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Everything posted by KnightroExpress

  1. That looks great! I'm also a fan of the angled control plate. It's such a simple -yet effective- change from the Tele norm.
  2. ReRanch is a pretty well-regarded source, they specialize in classic guitar colors.
  3. I think it would have been easier to give up if that was the plan from the start. I'd been saving this fretboard for years. Oh well, it's for a good cause. I suppose now is as good a time as any to spill the news. I was invited to participate in an event benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's West Palm Beach chapter. This guitar will be featured at a live auction with the proceeds going to research and so forth for the foundation. I'm excited for the opportunity to help a great cause and meet some great people along the way. The event is called Songwriters in the Round, for those interested in reading more about it.
  4. Thanks Scott! With the body at 1.5" and the heel carved away, you can get your ring finger on the 24th fret with no obstruction. This is by far the most comfortable guitar I've done. The weight is dead on 6 pounds at this point, so it's decently light as well. Too bad I won't be able to keep it....
  5. Ok, time for some more fun stuff. As much as I love the precision work that defines so much of a guitar, I really find myself in an enjoyably meditative state when I get to freehand carve the body and neck. So, massive pic dump: I've still got quite a bit of blending and smoothing to do, but I like the look and feel so far. Thanks for looking!
  6. Very cool so far! My wife echoes the clean space sentiment, much to my dismay....
  7. I have a similar dream of a smaller-size multiscale archtop.... if you build it, I'd love to see it.
  8. Forstners here as well. Cool build, by the way!
  9. In my Knightro 2015 thread, you can see a quick little jig that I used to make the compound joints on my current multiscale builds. If you (or anyone!) want the CAD files for the jig, I'd be happy to send them to you.
  10. I'm in the angled nut camp as well. Whenever I see a straight fretboard end after a zero fret, my eyes just fix on that little awkward triangle. I'm excited to see what you come up with!
  11. I really like the blend of modern and retro you've got going on, especially the multiscale JR thing. It really is uncommon to see a multiscale that doesn't look like a weapon of some sort! (Mine included, haha)
  12. Thanks guys! Chris: Inserts and Screws. Today, I radiused the fretboard to 16" and installed the frets. It's starting to feel like a real guitar! Over this weekend, I'll get the neck glued in so I can carve the neck/body transition on Tuesday.
  13. Thank you! The more I handle the trapezoidal neck, the more I like it. As for stealing the inserts, please do! These are the inserts and these are the screws I'm using.
  14. Thanks! It's different, but in a good way. I've actually got some pretty cool news involving the padauk twin, which I'll share soon. For now though, some pics! I had some swanky stainless headstock logos lasered and I can't wait to polish and mount them.
  15. New tool day! I scored a Veritas low-angle spokeshave and tried it out today. It feels amazing and cuts very well, I just haven't figured out the best depth/mouth combo for ultra-thin shavings. I just need to hone my sharpening skills (ha-ha, see what I did there) and learn how to set the tool up for better performance. Verdict: A for quality, D+ for my skill level. Now, on to the guitar. I'm trying something totally new to me: this neck profile is an asymmetrical soft trapezoid. If you hold the neck in proper classical style, your thumb rides the flat portion very comfortably. I don't like the look (or feel) of corners back there though, so blending them out is key. Thanks for looking!
  16. That grounding solution is fantastic. I'm doing something similar with my guitars, but just using a 1/8" strip of conductive tape as the ground strip rather than your much nicer plate.
  17. I really love this guitar, it proudly displays the concept you were going for without being cheesy. Beautiful work!
  18. This is gonna be sweet! As a huge Satriani fan, I applaud the PAF Joe and neck selection as well. Looking forward to this one!
  19. Gorgeous as always! I think the ziricote guitar might be my favorite of yours. That pinstriping/floating scarf effect is just fantastic.
  20. Thanks all! Curtis- that is very true! I'd be happy to go thinner with a lower profile truss rod. Maybe next time... The jig is just three 3"x24" sticks of MDF, super simple. I just knocked it together to test the concept. I'm happy with the result, so I'm going to make a better/permanent version. Likely with clear acrylic sides so setting the depth is easy.
  21. Short update today: I made a simple jig to get my neck to the thickness I'm looking for. I'm waiting for my new spokeshave to come in, so actual shaping will have to wait a few days. This is pretty barebones. The neck is clamped on the heel end, secured with tape and a shim on the nut end. The router is set to the 12th fret depth and the shim is adjusted until the 12th fret and 1st fret depths line up with the router's depth. 3 small passes later, you have an extremely consistent starting taper to round from. Hopefully. This guitar is all about trying new things and pushing my personal envelope, so I decided to go crazy thin. It's 0.760" at the 1st and 0.850" at the 12th. That'll go down just a tad as I sand and so forth, so I'm expecting this neck to feel ridiculous by the time it's carved up.
  22. It's carving time! I think this is my favorite part of the guitar building process. I just get to zen out and make something pretty. It's not done yet, but I like where it's going so far.
  23. Thank you! Aside from looking cool, it serves as a handy personal defense weapon
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