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Everything posted by Desopolis

  1. i didnt even think of the little spray cans.. I only use the heavy stuff.. if you feal like burning a body go for it.. Id love to see how it turned out.. I still cant imagine it though.. lol.
  2. arrg.. so a bit of bad news.. I routed the truss rod channel, glued the fretboard and was looking pretty sweet.. only problem is the neck I made isnt wide enough. i didnt take into accound sanding the fretboard and the neck to make them even, and as such have taken a bit out of the playing area.. Ive been thinking about it alot, and I think Im just going to make a new neck.. sucks becuase I jacked that $30 fretboard.. but a learning lesson none the less.
  3. looks like you used oak though.. im drafting somthing up, ill have it up tonight...
  4. I dont think the holes will cause a real issue, and when working with my maple I simply set the router/drill on high and went slowly. My biggest fear was tear out and I avoided that fairly well. the edges are pretty smooth, you could allways go smaller, then use a dremel to clean up the edges, then switch to paper by hand..
  5. bedliner can be brushed on.. and I guess it would work, it wouldnt be very smooth.. and if you sanded it I dont think youd get the result your looking for.
  6. I found some long strips of white wood, about 1mm thick in an old marquetry kit that I glued along the edges of the body and sanded flush when the top went on. I then packed the height differnce up on the body with various offcuts to get a good firm area to stick the 2 halves together. The neck is just finishing headstock surgery, will post a before & after pic shortly 'awesome, its those little details that will stand out in the end
  7. I also was skeptical with untill your reply.. ill try it out as well
  8. ha, ok, how about everyone throws in $5 or $10 into a paypall account and the winner gets the total. should be like 30-80 depending on how many enter.. sound good?
  9. its 3 pieces, I decided I didnt want pickup rings to take up space, and decided to cut a acess pannel. I think the finish will close the gap of the blade but im happy with it. Next time I do it, im making the whole inset piece removable, problem is this time it was 3/8 and I needed it to be a 1/4. So I inset it and spent forever sanding it flush. I should of just started at 1/4 and went from there. also I should of waited untill I got the bridge to make the cut, now it wont be even.. but oh well.. its my first, I allready bought the wood for my next one.
  10. whats the lighter color between the top and the body? figure your still pretty early in this one for a binding.
  11. would there be a prize? or just for the hell of it? im down for either, lets figure it out then we can make up better rules..
  12. with a good resaw job Id say 3 tops out of it safely... you could get more, but then I wouldnt expect much of a carve.
  13. yeah I dont see why it would be required
  14. that back is awesome... one thing you could allways try is rout the cavity in the body, then put the top onto it. drill through.. have a wire on the pot, fish it through and there you go.. hard as hell to do, and if a pot ever went out the guitar is ruined. I did somthing similar with my inlayed pickguard, but I made a pamel removable...
  15. I agree with both partys.. alot of my special tools and almost all of my hardware is from stew mac, but some of the stuff I can just make. Its not that Im being cheap, its that I dont see why spend $20 more for 15 mins of work. Now, somthing like a caliper I dont see myself even touching, hell for $15 I didnt even want to mess with the radius sand board. but rubber hammers, fret nippers, straight edges, etc. I can get anywhere.. and SM is awesome, I ordered somthing weds. and it got here today(friday) with no extra shipping, just USPS. Plus I added somthing to the order late, and they didnt up my shipping cost.. woot.
  16. when building my neck pocket for my tele I noticed it was the heel underneith that added the most strength and stability, now the sides add for angle support. but if you routed the neck pocket correctly, it should fit snug between them, then esentially all the edges are doing is resupporting the 4 screws from the neck going askew.
  17. I cant see the results, want to try this again?
  18. im curious to know where you got the wood from for the back, looks killer.
  19. im jelous of your quilt.. looks nice, howd you cut your body out? router or bandsaw?
  20. wow its in english lol... not bad though!
  21. I had the same behringer.. broke within a year.. weak.. I replaced it with a little fender, and recently just like wylde got I recently picked up a Peavy Super Chorus 212. its crazy loud for what it is, but doesnt do me wrong. except the built in overdrive and "lead" sound the same after a certain point
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