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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Only the amateurs and very few good players play bass with a pick. It just sounds not half as good as if you play with the fingers. Lemmy.
  2. take that back...my dad is nearing 50 and has very little hair. he shaved his head for the summer last year, and his shiny white dome just looked bad... Some people look good shaved. Satch, for example... along with Paul Shaffer (sp?).
  3. Yes, two of 'em One's a show band, a one-shot gig. It's a bit like a musical with no plot line. Singing, dancing, bad country music (which the musicians bitch about to no end), but hell, we get to play ZZ Top and Aerosmith, so we're happy. No, name no homepage. The other band: set up for the Battle of the Bands, April 30th... Name: The Runs No homepage Music: all kindsa sh*t. We've played Pennywise, Prong, surf (wipeout and pipeline), Gimme Some Lovin', Judith (A Perfect Circle), Sober (by Tool)... we're all over the goddamned map. About the only thing we won't touch is 80's pop stuff. It's two guitarists (or one guitarist and one keys player -yours truly), drummer, bassist/guitarist, singer, and drummer.
  4. I'd be tempted to go for a three piece unit: make the black part, bolt a neck onto it, and screw in third piece (the blade). IMO, it seems like an easier approach than trying to build around a neckthrough.
  5. Just a tip: you could probably throw that fourth staff into the bass clef, and save yourself a few ledger lines. Also, you could throw your Eb into the key signature, so you don't have to write out all the flats.
  6. OK... two kits per axe it is! Thanks for all your help, guys.
  7. Generally, key changes follow the circle of fifths, either adding or subtracting a single sharp (or flat, depending on how you think about it). So if you're in Eb (3 flats), you'd go to either Bb (2 flats), or Ab (four flats).
  8. Ok, a friend and I are painting two axes, and we're going to use the same paint scheme: a magenta/gold color-shifting paint from Duplicolor called mirage. The set comes with three cans, 8 oz. each. The second can, the color one, says to spray 3-6 coats. I intend to go for all six, to maximize the shift. My question is: will I be able to get 12 coats of paint out of an 8 oz. can?
  9. Unless I'm mistaken, acetone is the same thing as nail polish remover.
  10. Tim Reynolds is one amazing motherf*cker... Also Peter Klett of Candlebox, and Keith Urban.
  11. That would be frickin' wicked if you could do that sans-pickguard, or even with a clear pickguard to protect the graphic (in the way some jems have a clear pickguard).
  12. I know this doesn't answer your question (sorry!), but why not just trace the Epi SG? I did that when I copied an Ibanez RG for my first axe, and it came out just fine. It may solve your problem.
  13. How much do these things sell for?
  14. No, but you may want to later. That's something to consider. Also consider the fact that for around the same pricing, you can get a tube Carvin, which is well known for its sound. The JC-120 has (debatably) good sound, and is one example of a solidstate with decent sound. However, when you put a solidstate side by side with a tube amp (which I have done a few times in the past), there's no comparison. Bottom line is, judging by the specs, there are far better things to spend your money on. BTW, just a hint: you get better responses if you don't berate the people who do respond.
  15. "It's solid state, is freaky looking, has odd controls, and will probably have little or no resale value when you decide you want something different. (Translation: No.)"
  16. Most machines run of .nc files (which are made up of the g and m coding in there, among other commands). I don't know about cross-platform stuff: all my experience is with PCs. What I did for programming CNC mills was to take a cad file, save it as an .sat file, drop it into MasterCAM, lay down the toolpaths, post the code as a .nc program, then take it to the machine to be run.
  17. If they're specially ordering them, the shop may try to charge you list price for the parts. If I were you, I'd drop by and just ask how much it would cost... it may be cheaper to buy from an online supplier, but its best to know all your options.
  18. I bought one of those last week. It was $40 with free cable and stand. I haven't had a chance to test it yet.
  19. Reaper

    Gender test

    I'm gonna go check... be right back.
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