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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. Wow now suddenly its finished! I have quite often wondered what a 2" thick SG would be like so its great to see someone else who has done it!
  2. I think we all know that feeling! By the way how thick is the body? it looks like Les Paul dimensions in that dept.
  3. Thanks guys yes its an LR Baggs Element, one of the most expensive components installed on the guitar
  4. Just a little more, compared to an R9 and demonstrating its accoustic abilities ......and by the way all the things I play are just off the top of my head. I'm not trying to play a particular tune and I haven't practiced anything and don't have anything written down, I just make it up as I go along...otherwise I would never get anything done
  5. This is just a quick demo of my ES. I can never play a whole song through without stuffing up so I thought "less is more" on this occasion! Good grief I look like an old man!
  6. JFTR, there's no way I would make the Mahogany thinner! I've gone through all this years ago and my conclusion was Maple cap FTW but the top of the Mahogany is so beautiful. The back on the other hand has a flaw in it and if I had noticed it beforehand I would have made it the top and the cap would have gone on it with no hesitation I have been watching as many Youtubes as I can that feature all-hog Les Pauls and sometimes I can tell the difference. I've also made two guitars that have all hog bodies (not LP's) I don't really like them but there's no way of knowing what this particular piece of wood will sound like. I'm trying to figure out a way of fitting a neck and trying it out before I buy. Another thing to remember is SG's are all mahogany. The thinner body makes them sound brighter
  7. Yeah the reason I'm asking is I always thought the all-mahogany Customs were a bit slimmer than the maple capped ones but on mylespaul.com there is a video of Barrie Cadogan demonstrating a '55 Custom and it looks even chunkier than usual My R9 is 2" at edge and 2 3/8" in the centre I know dimensions vary a lot with Les Pauls but I wonder by how much!
  8. In this article it says that a 1955 Les Paul Custom thickness is 1 3/4 inches I'm wondering if that means at its deepest point in the middle or around the edges https://www.premierguitar.com/articles/1955_Gibson_Les_Paul_Custom_and_1956_Gibson_GA-70
  9. Yes on my ES-137 I made mistakes when doing my top and it ended up way too thin. I kept it full thickness down the centre but when I routered out the pickups I realised I didn't make it wide enough. When I strung it up the first time it held together until I tuned up the last string, then the top collapsed LOL (nothing serious just a glue joint) After that I glued in a block of wood between the pickups under the top and so far has held together. If that fails I have a "sound post" ready to install Before I installed the frets I tried 25.3" scale and it had a nice chime about it, just that little bit brighter. Unfortunately I had designed it for 24.75" and I couldn't move the saddle further back. Just for the record 25.3" is what Gibson actually use when they say 25.5"
  10. Looks good, I just did a hollow body and doing the carved top presented some bad words. The through-neck is a good idea, it would solve a lot of the problems I had. By the way what scale length are you aiming for? I did 24 3/4 on mine but I think 25.3 might have been better
  11. I've heard that Tasmanian Blackwood is a good substitute for Mahogany
  12. I'm like a caveman seeing a motor car for the first time. I don't know whether to worship it or throw spears at it!
  13. Hi I hope you find the forum helpful I know it has been for me. Every time I mess something up its reassuring to know that others have "been there done that"
  14. Last couple of times I sprayed I went up to a 2mm tip and I'm sure it was an improvement. The lacquer goes on thick enough to be wet and its a bit faster. However I can still see it drying too fast even on a cool day (around 65 degrees) Think it would still be better with a HVLP gun but want to try increasing the psi before parting with cash I did the LP copy and the ES and by the way there's still no cracks in the ES!
  15. The Rosewood saddle I made is going quite well. I did a quick check on the intonation and its in the ball-park. I want to lower the action a bit more before I do too much
  16. I can't believe this, I was thinking "yeah he died quite some time ago" but I read it again just now, and I realised I was reading "Steve Priest" but thinking Brian Connolly!
  17. I have always been mesmerised by this guy's guitar playing and tone
  18. This is too funny..... So I was thinking to myself "what sound do I think rates as 'the best' in electric guitars"? and what came to mind is Michael Schenker so I looked it up and in his early career he used.....drum roll...........a Les Paul! DOH!
  19. Actually you made me realise why I had this misconception. With other instruments we hear about its usually ones used in Classical music that are highly regarded, like the Stadivarius violin. A Les Paul or any solid body guitar would not register on the Richter scale in the Classical music world
  20. What kind of veneer would you use, do you have a piece of the Red Cedar? I had a terrible time getting a good fit on my last Les Paul build and I ended up gluing a piece in. It was about 1/4 inch thick to start with then routered it down to size. Its not seen in a Les Paul but in your Strat it would be. This is how I did mine. You might come up with a better way!
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