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Hi, I recently started playing in a band so i need to upgrade my amp a little bit!

I know have an epiphone with a roland cube 30 wich is a very good practise amp but just hasn't got enough power!

My band plays (hard) rock, but I'm also into bluess and metal (the techniques basicly go together :D )

My price range would be around 600-700€ (count € = $ won't differ that much)

I searched a lot and was interested in:

-Line 6 flextone III XL

-Marshall AVT 150

-(Used) Fender hot rod deville 4x10 (for 600 €)

what is the main advantage of tubes and would I be able to play metal like metallica ,zakk wylde stuff on the fender deville? (probably not but there might be a chance just dunno :D )

I was mostly interested in the fender because its an all tube with nice clean +drive and for such a low price!

Hit me with info ppl!! B)

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In my collection of amps, I have a Fender Hot Rod DeVille 2X12. I wouldn't say that you could play metal with it, but you can get a good hard rock tone with it. It certainly is loud for 60 watts, I think it is. You could probably get more tones out of it since it has two gain channels and the clean channel with reverb for all three channels. The only drawback is that the reverb is always on, not something you can switch on and off with a footswitch. Getting a metal sound could be accomplished by something like a Boss Metal Zone or similar pedal.

I personally like my '74 Fender Twin Reverb the best. Using my pedals, I can get almost any tone out of it. But, it is one heavy thing - around 70 lbs...

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my own amp is a Fender UltraChorus, which is now called the Ultimate Chorus.

2x12", 65w bi-amped (each speaker has it's own amp), and a very flexible and wide range of sound possible. i have a standard strat, a Tom Delonge signature strat, an LP-100, and an SG w/ p-90's, and all sound wonderful through this thing.

the only problem is it doesn't have a speaker output, so there's no way to put an extra half cab on there or anything, which i'd like to do for a 3/4 stack. just get some more drive over the band, as i usually play lead.

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All those are nice, if you can go to a music store and test them will be better and will definately influence your decition in the right way. With tube you can get almost every tone you want on demand, have a nice rock tone, roll the volume down and there is a nice blues overdrive kinda compressed sound, then roll it back up and step on a nice pedal and have Zakk or Metallica on demand. I coulkdn't afford a tube amp so I got a "Big" combo Crate MX120R with 2X12 and a Digitech GNX1 and can emulate the sounds quite good, but there is no substitute for the real deal. I plan on getting a Carvin MTS head and 4X12 sometime next year, if I don't get the combo with the extension 2X12.

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Someone recommended the Carvin MTS to me also when I was asking about amps a couple of weeks ago. I did some checking around and they certainly seem like a good deal price wise.

The one thing that worried me was the reviews on harmony-central. You can never know how much truth is in those reviews but when I see comments about the distortion sounding very weak (there were at least two reviews like this if not more) - that makes me nervous. Has anyone here played through one of these amps? I'd love to hear that it's just another bogus review since the price is so good. The thing is, the crunch channel is THE reason I would buy an amp and I would puke if someone were to tell me - "oh, you just need to throw a Metal-Zone pedal in front of it". Does anyone know for sure on these MTS amps?

Sorry if this is a bit of a hijack. I saw that is was recommended and was reminded of the reviews I read.

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Dave, if you read my previous post you can see that I mentioned this, I don't think that it is true, but I find that all tube amps really benefit from a stomp box upfront to make them scream, then again I think that who ever gave those negative reviews are one of those that when they play you can't define a note because all they have is massive distortion with no tonal qualities on it. I have found that by bringing the gain (or drive) down a bit I'm able to atain the same distortion but with a lot more tonal characteristics and better sound than by just dialing everything on 11. I'm still trying to upload the CD that my friend gave me but I'm having trouble getting it up on my PC. Believe me that his 1/2 stack sounds brutal, and he only plays it on 3 on that recording @ 50W . Did I forget to mentioned that you have the ability of setting the Carvin at 50 or 100w depending on were you are playing, try doing that with a Marshall with out a power brake :D

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Absolutely, I just bought an Engl Screamer 50 and it's just astounding. I've never heard so much noise come out of a 1x12 50W combo in my life! All the valve attack and sustain you'll ever need, and the distortion channel is really shreddy and meaty if you want it. Awesome piece of gear, but not cheap.

Another alternative is the Tech 21 Trademark 60 - sansamps are really in a league of their own. Give it a try, phenomenally versatile amplifier.

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Line 6 makes some good stuff, i use a spider II HD, 150 watts stereo(75 per channel), gets a real nice range of usable tones, has good effects built in, play it through a mesa/boogie 4x12, and mostly metal and instrumental stuff. i have no complaints except that pedal for it costs a buttload, but you don't need it.

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