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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Hey Glazetar, welcome! take a look around and read, read and read somemore, lots of good info here. This is a terriific forum with members always willing to jump in and help. Mike, you're too fast, I was gonna say the same. Glazetar, hit the books before buying any parts or cut the first piece of wood. Melvyn's book takes you through 3 unique builds of popular style guitars, including critical specs you'll need, and he's a member here too! Good luck, -Vinny
  2. Just got Flexner's book (from Amazon) and Drak is absolutly right, you must get this book if you do any kind of laquer, shellac, varnish staining etc. Its all in there and he explains it in a way that takes the voodoo out of finishing just about any type of wood. I can go on and on and on..... bottom line is everyone here should own a copy. Thanks again Drak, -Vinny
  3. Hey Cameroo, Welcome. Nice job you did, Im diggin that tribal design, what's the next project gonna be? You do realize that hanging around here with these guys can cause you to start building one from scratch. -Vinny
  4. Thanks guys, I will definitely wait till its warmer. The Grizzly guns came yesterday, they look sweet! -Vinny
  5. The Minwax label on the can should list what product to use. -Vinny
  6. I picked up the Sherwin Williams 2 pack with Xylol, and my Grizzly spray guns should be on the door step waiting for me when I get home. Whooooooo Hoooooooo !!! -Vinny Now the 60 degree weather will turn to snow tonite. Oh well.
  7. Sorry, I should have mentioned I was using plastic binding.
  8. Im at the finishing stages of my son's vee, there will be binding around the Blueburst body. What would be the proper order of base staining, spray bursting, binding install, scraping and top clear coat? Do I add the binding first or stain first? Im worried that I might stain the white binding blue by accident. Thanks, Vinny
  9. Nice build Mick, I dig Teles au natural, -Vinny
  10. Very cool shape, I like it. How about a blue flamed maple top? -Vinny
  11. Wow!, thats a great idea. I hafta remember this one for future use. The pic explains it perfectly& Setch you are the man. Thanks, -Vinny
  12. Thanks Wes, they did have Xylene on the shelf, cool! -Vinny
  13. The store called back today, I ordered both parts and it will take few days. Im looking at a couple of spray guns from Grizzly now, trying to decide what to get. -Vinny
  14. Heres an f hole from maybe a Gretsch, you may need to scale it down for Les Paul size body. -Vinny
  15. Wes, this one is going into GOTM..........right? Beautiful job. Because of your build, Im not doing a brush on clear as planned, but will be spraying a 2 part like you did. Thanks for posting this for all of us. -Vinny
  16. Thanks Wes, I liked how this stuff sounds so I went my local Sherwin Williams tonite after work. The guy there was new so he didnt find it right away. He priced it at 3 times what you had paid, said he'd check tomorow when the boss was back in, for the correct price and when he could get it. Im gonna pick up a spray gun, filter and regulator next week and if this cold weather ever stops, maybe I'll actually get some coats on my son's Vee. -Vinny Heres a pdf of the spec sheet: http://www.sherlink.com/sher-link/ImgServ?...onvar_f24_e.pdf
  17. Hi gang, I have several ΒΌ'' boards that I would like to have slotted .023 in either 25'' scale or Fender Strat/Tele scale. Would anyone here with a good jig consider cutting these for me for a fee or trade? Thanks, -Vinny
  18. Some good advice here, Hey Dylan I say if you have the means to attend the school and thats your dream then go for it! If only I had my head screwed on straight when I was 16 to know what I wanted to do with my life. I noticed their website listed some former students testimonials about their experience, you could call them up to talk further about how they are doing now, are they making a living at it? What did the school not teach them, do they give you a business model when you leave after a years training to get you going? Maybe consider getting a position as an apprentice/helper in a cabinet making shop, you would learn many techiques that transfer to making guitars and you'd draw a salary too. If you were to spend $1000 on tools and learned by asking questions on forums like this, buy 5 or 6 key books on the subject you could be turning out some cool guitars that would amaze your friends. With a surplus of $31,000 left over -Vinny
  19. Hi Dylan, Are you planning on making a career as a full time luthier or just a hobby in your spare time? I hope some of the veteran builders also give their thoughts on this. -Vinny
  20. No kiddin Mick? I apoligize, didnt know Home Depot was there too. -Vinny
  21. I read these forums daily and come across a lot of members that never filled in their location on the member profile. Personally I think it would help a lot to know where someone is when trying to help them locate a particular tool or luthier supply, as well as knowing that they'll need a measuremnt in mm's or inches. Its no use telling Mickgard just to run down to Home Depot when there arent any near him. (sorry Mick, your name happened to come to mind) Heres another plus: I had noticed in Tom's (Cherokee) profile that he is about an hour from where I am (he listed his town & state), we've talked over the phone and I'll sure to meet up with him some time in the near future to hang and talk guitars. Just my 2 cents. Everybody have a great weekend and keep building! -Vinny Mods, I realize this may be in the wrong section but I think by posting it here, more people will see it.
  22. Beatiful job there Travis, Im seeing a trend here. Teles....Teles... Teles...he he -Vinny
  23. Nice! Yup Teles Rule. Your axe is looking good. This is the 2nd Tele in progress on the forums here and both are running figured tops, Sweet! Keep us posted please. -Vinny
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