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Everything posted by www

  1. see here for direct mounting of PU's
  2. Here Not all people are allergic or susceptible to all or any of these woods.
  3. Off topic! Washington! Stay away, it rains all the time and you won't like it.
  4. Bloodwood for fretboards Look at the last paragraph (Satine)!
  5. Beautiful work. I like the looks of the unique cross bracing under the sound hole of your acoustics. All in all fine work. BTW I like the distortion sound on the clip, but i'm deaf so my opinion is slightly tarnished .
  6. Quartesawn is the strongest of them and the quilt pattern comes from being flat sawn. I am not exactly sure about flame! I was told rift along time ago, but don't hold me to that.
  7. I will finish the wiring. It is bearcat of a job. I am procrastinating as long as I can. I will finish it soon. Maybe tomorrow. If you want it, do you want the stock bridge pickup or would you want me to install a '57 classic plus? The stock PU is bright and the 57 sounded very good and it the recommended replacement PU. I was going to give who ever buys it the other pickup either way.
  8. I am looking for an Ampeg in the right price range. I love the sound of Ampeg tubes for blues.
  9. I am selling my guitar to finance a bass amp. My loss is your gain. I will let it go cheap. $650.00 firm plus shipping. List is $2400.00 can buy new for $2249.99 from Muscians Enemy. This a 1 1/2 year old guitar. Pics coming soon as I finish the wiring. It had ground hum. Found the solder had came loose on one of the pots. I am changing the crap pots to CTS pots. As you can see it is a nice guitar very few surface scratches on the front! There is a deeper one near the upper tone control. The pickguard is not is the picture.
  10. Do you mean the amber look? I would think you could add a little amber dye to your finish.
  11. The sound of these pickups may sound great to you if that is what you can afford. Others may think they sound like crap. Why a prewired pickguard? Are concerned with the wiring and /or soldering? The pots, switch and pickups are a low quality. Personally I would would by better quality parts. They will last longer and sound better.
  12. Hideous looking! The idea is good, but it sure takes away the beautiful look of a nice finish.
  13. I gotta W.32 My DOOM virus warning when trying to send this pic to someone. Just a warning! Edit: Ran a virus check. It is clean.
  14. I've tried to clearcoat different brasses and they all tarnish eventually. And, Curtis there are a lot of different color brasses depending on the alloy mix.
  15. Look Here! This should help!
  16. Look Here! PRS rotary switch! Edit: Got beat!
  17. Sorry, but I don't believe this should be in the tech area!
  18. Don't worry about it sounding like an LP. It would take a lot more than a piece of mahogany to do that.
  19. Can't you just shape some wood to fill the cavities? It is harder than using resin, but it is a better fix IMHO.
  20. I understand what you are trying to do. But, this has come up before and it was agreed that it can be done. To change from 12 to a 14" radius is small. Yes it will flatten the board some, but If you have a 1/4 inch board and the fret tang is approx. 1/13" you should have plenty of room. When you sand to 14" radius you will just be sanding the crown in the middle to the down to the edges of the fret board. In other words the edge of the fretboard doesn't change much.
  21. From what I could find out in my Stew Mac catalog it looks like there is approximately .074" or 1.905 mm of tang on the frets. Depending on fret size, it can vary a couple of thousandths. Based on those measurements flatening you radius should work OK. The difference of 12 to 14" radii is very small.
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