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GOTM Winner
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Everything posted by Pariahrob

  1. Nice job on the win! Well deserved indeed. Now give it a rest so we can all have a go.
  2. I hope that means it looks tasty! ok then. A huge thanks to @Prostheta for being a true gent and sending me the stainless fretwore for my zero fret. Thank you sir!
  3. I’m with Scott on this. I’d make a custom guard to hide the route. Looks like it could be a proper beauty too.
  4. @Andyjr1515That’s very generous of you but not to worry. I’m sure I’ll have gouged chunks out of it with a slippery chisel by then!
  5. So far today I’ve masked off the pup cavities to paint them. andctest fitted the bridges in case there was too much swelling from the colour application. plus, it’s nice to see some hardware against the final colour. I’m thinking of using wooden control knobs on this. I’ve used them before and found them pretty but slippy, so if I make some I’ll be adding rubber O rings for grip.
  6. The router slipped but nobody will ever know once the cap is on. If only all little mishaps were invisible! looking good and I think you could save more weight if you wanted. Don’t forget the weight of hardware and the neck. Might end up a bit 70s weight wise!
  7. Well I have plenty of facial hair for the both of us. Ok. More progress. Did some final sanding and scraping then masked off the ash. Put on a couple of coats of brown stain. This was a water based stain so raised the grain a little. flatted that back before doing a coat of Amber. this has a very subtle fade so the nearer to the neck the more amber there is barely noticeable but I think it adds something. Photo just after the first brown coat. a then the first coat of finishing oil went on I’ve done another since and plan on doing six for a satin finish.
  8. I’d go for 2k touch up myself. Nail varnish might work but it would need thinning to get a decent smooth coat. Or or maybe that’s just my Friday night makeup skills. Shh
  9. Great technique. I think I’ll have to try fretting that way too. I can see the benefits now. love the laminate details.
  10. What with the sudden winter and the like I’ve not done much but I did make a start on the neck joint. Routed the pocket using the neck as a guide. Basically lined up with laser, then butted up some acrylic to firm a template. Two layers of tape to reduce the route a bit and all good. The flipped her over (she is a she) and cut a recess to make for less material to get your hand round then rounded over the neck of the heel. Still needs finishing but you get the idea.
  11. Keep ‘em coming! No such thing as too many photos.
  12. Fantastic timbers. Look great together and I’m with Scott. That’ll look sweet once carved!
  13. Small progress today. Cut the recesses for the bridges. These need to sit a little lower to account for the action. I thought about making a template and routing but in the end I drilled the front side then chiselled out the rest. Nice snug fit.
  14. That would be amazing! Happy to recrown. You are a proper gent! Thank you.
  15. What a top fella! Thanks so much. The jumbo wire I’m using is 1.3mm high, so if you’ve a spare bit taller than that I owe you!
  16. Good advice. A stainless zf is a great idea sea. I’m using jumbo frets are n this so finding a taller one might be tricky but I’m sure there’s an option. I’ll get hunting. Cheers.
  17. That paduak is gorgeous. I have a 90s Washburn n4 in paduak and now I want to sand it back. It’s gone dark purple as that wood does but seeing yours looking so fresh it brought on the nostalgia. Lovely clean build too. Great shape and love the carve on the top.
  18. Thanks @Prostheta. I agree. It feels like there’s one less point of friction too. No nut slots to bind in etc. I think I’ll go for it. I’ll just need to recess the lockers appropriately to get a slight angle over the zero fret. I think it’ll look cleaner as well which is always good.
  19. Thanks! I’m lucky I realised. Any further and I think I’d have had to start over. Or paint it and waste that lovely top. Although a pink one inspired by @KempGuitars might be cool!
  20. Also, I’m thinking of going nut free on this and installing a zero nut. What do you think? the individual locking nuts can be fixed to give the correct string spacing and can lower them so there’s some tension over the zero fret. Thoughts?
  21. A bit more done today. Bevel done bar a little scraping and started the tummy cut. Then I moved on the fix my slippage with the router. Basically trimmed the round hole square and fitted a piece of maple that matched as well as I find. Still needs re-routing but should be almost invisible when done. I did also finish up my control cavity cover using this oddly figured but if maple, stained the same brown that the body top will be. It’s a little lighter in real life I’ve also started marking out my bridge positions, ready to start routing as I need to recess them to get my action right. This could be tricky as I want them to fit snug in rounded recesses. I think I drill the ends to get the radius then chisel out the rest. The router might be overkill for this!
  22. Happens to me too but only on my phone. On my Mac it’s fine. Lovely cover by the way. Nice photography too! I’d love to see your special Nile sander.
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