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Everything posted by Bigtommyb

  1. sweet tutorial! shame im not a big fan of that type of finish but handy to know still. Big Tom
  2. That looks sweet!! and a great site showing how it was made!! Hope my guitar turns out as good as that 1! Big Tom
  3. nice! wouldnt mind playing on that Big Tom
  4. Hello and welcome to the forum... the design is pretty kool... If u dont wanna go to the site and if you want to upload a picture just click on the IMG button under the Font box.... and shove in the URL of the picture (to find that just right click>properties>highlight the Address> copy+paste ... (hope u understood all that) And for the wood once again it comes down to what you think is a "good Tone"... give us more info on the type of tone you want and we will try and help. Big Tom
  5. OK ive got this image in my head of a cross between the Violin bass shape and a Flying V.... dont ask me how i came up with it but looks amazin in my head, with a natural finish.... would so love that guitar i may have to build it.... Big Tom EDIT: ok on 2nd thoughts thats actually quite ugly just made it using Photoshop and i dont understand why it looked good in my head... hummm... So my idea is...... ask me later!
  6. looks like it i found it on a random search on google Big Tom
  7. Found this on the net its an Axe bass... hope it helps (its not very good)... Big Tom
  8. Why dont you people, that are not from England, talk proper english like we english people do? Big Tom
  9. i only like it on the top frets as i have large fingers it helps me get the frets... but as for a full scalloped neck... i dont see the point really ive done it on 1 of my guitars and to behonest i dont really like it as much as an unscalloped 1.... Big Tom
  10. i just got my wood 2day !!! got it and its so heavy its a huge chunk on Bubinga that only cost me £28... bargain if u ask me. Big Tom
  11. only a few hundred to go then..... or the tutorial sounds like a good plan!!! but what to write about..... *Wonders* Big Tom
  12. Well basically i just took a Strat from the Fender site. and got rid of everything i didnt want using Adobe Photoshop, and shoved the image i had underneath and then filled in all the white bits with black.... simple as that... just takes abit of time but very simple. and if i did it earlier i would of done a better job. Big Tom
  13. hummm cuz it looks so good... (im actually quite impressed with myself ) ive decided i will make it.... wood should arrive on wednesday (ordered it sometime last week for a different design i had in mind) but will steal it for this 1 as it looks most impressive. All thats left is im gonna have to find a way of getting that pic ive got onto the guitar.... lets hope i can find either a good artist or will try printing it and do a sort of material finish like the comic one. Big Tom
  14. ok the new 1.... btw im keeping the white pups cuz thats what i will have if i make it (stripping my old strat if i make it) Big Tom
  15. hummm good point... will do a rear routed version.... gimmi 5 lol Big Tom
  16. Ok i saw some1 mention on one of the posts about doing a guitar with Spawn on the front and i decided that would b AWSOME idea! and decided i would make up some designs and mayb do it.. (well if i can) any way heres 1 of the designs ive come up with for a strat (i think its pretty sweet). What do u think? Big Tom
  17. damn thats sweet... for once ive found a red guitar that i like the look of!! Nice work. Big Tom
  18. be patient dude... ummm i think Craft Supplies have some stuff (not 100% sure)... Big Tom
  19. wow i had a sofa like that before! oh and nice guitar I like it cuz its abit different! Big Tom
  20. to that second question first... Normal Springs, its the tension of the strings that keep it floating so u can pull it up (tightening the strings so loosening the spring) or dive bomb (loosening the strings but tightening the springs)... and the 1st 1 i would assume its the same. well at least the same ideas take place. so i would just follow the tutorial and just make any adjustments to it that make it work. Big Tom
  21. OK im gonna be making my first "full" guitar soon and might have to try this "carrieburst"... sounds like fun (and difficult)! And damn those pots are sweet! Big Tom
  22. why dont you just order it from further away and get it shipped to you? Big Tom
  23. Hyunsu cant wait to see this finished... your guitars look so beautiful! i just wonder what they are like to play (*imagines*)... Cant wait to see it finished. Big Tom
  24. A friend of mine decided he wanted a Fretless Pbass and so he pulled off the frets, filled them with thin strips of Maple, and sanded the whole neck down so it was level... Looks good and sounds good too. As for the grit... No idea im still new to this thing too hope this helps at all... Big Tom
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