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Everything posted by DanielM

  1. looking good Hooglebug! can't wait to see how you're going to do that swirl. and the design on the left (1st one) definatley the better one!
  2. so how are you going to attach this new neck? bolts or are you going to set it? because I wouldn't know how to tackle that in the way you have, I would've gone for a deep set and re routing the pups cavities I think. but I am certainly intruiged and would like to see more.
  3. so tell me how do you carve a neck to cleanly? as a noob I really still screw this up royally. all lumpy and denty, not to mention no uniform profile.
  4. does that stuff bend? to fit say a Chromeboy?
  5. I've never used Epoxy for Grainfilling myself, I tend to use Rustin's Grainfiller, works a treat for me, slap it on let it dry sand back and presto grain is filled.
  6. wow if they sound and play as good as they look really like the guitar and that bass is very nice.
  7. jointer or Thickness Planer? or dare I say both?
  8. looks neat! it's gonna be fun to cut that out and glue all that wood, planing it level is going to be a pain.
  9. looking good, it's been a while since I saw an Iceman and must say that I really like the shape! can't wait to see the rest of it.
  10. wow that Spalted top is amazing! really really nice.
  11. the one at the bottom looks like something Myka might have made! I like it.
  12. very nice, I'm sure Dave will be most pleased.
  13. looking great, travismoore! can't wait to see the rest of that body all carved! what kind of glue did you end up using?
  14. sounds Philippe! and dang that converto bass is whack!
  15. those are some fabulous spray jobs!
  16. restorations are a great way to get into building. that's how I got into it.
  17. I was just wondering how to do this myself, and I was also thinking option 2 and if Drak says it's good I'll go with it, I reckon I can trust Drak on this
  18. wow that has really come together! wasn't too keen on that top at first but to see it oiled now I see that it's a beauty! just one question, how do you sand it? really really fine dry sanding or do you wet sand it like you would any other finish? I ask this because I'm doing a natural bass now but I've only ever done solids before and would like to know how you get it so smooth and unscratched looking.
  19. woah Drak that is fabulous, that top is really amazing! what did you do for a back? a similar stain/burst or a solid?
  20. could anybody clarify please what is this elusive W.O.D? btw Drak that is a fabulous guitar you're building there, can't wait to see more pics.
  21. looking good Jon. is that a string-thru-body design?
  22. yeah the sanding is going to take donkey's years but most we are planning to route off most of the excess with a template following router bit, then fine sand it either by hand or with StewMac's Robosander which I recently bought. goign to use the robosander on the neck anyway with a template to get a smooth taper on it after (band)sawing the rough taper.
  23. Nikola Adamovic is indeed a great builder and a great guy, maurits and I met him when we bought our Zebrano and all out other woods, infact he sold it to us! He's giving bass building courses now aswell, you just sign up and start building then if you have any problems you can just swing by his workshop and he'll help you out.
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