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Nitefly SA

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Everything posted by Nitefly SA

  1. i dont think so, i like it though kind of gives it that modern art look
  2. well, my inner misfits fan wants me to vote for the devastator bass but... i will
  3. how much would one of those guitars set me back?
  4. i personally dont like it, it looks too much like a washburn IMO http://my.lostinfo.com/event_db/guitars/DCP01703.JPG
  5. sometimes it just cant be avoided, just finish your clear let it cure and fine sand it all away.
  6. as long as your brush strokes arent gigantic, you can get it flat about your guitars, they look awesome very cool, but no doubt they are both hippie magnets
  7. DAMN that thing is cool, where do you even get an 8 string bridge? i love the look of this one it looks like a complete pro job, my first guitar will hugely suck in comparison i bow to you sir, bringer of badassness
  8. actually you should adjust the truss rod looser. or if its a 2 way in the opposite direction of the fretboard, because the extra tension will have more pull on the neck than the lighter strings
  9. no no its cool what hes doing, no doubt but its actual sound is very scary, like Rob G. said, its should be in a horror movie
  10. i entered the fuglycaster one month, i think this is worthy
  11. thats one of the most horrifying things i've ever heard
  12. http://www.scottfrench.com/?m=Gallery&s=Cu...SS%20Guitar&g=m I really like this design, might have to steal it... cool finish if it werent for the pube burst
  13. looks cool as hell, not sure if i like the cream P/U rings and nut. the varix headstock and bich body are an unlikely pair but they look very good together, great looking finish, great job.
  14. you can post thumbnails, they just dont want more than one BIG pic because some people still have dial-up, poor guys
  15. i dont hate looking at it it just for some reason always seems to affect my playing, go figure
  16. i imagine a flat top in matte black with the pores on the mahogany left open, thats just my opinion though, i dont know what kind of wood you were planning on using either
  17. i believe its the same size viewed from the front but,from the side i believe the standard is thicker, what with its carved top and all.
  18. I couldnt get to sleep tonight so naturally i flipped through the infomercials, one was for this paint stripper called ready-strip plus this stuff looks amazing, its completely odorless, completely safe for skin contact and you just paint it on, leave it and it liquifies the paint, 7 or more layers of paint can be taken off at a time. it turns from green to white so you know when its time to scrape it off, i was just wondering if any one had tried this stuff.
  19. think thats the point.....
  20. could be that you pay for what you get instead of a name like gibson or fender, you get your money's worth with companies like peavey
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