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Everything posted by haggardguy

  1. That my friend... is a sexy guitar...there i said it.
  2. Im with bigtommyb on this one,I wouldnt want to go drilling my knobs so hopefully the pliers will work.
  3. Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you.. clever reworking of lyrics here, happy birthday to you
  4. Thats pretty sweet,I like the pickup rings they really make it for me. About scalloping it makes it so you can paly with a lighter touch and its supposed to make leads easier, it makes chords harder to do though..its a give and take situation.
  5. Amen for Hot Rails, 59s and JBs, I'll throw the Bill Lawrence XL-500 into this too just because its a good price and I love it.
  6. Hey,welcome to the forum I'm glad you have agood idea of what you're doing and no one needs to tel lyou to use the search button. In my opinion I don't think the parker headstock would be strong enough because Parker uses composite materials, you'll want to get a couple more opinions first though.
  7. True, I just figured if this guy had to ask if he could replace a pickup that trying to get actives and passives in one guitar might be a little much,not to offend anybody but I doubt its a beginners job.
  8. For adjusting the string height hig h to avoid noise I think you might have some fretwork to do, just the first thing that came to my mind.
  9. Thats nice,simple ..but effective. Give us some stats buddy, don't leave us hangin
  10. You can technically put a pickup wherever as long as it lines up with the strings,the tone will be different although not neccesarily "bad". You can't use an active with non active pickups. You could replace all the wiring and just leave the other pickups in for show if you wanted.
  11. This may be a dumb question but I wanted to know if I can replace a 22 fret board with a 24 fret board? It'll be the same scale and the only thing i can think of is losing a bit of pickup room which is easily enough remedied. Thanks, Spencer
  12. Read the questions this guy got asked.. Would this soul conflict with my current soul? If it does, what could i do to fix this problem? Also, what would happen to the spare soul once I reach the gates of heaven? Cheers 16-Jun-05 A: The spare soul shall be exchanged for your sinned soul, your original soul will enter heavan and the good soul shall go to hell Some souls do have operating system clashes, but this soul is adaptable to all os, 1986 and onwards, for pre 1986, you'll need an upgrade OH man this guys a loser
  13. Just keep going to friends houses with the intention of going on PG but say you just wanna chill or jam or hang out, then be like "I gotta check sometyhing on the computer" then just stay on PG till your friend kicks you out.
  14. Good luck on your future computerless adventures, we'll miss you and your big hands :D
  15. 1)laminate body? 2) with a headstock like that it should have a floyd or similar double locking trem just my $0.02
  16. Congrats, thats really awesome that it all finally worked out, I remember when i first came to this forum I read the webpage of a man with a plan, he had built the tremel-no and I was ecstatic about it (me being a floyd rose kinda guy and all) then I was disappointed to learn it wasnt available to the public yet but now my hopes may finally be realised and yours too as the tremel-no finally becomes available. I can't wait to see you in guitar world
  17. A wheely bin eh? In canada we call em garbage cans
  18. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...7329014196&rd=1 In case anyone is trying to find something crazy like this
  19. hehehe im glad someone knew what they were talking about.
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