some will, but often that's because of more than just the dope. The vast majority of people I know who smoke, have decent jobs and have no problems holding them down. Two are the best parents that I've seen. Personally, I've worked damn hard to be where I am today (physically, mentally and emotionally - honest to god, it's been an uphill struggle all the way to this point) and to be told that I'm wasting my life, gets my back up. My life’s damn good, thank you very much and I've earnt everything I have (again physically, mentally and emotionally). How much I have, do or will smoke is irrelevant. I think the philosophy of: "It doesn't matter if your black or white, rich or poor (smoke or don't smoke), you're either a w**k*r or your not, that's all that counts in the end" I think Aristotle that said that Right then, hopefully no hard feeling all round. I'd better go and earn some cash. See you later guys
  17. Actually crafty, I'm over 22 and I have loads of mates. Hell, my folks are 50 and smoke, they've got loads of mates too. mmm, I have loads of mates over 22 that smoke and are quite popular (as well as mates that don't smoke BTW) Your statement is not only complete botty drivel, but quite offensive. And in your last paragraph, I take it the 150mph driver is the pothead that killed your mate. Just sounds like your average wanker to me, nothing to do with the drugs. Oh and just to top off the last little about the wasters: I have mates who smoke who are Engineers, Doctors, Vets, even one who was in the House of Lords to name just a few. Christ, I live next door to a drugs councillor who has the odd one. I got a degree while smoking everyday (supposedly one of the hardest in the country) so wasters, I think not. Just small minded stereotypes. You’re Scottish aren't you? Well all your going to do is drink whiskey, headbutt people and beat up the wife. Maybe one day if your lucky you'll die of liver disease. See stereotypes (like the Scottish one above) are inevitably wrong. (Well except for the Scottish side of my family, that about sums them up perfectly - luckily enough my granddads nearly dead, slowly and painfully which is nice, good riddance )
  18. Well fair enough, but I only skin up with rolling baccy anyway, which is better (from a loads of nasty chemicals trying to kill you point of view). And in your quotes (in different postings) it says 1 splif = 22 fags and also that 1 splif = 4 fags. Anyway, who the hell cares. People will do what they want, some here will smoke, some wont. Doesn't make me feel any different about any one on this board. Do what you please, make your own mistakes, find your own way. And finally, don't believe everything you read on the net (pro or anti anything). It's generally unsolicited information. Right then, nearly finished work so I'm off home to chong on the peace pipe. I've just run out of baccy, don't get payed until Monday and my import baccy wont be here until later tonight. Guess I should stop spending all my money on beer and drugs
  19. Well, when I get home daily. I'll usually roll strong one and open a beer. I usually wait until he missus gets home, roll her one and myself another, open another beer and cook dinner (although I haven't had a beer for the last 3 days). So I kind of fail on all of those points You raised very good points in your post, I couldn't (and haven't) put it better myself.
  20. Well I can honest say that that's not true. I must smoke maybe 5 or 6 a night and that is nothing like smoking 132 fags a day. Hell I smoked about 20 fags in the pub on Friday night and my chest felt a lot worse the next day.
  21. Well, I've not posted in thread for a while as i was getting peoples backs up. It all looks like it's calmed down a bit so here goes: I couldn't really care if it was legalised or not. It's decriminalised over here, but it's not legal. I smoke, quite a lot to be honest - I'd say that there's probably been about 10 days in the last few years that I haven't. I'm not saying it to try and be big and cleaver, that's just the truth. If it was illegal, then I'd still do it. I just don't want to lose my liberty in these so called "free countries" because I like a smoke. I find it hard to see the truth in the fact that smoking dope is harmless. Unless you're smoking it with a vaporiser then your still breathing in plant. Smoking with tobacco is obviously a stupid idea. Smoking British hash is also a bad idea (because it's crap). Drinking is a bad idea etc etc. If I stopped, would I live for twice as long or would it just feel like it?
  22. I think alot of the problems here have been caused by everyone geting a little overheated in some conversations. It just seems like there are a few people here (Perry, Drak, Wes etc) that come down (sometimes rightly) quite hard on people. But then, what I think is the major problem, is the torrent of other peoples posts repeating what the established members have said. Sometimes it just seems like a playground with the little insecure ones tagging onto the bigger boys, doing what they do and saying what they say. In some cases, this has got more out of hand and people have been followed around the boards constantly having people on their backs. Look at the Litchfield thread and how out of hand that got. There were people posting in it that never knew Litch when he was here, all piping up with their own opinion. My axe is on hold at the minute because there are too many other things going on for me at the minute. For this reason, I don't post in the technical sections anymore. I read them, but I have no experience so I don't reply, I don't need to ask questions so I don't ask questions. I think if people just got the hell out of what doesn't concern them, instead of chipping in an opinion all the time, the whole place will chill out a bit. May peace be with you and may the trolls nevr come knocking on your monitor. Kaj
  23. With respect to the side stresses of using it as a router, I'm a bit unsure nowadays as I use my drill press with drum sanders and it seems fine. So I think providing you make muliple passes and only take a little bit off at a time, it MIGHT work. No sub for the real thing though.
  24. *ToneMonkey unstrings himself from tree, buries dead horse and goes happily about his business*
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