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Everything posted by rokeros

  1. Nevertheless its good effort!! Neva noe, sumday it may come in handy :D
  2. Yes, the POD XT is good for recording. I have the guitarport in my room/home studio and according to many many reviews, the pod is better sounding than the XTLive.The XT also use the same software as the guitarport to conect via usb. However, to get good recordings, thats not all you need. Here's what I have in my mini fun studio over 1 1/2 years: Ableton Live 4 & 5 - Good And Very Easy Recording and editing software !! MUST BUY. hmmm...Or steal from LimeWire. Line6 GuitarPort - Guitar to PC for Amps Digitech RP100A Artist - Pedal for good distorted and versitile tones 7.1 Dolby ProLogic II sound system - Feels like being Live Recording guitars, 1 for single-coil, 1 for Acoustic, 1 for Humbuckers and Roland GK built in Roland GR30 (ScndHand) - Amazing Synth for cool sounds and instruments Yamaha D55 for drums - check it out! And lastly a couple of overdrive homemade pedals. Now with this kinda gear, it is just borderline to getting some good sounds and 24bit recording and no hum and techno stuff like that.
  3. Dude, they're old school. But its good you found it yourself, meaning that you did your homework brfore the science practical
  4. For those who are interested and like to try out CNC machining but can't afford the real things, here's a pretty cool site to check out! http://www.crankorgan.com/plans.htm
  5. Excellent. But you better follow the rules aight?
  6. These guys are everywhere in HK. I can walk down the street to any of the 25 hardware stores in my district and paint nippon rattle cans. They're shipped from Japan and is the best stuff I can get legally without exploding or purchasing mainland chinese stuff. But what do you guys think? http://www.nipponpaint.com.hk/eng/products...catid=5&catID=1 Worthy enough for being on a guitar? I will use a coat of KTM underneath for sealing, spray the Nippon Solid Coats, then Clear with KTM-9 again. And this is only for the entire back of the guitar incl. neck. THe Body will have a veneer.
  7. Gee Thanks, coming on to that, is it possible to paint and lacquer a strat neck without binding? Would the paint stick out when it meets the fretboard? And how many coats of laquer should it have? I don't know if it'll be weird because I have a white skunk stripe painted on the entire body upto the neck and onto the headstock
  8. I have a quart of KTM-9 in my school storage cupboard right now. Is it ok o look cloudy like limewater. And what stuff should I use if I am to brush the KTM on to make sanding and buffing easier?
  9. Hey I am very interested in masking but i afraid with the faux binding, neck and fretboard, veneer etc masking. I didnt really get the curly thing with the tape to get smooth transactions. Can you maybe give a couple pics. It would really help. Thanks. Cos masking is one of my nightmares I may come to face after my bods is cut out.
  10. wat the heck? more than half a year n still you are promoting a price that is more than double he could even afford?
  11. Or instead of killing, just build one but without the shell, just the circuit and transplant it into the guitar.
  12. I'm just afraid that when drilling from an angle, the position of the hole may differ from the top.
  13. I've already build a TS-808. But I don't have the time and patience or torlerence to carry on. Because the tube screamer pissed me off by not working! So then I rewired the perfboard again so then suddenly the transistors died when I transplanted boards, so etcetcetcetc.....NOw I don't want to build. Just buy and play
  14. How are the danelectro FAB? Are they any good. THey are cheap, but do they match up to a boss DS-1, TS-808 or FUlldrive 2?
  15. Hey do any know suppliers who makes excellent/decent guitar pedals at low costs. Stuff that copy famous pedals e.g. TS-808 and the EA Tremolo etc. But with a profidable price tag of maybe <$100 US, cos I am very interested to know in building my rig. The only one I know of is http://www.do-in-music.com/Do-In-Products_English.htm Some of you may have seen me mention it in the past. Cheers
  16. Dude, excellent. But funny question here, do ravells get a good image in fron of an audience? UNlike a PRS or LP everyone stares. But how about fernandes?
  17. Prorably melted some Low M.P. Alloy in a mould to get that inlay. Btw, how do you get that finish, did you use matte black? But when lacquer gets applied, doesn't it get shiny again?
  18. rokeros


  19. I figured out the problem!!! The rear end of the sexy guitar body is too fat more my shallow standards. HAHA. THerefore i'll try to slim up the hip and stick it horns out a bit more to look more parallel.
  20. Sweet guys, thanks. I'll try to incorperate these designs and cheers idch i really like the design. BED time now zzzzz.
  21. every1 does, too bad if some1 were to do this, they would be broke in a week.
  22. singlecut, hmm, never thought of that. But thanks anyways, i'll try to combine all the drawings together including yours and see how they're like.
  23. I am totally lost here. This is an update and a modified version of my original 'Rokeros AT1' design. The horn is missing as some may realise, and thats because I can't approach to drawing that area. I am officially stuck. If there are any thoughts on how this design could come out, can someone pls do a quick add-on drawing to the pic or even a rough shape with 'paint'. Thanks! Appreciated. If there are any artists out there who are reading, pls make my day! !!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!
  24. ME abfabs guitars will be the brian moore iguitar, the full koa custom pensa suhr and ibanez 1520gk. I could not help it but I must say that overall I like all guitars. I may despise metal, but I still like jacksons and esp etc. THough the classic stuff such as fenders, gibsons, (PRS?), and even YAMAHA, YES, YAMAHA create some unique tones that cannot be bought. They're priceless, so to own even 1 or 6 in this case, will easily make me happy for the rest of my life.
  25. DUDe, you mean floyd rose guitars? http://www.floydrose.com/main.html
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