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Dimarzio vs. Seymour


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ok so ive been reading all over about duncans and dimarzios

i have a pair of dimarzio 7 string humbuckers, the tone zone 7 and air norton 7 on my RG1527CB

and i love the tone and crunch it delivers

im plannin to make a strat style or tele later on, and i was wondering what pickups should i use? the hot rails from seymore? or other from dimarzio? i need feedback

i play a lot of fast licks and jazz

i play a lot of metal(my 7 string)

i play a lot of stuff from blues artists, like stevie ray vaughn and stuff

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i don't even know if their pickup charts have similar standards when rating bass/mid/hi responses. if they are, you can see that most Duncan's (with humbuckers at least) tend to be more trebly. but if you can't accurately use these charts to compare across brands, well... i lost my train of thought. :D

at any rate, Wes is right. it's just a matter of taste and opinion. i will say however that outside curiosity, there's little reason to switch to Duncans if you're already happy as you seem to be with Dimarzios.

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I suppose, in my opinion, it's a matter of personnal taste. Seymor Duncan pickups have a cleaner tone to my ears and DiMarzio's have a little more gritty edge to them. There's no reason for that as far as I can tell.

In the past, I've selected pickups based on what they look like more than anything. :D

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I personally like seymor duncon. I don't want to start a new post for my simple questions so i will just ask here, it is up pickups. What's gets you a better metal tone? Two EMG HZ or EMG 81,85?

any high output pickup will give you a good metal tone really, but it's more up to the rig you're plugging into, it's got to be a high gain rig...EMG pickups are pretty flat and sterile, compared to passive pickups. many people use them because EMG active pickups have a high output, but instead i'd recommend dimarzio passive pickups instead, Evolution, X2N, Tone Zone, Air Norton, just check their site.

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I've sworn off DiMarzio because of their aggressive legal activities.  I can get what I need from Duncan and others without supporting a pushy bully...

Well that's a Flamebait comment if I've ever seen one.

Aggressive legal tactics? Since when is protecting your Patents and Trademarks a crime?

Didn't mean it to be. It was the patenting/trademarking of double cream buckers that got me; IMO that was way over the line. That was not DiMarzios design or idea; if I understand correctly, they just saw a profitable opportunity and used legal means to stifle competition. Maybe they gained lots of sales that way, but they lost mine.

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I remeber, years ago, I was advised by a salesclerk that Dimazio Humbuckers were better then Seymour Duncans, and Seymour duncan Single coils were better than Dimarzios.

I think he meant 'better' as in correlatiing with their own discriptions.

Having said that, there are a number of 'boutique' pickup winders out there now who can make a pick up at your specs for about the same price as the big names.

It may be a worthwhile exercise to look into that.

That said (save for the Hot Soapbar monstrosity) I have found that both companies products are great.

Hope thats a help,


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If you like the Tonezone 7 then buy a common ToneZone for the bridge of your project. In my opinion the best 6-string bridge pu ever. Especially for Rock/Metal.

i used to use that in the bridge of a guitar for metal.it was very nice.still prefer the 81/85 combo though.

they are most times not used for the high output,but more for the clarity at high gains and low noise.much better in those regards than the

Evolution, X2N, Tone Zone, Air Norton

just depends on what type of metal you are talking about really.and your personal preferences

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i used to use that in the bridge of a guitar for metal.it was very nice.still prefer the 81/85 combo though.

they are most times not used for the high output,but more for the clarity at high gains and low noise.much better in those regards than the

Yep....the EMG is a certainly less noisy and a give a little more clarity. It's all a matter of personal taste. For me the EMG's sound to clean/sterile because of these properties and I prefer passive setups. But I know exactly what you are talking about....

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i second the opinion that if you have played dimarzios and like them, stick to them! i am building a 7 string for a client, he specifically asked for dimarzio, good player. tone zone 7 and PAF 7 im going to use. im interested to see how they play, i may be converted to them!


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here it is...it is a little bassey because i just plugged in and went with it.but you should get the idea.a little eq tweaking would help.

and forgive me because i am not familiar with the extra string yet and i forget which string i am on once or twice

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Thank you VERY much for recording something just for my question. That PU sounds excellent. Exactly what I was looking for when I bought the ToneZone7....this is a way more ToneZone6-ish sound then what the ToneZone7 delivers. But I have installed the ToneZone7 in a guitar made from limba and a soft maple neck with bubinga laminates(my Infinity guitar which was GOTM in october) which may make it sound so different to my Alder Strats with ToneZone6 PU's. I simply want it to sound crunchier and brighter like your recording does.

But I suspect the more mellow sound of that particular guitar is not the ToneZone7's fault. What wood did you use on that guitar?

Thanks again for the recording,


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