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Hey all, well i just got back from Fiji where myself and the wife did the whole renewing of vows thingy... Today i've been emailing the family back home sone photos so i thought I'd stick a couple on here.


Fiji was fantastic, we got Married again on the Beach at sunset. I highly reccommend if anyone is thinking about going there and getting Married there! Oh and yes I do look a lot like Matia only older ( for those of you who remember!! ) B)


And no laughing at my balding hairline! :D

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Congratulations Eddie (on both the wedding and also for having such a stunning wife B):D ).

I'm going to be getting married in Buxton (Derbyshire, England) where it's pretty much always cold and raining (that is of course unless that girl in the bikini 2 people to your left will take me :D ).

I think I might have to show my girlfriend the photos to try and change her mind. We're hoping to go to South America for our honeymoon for 6 months and stopping in the caribbean on the way so a beach wedding there would be much better :D

Anyway, Congrats again dude

Kaj :D

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I'm going to be getting married in Buxton (Derbyshire, England) where it's pretty much always cold and raining (that is of course unless that girl in the bikini 2 people to your left will take me  B) ). 

Thanks Hotrock! I actually know Buxton well as I used to live in Congleton Cheshire just across the hills! there was a company called Peak Aquatics I used to buy stuff off regularly, We used to go there and snowboard in the winter! Seriously cold on the tops though! Get your Mrs to agree to go somewhere hot mate! Its well worth it!!!!! :D:D

Oh by the way the girl to the left is called Tina shes from San Diego I believe and single!! i'll put in a word matey! :D

Edited by eddiefletcher
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Show us pics, I want to see your balding hairline.

Renewing your vows is so sweet, congrats to you, wishing you a lifetime filled wiht love, laughter and happiness.

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Hi Eddie :D

B) Congratulations by the Wedding... The best wishes to both for all life... I think that is an important fact in the all people´s life. I´m dream with the future wedding with my girl friend... Congratulations again, from me and my girlfriend, and have a good married for ever... See you Bro... :D

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