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Everything posted by travismoore

  1. Looks cool =) Well its really to you what you do i quite like the look with the walnut all the way across =) And it you did through neck you would have to cut out a huge chunk of that lovley looking walnut! Oh ya i love the shape by the way!
  2. WOW i want it! Awsome work as usual =)
  3. I have to say i really love that guitar! Great work =)
  4. Wow i just love how that looks! And i cant get over how good that top looks =) !
  5. Oh ya guys i got a question you know where i could get a cheap set of actice emg j pickups? Cheapest iv found that will post to the u.k is this There alot cheaper on ebay but on ebay they wont post to the U.K All the best, Travis Edit: wow just found a set of MEC's on here! Wow might go for those if they come with the wiring
  6. Ya i just cant wait i want to try get it finished before febuary 8th because thats when my school holds a battle of the bands so i want to use it then =)
  7. Hey sorry for the long pauses in progress but im hoping to really nuckle down and get loads of work done on my bass soon. Here's and update of the shapping done on the body since last time I have also cleaned up the headstock and fretboard abit. I hope to have some more exiting updates soon =)
  8. Wow well its either MEC's or EMG's i would rather have MEC's but im not overly picky I think i will just go for EMG's because i want to try get it finished soon and EMG's are pritty easy to get hold of thanks anyway =)
  9. Wow thats awsome that they sell bridges just wish they would sell me some MEC's lol
  10. That looks awsome =) Where did you get the warwick style bridge?
  11. Wow thats some lovley bubinga =) Im sure its going to make an awsome bass!
  12. Looking good! Cant wait to see it finished and with that padauk top on =)
  13. Hey its looking good =) I have a question though what does "Ergonomic" mean? I think i coverd it in my graphics products lesson but i forgot what it means =(
  14. Looking good im not sure on the puprle but its up to you really =) Back looks awsome btw !
  15. Looknig good =) What are the pickup cover and knobs made of?
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