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Everything posted by pauliemc

  1. I duno about ultra gloss for this one. Maby a semi gloss nitro. or hand rubbed with a fine compound to get a nice sheen. Reminds me of a Black Forest Gateaux. very rich cake. Always good when a guitar makes me think of food. means your colours are spot on
  2. Its not supposed to be visable at every angle. Flame moves about on a top as the light hits it at different angles. Clear it & you will be fine. Go look at it in good natural light & you will see what I mean. Light in a workshop doesnt realy show you what you need.
  3. Pretty much have it there. I would add also. mark your centre line then get the neck pocket done. After the neck is sitting in place then use the neck to make A NEW centre line. ensuring that the new line is central to the neck. then you can mark ot everything else to the new line & be sure its all squared to the neck Probobly stating the obvious, but never hurts to mention it.
  4. Those all look faulty. You should probobly just give them to me to dispose of for you
  5. My cousin bought a Les Paul a while ago that was awfull. But he's always wanted a Les Paul ever since he got to play mine & so just bought one thinking it would compare favourably. It did not. His needed a partial fret job, a new nut, a replacement bridge & in my opinion a new fretboard. Some of the chunks taken out of it were disgracefull. I would not have allowed one of my own guitars out of the shop like that if you put a gun to my head. The problem was that it was the only one he liked to look of in the shop. There were others there that were excellent, Including a blue burst thing with p90's that was an animal. He bought the wrong one against my advice. He was lucky he had a family member that could sort all his problems for free. But I have to say, Gibson get a hammering for their guitars from a lot of people. I see (hear) a lot of crap about them & thats exactly what most of it is, Crap. The majority of their guitars are good quality, Once you set them up to your own personal playing style they are a thing of beauty. I have noticed over the years that most of the guys bashing them are Fender players who have never even touched a Gibson, & vice versa. Kinda like the whole "my car's faster than your car" thing Personaly. I love Les Pauls, Best guitars Iv ever played from a factory. Its an awful shame when one comes along & ruins that view, but it does occasionaly happen. At least this one got to a decent guitar guy who could salvage it & make it live up to its reputation.
  6. Exactly, There can be only one !! & I rekon it should be a lefty PRS type thingy. Come on all you backwards wired lefty weirdos !! get voting !! Come to think of it, There are 2 backward wired weirdo guitars in this month. Rediculious amount of entries, rediculious level of build standard & 2 lefties, Whats next ? COTM Corvus Of Them Month
  7. Got it in one. I peeled the tape from the bottom end toward the neck & that little spot went to crap. I was gona set up to fix it, But the customer didnt care. There were other little areas that were not spot on, Like the stripe to binding transition on the back. & a little run over of the black by the neck on the top bout. But he did not want them fixed. rekoned we did good to save it at all. Just happy to have Gods Hammer back in action. (its been dubbed Gods Hammer as it weighs an absolute tonne, I mean properly heavy, just how I like them) Anyway, Piks of the back. Tried to follow the same theme here as the front. Striped like a 427 Cobra. The binding is there to mirror the front & keep the white stripe thing going. Left the sides unpolished aswell. so they stand out more from the blue front & back. Also to get that kinda rough black finish you have with stone chip finishes on the undersides of some cars.
  8. Some piks of this one polished & assembled. Should realy be in the original build thread But I cant seem to get that thread to work for some reason. I will put up some of the back & neck over the weekend. I think it came out pretty cool - even if I do say so myself
  9. Being a lefty is an easy fix. Just mirror the image As to the rest. I have to let the customer have their own way on number of pups & bridge styles & so on. But i was happy enough with the finished gitir. even though I didnt realy play it (thats the problem with leftys)
  10. Good luck with that Amigo. I've got a couple of friends that are going to be in Dublin this weekend. I told them to drink an Irish beer for me and to raise a toast to Paulie at Aolean Guitars When they get to the pub. Keep your ears open, they tend to get loud. SR They will need to get seriously loud to stand out in a dublin pub on a weekend 20,000 raging lunatics lettin rip at the game of drink.
  11. Well its up for GOTM this month. Have not put anything up there for a while, Time for another ass kikin I rekon
  12. LEFTY 25. Body: single piece sapele back, Bookmatched carved flamed maple top. Neck: 5 piece multi laminate. Maple, Walnut & Ash, With a scarfed Black walnut headstock. Ebony fretboard with side dots only. 24 Medium frets. dual acting truss rod. Deep tennon - goes to middle of bridge pickup. Hardware: Grover machines. Floyd left hand locking nut, Gotoh left hand floyd bridge, Bareknuckle Humbucker. Bareknuckle p90, Kinman noiseless single coil, 1 vol. 1 tone, 5 way blade selector. Finish: Candy cherry finish to top with faux binding. Tortoise effect on back. Satin finish to back of the neck. This is the build thread My link There are more piks on my site My link
  13. Stupid question. But how do you donate ? Whats the paypal account to send to ? The link on the front page of the site doesnt seem to send me to the right place. Or am I being an idiot & missing a step here
  14. Yea. Radioactive ultra gloss from Behlen. Nice shiney stuff after you polish it up. I usualy get it to 4000 grit then hit the buffing wheel & compound for about a half hour a face. so about 1.5 hours of final polishing to get this. The tortoise look is easy. Stain the timber black & cut it back until only the pores are coloured. then seal the timber. Spay a coat of black tinted clear that has been thinned out. immediatly dab it with a bunched up piece of cotton. I use a sheet as it gets the whole guitar in a single dab. dont move the cotton about. Just mash it down once & remove it. Wait a few days & lightly cut the finish with some 800 grit & apply 8-12 coats of clear. Then buff like a demon. you get Tortoise shell timber
  15. I like spanish cedar. But I cant get it here very often. Been over a year since I saw any
  16. Back of the neck & body. Reflecting half the workshop here. dig my orange bucket in the second pik
  17. Full lenght in brighter light Headstock
  18. I was screwing around with this one before it left. trying to figure out how to use the new camera. These are not the best as I havent gotten the hang of the light settings yet. but they will have to do as the gitir is long gone at this point Anyway. The front. same kinda shot - but different settings to try get the candy finish to work. didnt get it right but they still look OK
  19. Iv seen it follow the top carve & show some maple underneath. But iv also seen it change thickness. My own preferance is to change thickness & match the carve. Id say ignore all the Gibson purist mumbo jumbo about what is bext & do whatever the fook you feel like at the time
  20. Screw it. Put some strings on it. That big hollow hull might make a good acoustic body. But I rekon Muzz will need to hit the weights pretty hard to use it on stage for more than a song or 2 BEEF CAKE !!
  21. Where do you get this "Elbow grease" stuff. I have tried everywhere & nobody stocks it It does seem to work wonders in all sorts of places, I simply must find a drum of it somewhere
  22. was hoping you wouldnt chamber the hell out of it. Prefer my LP's heavy as a chieftan tank. But no matter. your gitirs are always rockin, so i rekon it will look the nuts when done.
  23. Was never a fan of these. look very awkward. But I saw Joe Satriani's & actualy liked the way it felt in the hand. Played nice, despite the fact that they were never supposed to have existed . It was a korina guitar, which I think for gibbo, often means it was most likly a pre-production mule for testing. Will be interesting to see your own take on it.
  24. I used to get tear out like that with the drill press. Its not a disaster. I usualy got it when the drill was only going about 1700 rpm, & Id try drive the bit into the timber too hard/fast. Just go slower on the lever when driving the bit & make sure the drill head is going at its max possible speed, Sorts it out no problem. But then the other fix is to stain the recesses black, use a mad polished finish that glows like a radioactive diamond, & big Vol/Tone knobs like a Gibson. Hides it very well
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