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Does Anyone Here Like Metal Guitar Music


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Whoaaaa sensory overload B)

On the whole I would have to say that although I didnt dislike it, I didn't really love it either :D

It had a bit of chug in there, but I thought there was just too much "noise"... if you get me at all. I might be a bit biased though, because in general I like my metal right to the point... no dilly dallying, just straight to the chug... straight to the killer riffs B)

At the beginning it felt like it was building up to something awsome that was just going to blow me off my seat.. but it never came, and the "ambience" sort of just kept going :D Maybe thats what you were going for... and I guess it did have a pretty cool feel to it... just not my cup of tea is all.

Sorry if I sound like a ****... im just doing my best to give an opinion even though im really tired :D

- Dan

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Is that original? or someone else?

I get the "winds" vibe.. very swirly, unearthly kind of feel to it.. Don't know that I get the 'Wicked' part as much though. I'm not a huge metal fan but i like to listen to just about anything and I love hearing skillful guitar playing.

Well done track. I am with Dan though on the ambiance.. So much reverb, choir voices, etc.. It's the difference between raw and edgy, and sounding like a soundtrack to a film.. I'm a big fan of dry stuff.. really tight sound, everything locked in just perfectly..

But again, very well done, professional sounding track.

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oh goody, more Joey love fest here too,

Here's a couple threads for you to look over so you can see what this Joey is really like, I'd ban him just for showing up personally.





It's not that you're a bad guitar player, your ego just far surpasses your skills Joey. Yngwie is humble in comparrison. You're really not that fast, sorry, hate to tell you that, but man, a dose of reality would do you really good.

Oddly enough, I just looked back at some of your first posts on this board where you say you've been playing 8 years, and yet on Jemsite you're saying 4 years, and from the timeline on your website, it looks more like 20 years :D

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very lame riff

lame shredding

sounds like background music on a very bad movie

have you ever played live? did people laugh?

i agree with LGM

Hey I loaded a new remix..try it if you guys like it, I will remix the backing trac as well..

What I did was brought down the keys ...lol now you can hear cool backing guitar..I did not even know was there...lol

let me know what you think???

Joey Dahlia

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very lame riff

lame shredding

sounds like background music on a very bad movie

have you ever played live? did people laugh?

i agree with LGM

and this is constructive how?this is your warning borge.

totally unacceptable.

so what if you don't think the guy is as good as he himself thinks he is.

i went through his website...yes his ego cup DOES runneth over...so what?90% of this forum is nothing but a bunch of egos.

if you are not proud of what you do,then why do it?in all those links i looked through on jemsite i saw a bunch of guys piling on a guy...trying to bring him down to earth...maybe you all thought you were doing him a favor.

why doesn't someone explain to me exactly what the favor you are doing actually IS?

who does it hurt for this guy to think he is the next malmsteen?at least he is happy.

listening to others rip on a guitarist's playing like that makes me personally feel down.i am not as fast a lead player as this guy is...there are so many metal rythm guitarists i wish i was as good as.

let him have his ego.

my opinion on the song? i personally do not like the music.i find it to be very simplistic and compared to all the shredders mentioned on your website,joey,it is not really as fast as you might believe it is...but keep on playing if you enjoy it.i am sure there are others who like it just fine.

personally,i think buckethead is a complete hack.but even he has a fan base


i also notice that no matter how much flack he gets,he never gets pissed off and he never starts flaming back.

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First off, I wouldnt really consider that metal, maybe the somewhat rhythm track but not really its more progressive. The mix itself is way to overproduced and horrible at that. The lead guitar is too far in the background I honestly had to concentrate just to hear it. The rhythm drums and what not are way to over powering and boring as all hell. Its the same exact thing the whole way though. Change it up a lil to create more of a composition instead of just a single continuous line that gets boring after the first minute. The lead playing from what I can hear is nothing exciting nothing really grabs my attention.


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Wow, I guess some of you guys have personal issues with this guy or something.

The ego thing is a bit much on the website, but we all have to do self-promotion. Some do too much, some not enough. Whatever.

I'm not much into this kind of music, whatever label you want to put on it, but I'd like to offer my opinion on some things that I think might make the song sound better. (whatever my opinion may be worth!) :D

Tighten up the rythmn tracks. If the drums were the first thing recorded, which is how I usually do it, make sure they are tight and in time before overdubbing other things on top. Make sure the length of any breaks are in time with the song, and make sure all instruments come back from the break at the same time. Make the drum timing TIGHT, and very crisp. Then when you overdub other instruments, just play in time with the song; that way you're not struggling with the time signatures. I think the drums not being tight in places is the root of the whole timing issue that everyone mentions.

On all of your tracks, whenever there is silence on the track, turn the volume down to zero. Or go back and digitally edit out all hiss, noise, etc. when the instrument is not playing. I could hear drop outs from tracks ending in the background while other tracks were still playing.

Too much reverb and ambience. Add just enough of this stuff to the mix where you DON'T notice it.

Alot of the lead guitar in this song is just running up and down a scale. If that's what you were after, ok. Maybe that's the wind? I might reconsider some of that, it sounds like you're practicing your scales. But then again, many songs on the radio nowadays sound like the guitarists NEED to practice. :D

Ok, after all that, I would like to say that I read all the bad and negative comments here and on the jem site before listening to the song. I was expecting something totally horrible. Actually, in my opinion, it was pretty cool. It sounds to me like a home recorded song, which it is. I can hear the cinematic element in there, too. I think it has the potential to be alot better, if it had some better production. But that's ALWAYS an issue with those of us who record at home. Fixing those timing issues would go a long way towards improvement.

Keep up the songwriting, the recording, and the guitar playing. Thanks for sharing your tunes.

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Wow, I guess some of you guys have personal issues with this guy or something. 

The ego thing is a bit much on the website, but we all have to do self-promotion.  Some do too much, some not enough.  Whatever.

I'm not much into this kind of music, whatever label you want to put on it, but I'd like to offer my opinion on some things that I think might make the song sound better.  (whatever my opinion may be worth!)   :D

Tighten up the rythmn tracks.  If the drums were the first thing recorded, which is how I usually do it, make sure they are tight and in time before overdubbing other things on top.  Make sure the length of any breaks are in time with the song, and make sure all instruments come back from the break at the same time.  Make the drum timing TIGHT, and very crisp.  Then when you overdub other instruments, just play in time with the song; that way you're not struggling with the time signatures.  I think the drums not being tight in places is the root of the whole timing issue that everyone mentions.

On all of your tracks, whenever there is silence on the track, turn the volume down to zero.  Or go back and digitally edit out all hiss, noise, etc. when the instrument is not playing.  I could hear drop outs from tracks ending in the background while other tracks were still playing.

Too much reverb and ambience.  Add just enough of this stuff to the mix where you DON'T notice it. 

Alot of the lead guitar in this song is just running up and down a scale.  If that's what you were after, ok.  Maybe that's the wind?  I might reconsider some of that, it sounds like you're practicing your scales.  But then again, many songs on the radio nowadays sound like the guitarists NEED to practice.   :D

Ok, after all that, I would like to say that I read all the bad and negative comments here and on the jem site before listening to the song.  I was expecting something totally horrible.  Actually, in my opinion, it was pretty cool.  It sounds to me like a home recorded song, which it is.  I can hear the cinematic element in there, too.  I think it has the potential to be alot better, if it had some better production.  But that's ALWAYS an issue with those of us who record at home.  Fixing those timing issues would go a long way towards improvement.

Keep up the songwriting, the recording, and the guitar playing.  Thanks for sharing your tunes.

Thanks for your time,

I am still just starting out as time goes on I will become better...


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oh goody, more Joey love fest here too,

Here's a couple threads for you to look over so you can see what this Joey is really like, I'd ban him just for showing up personally.

It's not that you're a bad guitar player, your ego just far surpasses your skills Joey.  Yngwie is humble in comparrison.  You're really not that fast, sorry, hate to tell you that, but man, a dose of reality would do you really good. 

Oddly enough, I just looked back at some of your first posts on this board where you say you've been playing 8 years, and yet on Jemsite you're saying 4 years, and from the timeline on your website, it looks more like 20 years :D

Man.... sometimes I get sick of the bashing! Give the guy a break already. His playing isn't really that bad, and I haven't heard anything of yours. On those Jemsite threads, there were only 3 or 4 people that put their music up. Why is that? Most likely cause the rest of the people suck nuts and just try to please the rest of the insert guitar god name wannabes. I don't really see that much of an ego problem either. I see a guy that has big enough nuts to put his stuff out there and have the s#%t kicked out of him for it. The Leviathan guitars you make are your pride and joy, and I'm sure you knock other companies products to sell more of yours. It's called business. He has a video lesson thing-a-ma-jiggy that he's pushing. He can't go in and say "I suck, let me teach you". It isn't ego, it's business. If I said your Leviathons are nothing more than glorified Ibanez's, you'd try to prove me wrong. Why? Because you created it and it's your baby. His playing is his baby. Let him have it. If you don't like his playing... don't listen to it. If you don't like his "ego".... don't go to his website or read his threads. It's a pretty simple concept.

I was once offered a job teaching guitar at a local store. I told the owner I wasn't good enough to teach guitar. He said to me "If you're better than a beginner, you can teach a beginner." Wise words. He's better than a lot of guitarists that post clips on this site, and they all call themselves guitarists and talk the talk and people leave them alone.

You can't honestly say you have never been a cocky guitarist. I've never met a guitarist that wasn't cocky. I grew up in a small town and as funny as it is, I was THE guitarist. I played in almost everyones bands and was the local session player. I had an ego the size of Texas. I had only been playing 4 years. Kind of ironic. Well... I don't count the 2 years I played before I got my first electic. Kinda like he doesn't count the 3 years he played before giving it up. Anyway, I've been playing 16 years now, and I listen to that old stuff and hide my head in shame. I sucked. Sometimes it just takes a while to realize.

But now I kick ass and shred with the best of em'! :D

Keep this in mind.... "In music, the ones that break the rules are the ones that have staying power."

Keep it up Joey, and just keep practicing. Jesus loves you man!

Edited by HeavnerGuitarWorks
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be fair to lgm...he has his reasons for getting on the guy a bit,and he at least had some good advice about checking the ego(which IS ego,not just business...check out the website)

but the straight out bashing with no constructiveness is where the line has to be drawn.

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oh goody, more Joey love fest here too,

Here's a couple threads for you to look over so you can see what this Joey is really like, I'd ban him just for showing up personally.

It's not that you're a bad guitar player, your ego just far surpasses your skills Joey.  Yngwie is humble in comparrison.  You're really not that fast, sorry, hate to tell you that, but man, a dose of reality would do you really good. 

Oddly enough, I just looked back at some of your first posts on this board where you say you've been playing 8 years, and yet on Jemsite you're saying 4 years, and from the timeline on your website, it looks more like 20 years :D

Man.... sometimes I get sick of the bashing! Give the guy a break already. His playing isn't really that bad, and I haven't heard anything of yours. On those Jemsite threads, there were only 3 or 4 people that put their music up. Why is that? Most likely cause the rest of the people suck nuts and just try to please the rest of the insert guitar god name wannabes. I don't really see that much of an ego problem either. I see a guy that has big enough nuts to put his stuff out there and have the s#%t kicked out of him for it. The Leviathan guitars you make are your pride and joy, and I'm sure you knock other companies products to sell more of yours. It's called business. He has a video lesson thing-a-ma-jiggy that he's pushing. He can't go in and say "I suck, let me teach you". It isn't ego, it's business. If I said your Leviathons are nothing more than glorified Ibanez's, you'd try to prove me wrong. Why? Because you created it and it's your baby. His playing is his baby. Let him have it. If you don't like his playing... don't listen to it. If you don't like his "ego".... don't go to his website or read his threads. It's a pretty simple concept.

I was once offered a job teaching guitar at a local store. I told the owner I wasn't good enough to teach guitar. He said to me "If you're better than a beginner, you can teach a beginner." Wise words. He's better than a lot of guitarists that post clips on this site, and they all call themselves guitarists and talk the talk and people leave them alone.

You can't honestly say you have never been a cocky guitarist. I've never met a guitarist that wasn't cocky. I grew up in a small town and as funny as it is, I was THE guitarist. I played in almost everyones bands and was the local session player. I had an ego the size of Texas. I had only been playing 4 years. Kind of ironic. Well... I don't count the 2 years I played before I got my first electic. Kinda like he doesn't count the 3 years he played before giving it up. Anyway, I've been playing 16 years now, and I listen to that old stuff and hide my head in shame. I sucked. Sometimes it just takes a while to realize.

But now I kick ass and shred with the best of em'! :D

Keep this in mind.... "In music, the ones that break the rules are the ones that have staying power."

Keep it up Joey, and just keep practicing. Jesus loves you man!


what can I say?

In this war to bring back guitar music there are players I don't have to worry about,stabbing me in the back when I am not looking..This guy is 1 of them.

It's a war within the war now you have to watch your back also,even though it's just music ,some guitar players will cut you down so fast,I must warn you their swords are 6 feet long and their knives are 3 feet long..they are much to strong for us..

This is where my beliefe in God comes in,He tells me they are just rubber and cant hurt me..


Thanks for the kind words..


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i thought the track was alright, although i don't consider it metal, (i pretty much listen to slayer, slayer and slayer!!)

dunno why everyone is bagging the dude though. he may not be as fast a yngwie, and his ego (from looking at his website) may be larger than yngwie's, but i would be stoked if i could play like that!!

just my $0.02


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i thought the track was alright, although i don't consider it metal, (i pretty much listen to slayer, slayer and slayer!!)

dunno why everyone is bagging the dude though.  he may not be as fast a yngwie, and his ego (from looking at his website) may be larger than yngwie's, but i would be stoked if i could play like that!!

just my $0.02


I think Slayer is thrash,For the most part is I am not a metal player and it's hard for some to understand 4 years is just not long enough to play guitar,I say hogwash...lol 4 years is forever...


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If you believe everything people tell you you will have an ego that says you are at least 5 times better than you are. Trust me. I really don't think I'm very good of a player. My rhythm is pretty darn tight, but my lead skills leave much to be wanted. :D If I believed all the comments people gave me after shows, I would think I was the new SRV. It feels good to be complimented, and I stay feeling like a million dollars until I play with other (good) guitarists. Joey, I might be way off base, but it sounds to me like you don't get out alot. Not meant as a bag at all, just an observation. If you found a couple really good guitarists that live near you and jam every week or so, you will improve immeasurably. They don't even necessarily have to be 'better' than you, they just need to play different styles of music. I jam with guys that range from bluegrass to death metal. You can learn something from all of them.

I do think everyone is being WAY too critical of this guy. He is good. Period. Not as good as his ego proclaims maybe, but better than most guitarists out there. I'm extremely impressed with his attitude also. No matter how much people bash him, he replies calmy in a very disarming way. A few (hundred) of us could take a lesson from him

I was once offered a job teaching guitar at a local store. I told the owner I wasn't good enough to teach guitar. He said to me "If you're better than a beginner, you can teach a beginner." Wise words.

He was right. I by no means felt like I could teach someone to play guitar. After all, I've only taken lessons for two months EVER. It's an amazing feeling to watch a new guitarist learn to play their first song, and see their face when they get it perfect. Perhaps I'll have to point them in the direction of a better teacher sooner than some people would, but I think being stuck with one teacher too long can make you stagnant anyway.

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oh goody, more Joey love fest here too,

Here's a couple threads for you to look over so you can see what this Joey is really like, I'd ban him just for showing up personally.

It's not that you're a bad guitar player, your ego just far surpasses your skills Joey.  Yngwie is humble in comparrison.  You're really not that fast, sorry, hate to tell you that, but man, a dose of reality would do you really good. 

Oddly enough, I just looked back at some of your first posts on this board where you say you've been playing 8 years, and yet on Jemsite you're saying 4 years, and from the timeline on your website, it looks more like 20 years :D

Man.... sometimes I get sick of the bashing!  Give the guy a break already.  His playing isn't really that bad, and I haven't heard anything of yours.  On those Jemsite threads, there were only 3 or 4 people that put their music up.  Why is that?  Most likely cause the rest of the people suck nuts and just try to please the rest of the insert guitar god name wannabes.  I don't really see that much of an ego problem either.  I see a guy that has big enough nuts to put his stuff out there and have the s#%t kicked out of him for it.  The Leviathan guitars you make are your pride and joy, and I'm sure you knock other companies products to sell more of yours.  It's called business.  He has a video lesson thing-a-ma-jiggy that he's pushing.  He can't go in and say "I suck, let me teach you".  It isn't ego, it's business.  If I said your Leviathons are nothing more than glorified Ibanez's, you'd try to prove me wrong.  Why?  Because you created it and it's your baby.  His playing is his baby.  Let him have it.  If you don't like his playing... don't listen to it.  If you don't like his "ego".... don't go to his website or read his threads.  It's a pretty simple concept.

First of all no, I would never bash a company to make my stuff look better, that's not business, that's stupid. Nothing gives you a bad name faster than slandering others. You know who Ed Roman is? That's all he does is bash everything he doesn't sell, hell, he bashes things he does sell. What's his reputation again? Oh that's right, half the musicians in this world want to shoot him, the other half want to stab him. Thanks, I'll leave the bashing to others.

If you said my leviathans are nothing more than glorified Ibanez's, I'd say you're right, in the exact same way that an Ibanez is nothing more than a glorified stratocaster in your mind. Frankly I don't care if a few people don't like my guitars, you can't please everyone and that's life, now if everyone started saying they sucked, well I guess I'd try designing something else.

As for his ego, fine you build him guitars for an endorsement. Here is the very first email he ever sent me.

hi.my name is joey dahlia...i am going to the jemfest show in orlando..and i

seen your site..let me know if you would give me an endorsement i need 2

guitars built for me and what i need cant be done...check out my site

www.joeydahlia.com i promise no one will ever play your guitars ever..like

me.......please respond.. joey dahlia

yes i am crazy

As for hearing something I've played, you don't have to search hard on this forum to find it, but since you obviously think I'm some wanker talking through my ass, here......


It was recorded really quick on a BOSS BR8, the tone sucks, the vocals suck, hell, and I recorded it at like 3am, but either way, like it or hate it, at least it should show you I can play guitar a little.

I was once offered a job teaching guitar at a local store.  I told the owner I wasn't good enough to teach guitar.  He said to me "If you're better than a beginner, you can teach a beginner."  Wise words.  He's better than a lot of guitarists that post clips on this site, and they all call themselves guitarists and talk the talk and people leave them alone.

That's true, it's also true that the best teachers don't necessarily have to be able to do it at all. I knew a piano teacher who could barely play mary had a little lamb, but he was an amazing teacher.

You can't honestly say you have never been a cocky guitarist.  I've never met a guitarist that wasn't cocky.  I grew up in a small town and as funny as it is, I was THE guitarist.  I played in almost everyones bands and was the local session player.  I had an ego the size of Texas.  I had only been playing 4 years.  Kind of ironic.  Well... I don't count the 2 years I played before I got my first electic.  Kinda like he doesn't count the 3 years he played before giving it up.  Anyway,  I've been playing 16 years now, and I listen to that old stuff and hide my head in shame.  I sucked.  Sometimes it just takes a while to realize.

I think I can say I've never been a cocky guitarist quite honestly. I know where my skills are, and I am proud of what I've accomplished, but I'm not cocky about it. When somebody criticizes my playing I take it in stride and do what I can to do better. As for amount of years playing, that's irrelevant, I know people who've played 30 years and can't shred, so what. I also know people that have played 4 years and can rip with the best of them. Not counting his first 3 years is like saying you JUST learned to ride a bicycle when you rode one for 3 years when you were a kid. Somethings stick around, besides, read some of his previous posts on this particular site, he even says he's played for 8 years in one of them.

But since you saw my post as bashing, let me clarify for you, it was not bashing, it was stating some facts, and telling the guy to check his ego. If his skill playing wise stood up close to the way he talks I've had said nothing, I haven't called him a bad player either, I think he's doing ok, but the way he talks, just like when he emailed me about an endorsement, I was expecting Steve Vai skills, not what I heard.

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In this war to bring back guitar music there are players I don't have to worry about,stabbing me in the back when I am not looking..This guy is 1 of them.

It's a war within the war now you have to watch your back also,even though it's just music ,some guitar players will cut you down so fast,I must warn you their swords are 6 feet long and their knives are 3 feet long..they are much to strong for us..

This is where my beliefe in God comes in,He tells me they are just rubber and cant hurt me..

:D See, Joey, this is why people have trouble with you - they can't get past those delusions of grandeur, with a side of paranoia. I mean, seriously, rubber swords?!?? :D How rational does that sound? You are obviously a fairly talented and intelligent human being, and it might be worthwhile to know you, but nobody's going to make the effort so long as you come off like Todd the Guitar God. Regardless of how good-natured your responses are, they always seem to draw flak - why deliberately repeat a pattern that has proved disastrous everywhere else? If you check your Spandex® at the door and ramp down the persecution complex a wee bit, you might just have some fun around here. And keep posting clips (preferably with minimal commentary - let us be the judge for a change :D ) - Wicked Winds may not be perfect, but I for one enjoyed hearing it. B)
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I for one enjoyed both of the tracks posted here. LGM and Joey, you guys both tear it up in my eyes. I've been messin with the guitar for over 10 yrs and I still can't play a decent lead with the band at my church without choking hard core. I'm sure I could learn a ton from both of you (practicing consistenly might help too). :D

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  . It's an amazing feeling to watch a new guitarist learn to play their first song, and see their face when they get it perfect. Perhaps I'll have to point them in the direction of a better teacher sooner than some people would, but I think being stuck with one teacher too long can make you stagnant anyway.

Well this is my very first metal song,I never played rhythm until the past few months..

I also seen a quote from me looking for an endorsement saying"noone will ever play guitar like me" that was me talking 3 years ago,yes that was not right but look how I felt about guitar even in my first year...2001-02.I dont do that anymore,but thats really not that bad..just very confident..

Call it ego, I call it HEART..... :D

Joey Dahlia

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In this war to bring back guitar music there are players I don't have to worry about,stabbing me in the back when I am not looking..This guy is 1 of them.

It's a war within the war now you have to watch your back also,even though it's just music ,some guitar players will cut you down so fast,I must warn you their swords are 6 feet long and their knives are 3 feet long..they are much to strong for us..

This is where my beliefe in God comes in,He tells me they are just rubber and cant hurt me..

:D See, Joey, this is why people have trouble with you - they can't get past those delusions of grandeur, with a side of paranoia. I mean, seriously, rubber swords?!?? :D How rational does that sound? You are obviously a fairly talented and intelligent human being, and it might be worthwhile to know you, but nobody's going to make the effort so long as you come off like Todd the Guitar God. Regardless of how good-natured your responses are, they always seem to draw flak - why deliberately repeat a pattern that has proved disastrous everywhere else? If you check your Spandex® at the door and ramp down the persecution complex a wee bit, you might just have some fun around here. And keep posting clips (preferably with minimal commentary - let us be the judge for a change :D ) - Wicked Winds may not be perfect, but I for one enjoyed hearing it. B)

Well if the blades are rubber and the knives are rubber and I dont fight back..than the war is harmless..They make fun of me and try to bring me down ,when they could be playing guitar .Most players do pat me on the back, but some wont and will pee on my grave..

Glad you liked my toon thanks for your time..

Joey Dahlia

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Todd the Guitar God.

this made me smile.i will have to use that somewhere.

joey...you should listen to lovekraft and lgm...you really are a bit hard to take.i don't mean this as a slam,but you are not worth talking to when you say these "war to bring back guitar" things.

there is no war.the only thing stopping you from being famous is that your songs are not proffesional quality.your tecnique is very sloppy....that's where all that background noise comes from in your clip.

but i have to keep it real..i really don't believe all of the claims you make.

i don't believe that you have only been playing guitar for four years,or even eight years...not because your skills amaze me or anything,just because i don't believe a man can pick up the guitar in his forties(or even thirties) for the first time and be able to learn to play,even at a sloppy shred level in four years....

maybe you played piano,maybe you played the banjo...maybe you have really been playing the guitar since you were 14 and you think that lying about it will make people buy your stuff.

by the way...why quote people such as "steve from sam ash" and "rob from the local bar" on your site to puff your self up?

Nathan from across town told me "you can play anything you want,can't you?" once...but i didn't have it made into a bumper sticker to sell at the local guitar center.

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