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Everything posted by ryeisnotcool2

  1. well...... what is the link? how do i just post them right to the page?
  2. just ask around, i found a guy who has a ton of mahogany, i became good freinds with him and i just bought nough mahogany for 8 bodies and about 7 necks and a few tops worth for 100$!!!! its great mahogany. you just have to ask anyone and every one!
  3. prs for me! gibsons are over rated, i hate ibanez's, fenders are boring, i have a 61 gibson sg/lespaul that would be my second after the prs. prs's are great right out of the box, store, whatever. gibsons always need to be re setup.
  4. well tell me how to post pics and i will try to have some tommorow!
  5. what i do is i bought a window fan place it in the window facing out and seal off the rest of the window, there like 15$ in US. and i wear a resperator, like 40$ at lowes or depot, again in the US. i have one of those oil filled radiant space heaters and have a small room that i keep around 75- 80 deg. its cold over hear and my laquer finishes are turning out nice. the room is also sealed off from the rest of the house with weather stripping around the door!
  6. i like the cases but i dont like the outside of them with that carpeting. i'd rather have tolex.
  7. well i just finished my hollow body tonight! its frikin awsome! walnut back with three stage bindings, mahogany top with f-holes. wenge fretboard and pickup rings, and humbucker sized p90's . as soon as i get some picks i will need help uploading them so if any one wants to help me it would be much appretiated. oh and it sounds beutiful! nice tone and the right amount of sustain. and it plays like a prs!
  8. as far as the neck joint thing, build the thing good anyway, it takes no more time to build it perfect than it does to build it sloppy. and in the end you will be proud of what you build and not curse yourself out for being impatient and just slapping it together. "its a guitar not a nasa satalite" i take great offense to this comment derek because a guitar is way better than any sattalite nasa builds! music is what the world revolves around not no stupid satalite! and besides nasa is just another avenue that the government launders our tax money!
  9. ive heard some people say they oil there fret boards, what tpe of oil should i use? linseed?
  10. ok then im in but what is the prize gonna be? im not sinkin 600$ for no prize, of coarse my guitars are a prize of themself. but i think i give this one a go. i use it as a tax right off!
  11. if you want to practice, just dont bother with the neck. unless your gonna use it it could be more time wasted pulling the frets. you could just practice on a head stock inlay or just get a peice of nice wood and do a few inlays in that. its all practice and it doesnt have to be practice on a neck. this way once your confident in your skills you can inlay in a fresh new fret board then put the frets in. but this is just the way i learned how you can do what you want.
  12. id be in as soon as i finish the other 5 guitars im building. maybe i will try it but just not compete, so i dont rush anything. im very competetive.
  13. yeah bubinga is a beutiful wood! im currently building a mahogany body with a three piece bubinga top that has a 1/8 strip of canary wood in the jionts and ar aligned with the neck so there kinda like racing stripes. it looks great! the neck is a three piece lam. that is canary in the center and another white figured exotic on the outsides,im not sure what it is. but bubinga is a very popular wood.
  14. hmm........ well it would be a good guitar for a live show! if they boo ya you can stick em with it! it would be cool just to hang up but i doubt i'd play it much
  15. yeah that is just a natural spalted top, im almost finished a spalted flamed top, 3 more coats of laquer to go! and the thin line is usually a veneer walnut is nice for them ecpecially on maple. purple heart would look really cool to, but i dont know if you can get that in a veneer.
  16. thanks! that is what im looking for! your awsome!
  17. Its true, ive fixed an old acostic that someone refinished with really thick top clear coat, and man did it sound like crap! if your going for the "buget" i;d get maybe three to four cans of stew mac black laquer or go to reranch and get some red laquer. and do maybe six coats if they are thin coats. but be careful not to sand through when your are leveling it!
  18. Hey guys im lookin for an old white stingray humbucker, it doesnt have to work but it needs to be white unless anyone knows where i can get a music man white cover for one.
  19. as soon as i get that guitar done i will post some pics!
  20. Ok though so! thanks! yeh i ve used " stew macs "crazy glue" for inlays, it works but like clavin sayed it does shrink. so i need to start using something else, ive also used two part epoxies but the ones ive used are always to soft after they are dry. how are stew macs epoxies? ar what would be a good brand to buy and where?
  21. Man He makes nice pups! i bought a set of humbucker sized soapbars with faux tortoise on the top. they look great! i cant wait to install them in the hollow body im building! i'll let you guys know how they sound.
  22. this maybe stupid, but what excactly is CA? ive used epoxies for inlays but ive also used stewmac black and stew macs thin "superglue" are the stew macs CA's?
  23. yep three days for me! if only they werent so expensive!
  24. you could inlay something over it like mother of pearl and then recut the slot?
  25. i love scarf joints! i can stand on mine they are frikin strong! i do a 14 deg. angle
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