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Everything posted by Gemm012

  1. Alright, thanks. I was refering to the fake Bill Lawrence USA counterfeit ones. I think I'd just keep the other two pickups in, even though the sound that she and the other guitarist have are very limited, and I don't think I've ever seen either of their guitars on anything other than bridge pickups. Well, thanks for your help guys, and I'll probably see either tonight or sometime soon. Galen.
  2. I believe you're thinking of Bill Lawrence pickups. Galen.
  3. That's what I would have guessed, seeing as that's how Dimarzios are, but still. Thanks though. Anyone know? Galen.
  4. So, my guitarist is starting to not like her MIM Strat's single coil sound as much anymore and wanted to get a new guitar. Then I informed her that she could change the pickup. Anyway, the question is, I have a fake Bill Lawrence 500-L that has a red, white, black, green, and ground, that I got duped on, and I may wire it up for her tomorrow, but I need to know which wire would go to the volume pot, which two to wire together, and which one to go to ground. Also, I don't know if the sound is acceptable, I haven't wired it up yet to anything, so I wanted to know if these just sound really really bad, or just not as good as the real Bill Lawrence. Also, I don't have a multimeter, and don't know how to use one . Thanks for the help guys. Galen.
  5. I really thought your solo was good. I love the tone you got, I really need a new amp, trying to get a good sound out of my uncle's old 15 watt Radioshak amp is tough. Actually, near impossible is more accurate. But buying guitars is just more fun than buying amps. I should sell one or two to get a decent amp. Ugh. Galen.
  6. On the all access neck joints on newer post 93 Ibanez Rg's and S's, the neck stays attached to the fingerboard all the way up to the 24th and 22nd frets respectively, if we were talking pre 94 ibanez necks there wouldn't be any problem that I can tell. Check out the pictures of the all access neck heel compared to the original neck heel. http://jemsite.com/jem/neckjoint.htm Galen.
  7. May I ask why the video doesn't work and/or how I can view it? Thank you. I'd like to see this seeing as I'm 14 and like seeing how other people around my age are playing to see if I need to start improving a ton to catch up with people. Galen
  8. I love my Fender bass, but don't care too much for Fender guitars. Probably cause on bass I play more jazz/blues/classic rock stuff, and on guitar I play more metal/neo-classical/shred stuff. My three guitars are a 91 Ibanez RG 550 with a Dimebucker in the bridge and a Breed in the neck and an HS-3 in the middle. A 99 RG 7621 (fixed bridge seven) with the stock pups, and an 89 RG570 that I'm "Jematizing" and it doesn't have anypickups in it yet. But my Fender Geddy Lee jazz bass just blows everyother bass I've EVER played out of the water, and strangely enough, before buying it, I had never heard a single Rush song.
  9. I concur. An early 90's late 80's RG 550 or 570 is a great guitar that can be gotten cheap. Galen.
  10. I don't see how that's what you want to happen. If I managed to get ahold of a guitar that had the same low action at the first fret at all the rest of the frets without buzz, I'd hold on to it forever. Galen.
  11. I'm just wondering if there are any suitable dark woods for fingerboards that are not from exotic forests or any of that stuff. I'd like to make a guitar out of non exotic woods (maple and walnut are what I'm thinking primarily) and I want a dark fingerboard wood and I don't think walnut is suitable for that and if I really need to I can use dyed maple or, more reasonably rosewood, cause I don't think hardrock maple would take a stain too well, but I'd prefer not to. Anyway, thanks for any help. Galen.
  12. I played that game at a best buy for like half an hour. It was so much fun and it had real songs that were well done, like Ziggy Stardust, I loved it. Galen.
  13. That looks very nice, good work. I like the body shape alot more than the original's. Galen.
  14. I don't know about 3-4 years. At my 8th grade graduation (which was a huge waste of time by the way) a kid played the guitar for one of their songs and he couldn't have been playing more than 9 monthes. And I played Paganinni's 5th ( gotta thow in some self promoting ) for the talent show that year and hadn't been playing guitar* for more than a year. (*that's a misleading statement though cause I had been playing bass guitar for about 2.5 years by then) But I can't see anything Greenday has as anything close to Paganinni. But now I'm just niggling on how long it would take playing guitar before you could successfully pull off a Greenday song so... whatever. Galen.
  15. I doubt you'd have enough time to explain before you were down. Galen.
  16. Sorry, sometimes stuff just manifests itself outta nothin' in my mind. Your guitar truely was great and my fallacious notions may have been the only thing that turned my vote, so I appologize. Galen.
  17. He doesn't? Well, I'm sorry. I don't know where I got that idea from. Anyway, I feel dumb. Galen.
  18. Erikbojerik's bass was too much, I couldn't resist its power! I loved LGM's guitar, but because Erik's was handmade and LGM's was made by CNC, I had to voter for Erik's. Galen.
  19. I don't know about him being broke, but even if he wasn't his selling the stuff is reasonable. I imagine he'd just be throwing it away otherwise, but he's got $30 there already. There are also lots of rumors that go around about Dave Mustaine, he's been reported dead a number of times. That's my understanding at least. Galen.
  20. Oh? Cause it's killin' me! I'm sorry, I had to. Galen.
  21. Sorry, I wasn't thinkin' straight. I'm not even gonna try and explain what I was thinking. Galen
  22. Wouldn't you be able to use a triple pole double throw to cut the battery? Galen.
  23. The arrows are ground connections. A ground is a cable usually attached to the back of a potentiometer, the ground on an input jack, or the bridge. The black cable that's not loose and doesn't seem to lead anywhere is the ground. I'm not sure where the ground goes to on Les Paul style guitars. It's probably to the bottom of one of the bridge/tailpiece studs. I think you can sand to either line. It would just be easier to sand to the blue because then you don't have to worry about trying not to sand beyond the green line. Good luck. Galen.
  24. Here is an excellent tutorial on fixing cracked necks, and on Ibanez specifically. http://www.ibanezrules.com/tech/setup/crack_neck.htm Rich, the guy who wrote it, is a very well respected source of knowledge on Jemsite.com. I used this tutorial to fix a cracked 87 ibanez neck and it turned out well. I have not yet put the neck on a body though. Good luck. Galen.
  25. I thnk it may just be better to put the correct angle in the neck pocket instead of on the neck. If I recessed the bridge I wouldn't be able to use a stop tailpiece is the thing about that. I don't think I could at least to get the right tension. Does anyone know about quality 7 string tune o matics? Galen
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