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The Brutalizer 6-string

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It's not sanded yet :D

Ok This Is the Oak body I did A while Ago and Today I did the Brtalizer design on it, Because I was thinking About some stuff Wes said To me About trying new things and Not buying A cheep ass Guitar!! B)

So Im going to build My own 6-string! and Im going to Practice my Finishing/painting skills on it so That I can do my best On the 7-string

Thanks Wes


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When your done with it you could hang some big heavy chain, from hook/barb to hook/barb and take a pic. It would make it look like the meanest f'n guitar ever. Hang it the same way people do with their pierced ear and nose connected by a chain, except use some chain that is thick like with inch wide links.LOL Sorry my mind is on the fritz right now. Jason

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When your done with it you could hang some big heavy chain, from hook/barb to hook/barb and take a pic. It would make it look like the meanest f'n guitar ever. Hang it the same way people do with their pierced ear and nose connected by a chain, except use some chain that is thick like with inch wide links.LOL Sorry my mind is on the fritz right now. Jason

HAHAHA Now Theres A good Idea And I can do it I have A ton of rusted heavy Chain and I have Some barbed wire I could use aswel :D

Im going to end up trashing This new Guitar with all this stuff, But hell It would Be A deadly pic :D

Nice design Maybe try some bevels on the small points to make it look even sharper

But bevels or not THATS SICK

Yep That's the plan This baby's going to look like A big Ass blade when it's done!!


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I was just screwing around but it would make a killer pic. You could do it though in between sanding back finishing coats, but you would have to put in the hardware, eh nevermind dumb idea. Just do it digitally on your computer for an album cover. Jason

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Ok now Since This One Is just about the body over the Part's Im thinking

Quick Premade part's build! with the most of my efforts on the finish

So I have A Qustion

Im haveing A hard time thinking about the best way to get the exopxy fill in to the inside of the side hooks It's A tight space

Any idea's? :D


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Hear Are Some idea's Im working on for the Headstock

Tell me What you think






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Those headstock designs reminded me of a knife. You could take it further and make it really knife-like

How So? Im oppen to any Idea's :D


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I really hate it when symmetrical bodies have non-symnetrical necks.

I say go for a BC rich style headstock of your own design

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Man You have No Idea How Much I HATE this Neck!! Really That's Why I was going to paint the dam thing I hate This plan fender looking Maple fretboard! I hate That It it's A 22 fret neck And MOST of all I Hate This type of a headstock

on flying V's with the exception of the RR-V

And I hate How the neck look's On the body UGLY

I hate The thing :D

But Im broke B)


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I dunno dude, I alw3ays try and mirror the body in my headstock designs in some way. Like this....


I know its not that different, but with a bit of work im sure you could remodel the end so it looks more evil.

Shame it isnt a reverse headstock. For a 6 string, you could do a reverse and get some better bass string stability when you detune. You could always take the plunge and build your own neck!!!!

good luck tho dude! is this is half as good as the Impaler, its gonna be wicked

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Hear Are Some idea's Im working on for the Headstock

Tell me What you think






Hmm.... neither of those really fit the design.

Couldn't you fill the tuner holes and add more wood to the headstock so you could cut a completely different shaped headstock?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok Ive done Some Work on the body Im trying A cool angled resessed jack thing :D on front of the guitar on the botom wing

It's Kinda like the jack on this guitar, but mine is not round all the way around the top,

(If that make's any sence)


But My camera Is DEAD, GONE, NOMORE so I not sure when I can get pic's up



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Hey Matt did you ever find that jack plate you were looking for? The one that was a little more square(I think) and it was on a ibanez. It really was a cool plate and I looked for you and for myself, but never could find one. Well let me know if you ever come across a place tha sells them, and I'll do the same. Jason

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I really hate it when symmetrical bodies have non-symnetrical necks.

I say go for a BC rich style headstock of your own design

i say go with a custom headstock thats symmetrical and has serrated sides

i'd suggest a V but after my thread, doesnt look like too many people take kindly to the V look :D

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Hey Matt did you ever find that jack plate you were looking for?

No I looked all over and nothing, I even tryed to talk to ibanez no help there

So I said to he11 with it im trying my own thing :D


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Ok Now Im back in the pic game!! B) Still My pic's suck :D

Ok now It still need's Some finish sanding and clean up But it's geting close!




And Before You guy's Ask about the big chunk that's missing where The neck will be placed, I did That onpurpose There was A UGLY knot there and so I cut it out so that when

I rought the neck cavity I wount have Any tear out that will cause alot of damage.

So what do you guy's think of my first try at this type of A jack thing


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I like it! I think it fits the guitar really well and considering that is your first try at cutting the jack hole, I say that it is great. I think it would be hard to do it better. And the guitar is looking sweet! I really am liking that design, I'm sure it's not the easiest cut I'm sure, but I thinks it's well worth it for the look. How did you decide the angle to cut the hole at, do you just use the jack itself as reference. Well nice stuff matt and I can't wait to see how that design turns out! Later. Jason

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Thanks Guy's im glade you like It,

How did you decide the angle to cut the hole at, do you just use the jack itself as reference

Well I did A lot of thinking before I tryed this and As you can See it's not A thick guitar, and I wanted to make sure i got the right angle so that the jack did not come out to deep and go thru the botom of the other side but I needed it to go below the tone pot, So I did some measuring and It came out well.

And I did it buy hand With a rasp bit on a hand drill :D That Was fun! B)


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And I did it buy hand With a rasp bit on a hand drill smoke.gif That Was fun! biggrin.gif

I saw a hand drill press type thing recently, and was wondering how it would work. It looks like the hand drill worked great for you, what other uses would a hand drill have, or what else do you use it for? I was going to ask you about the closeness of the jack to the tone pot, but assumed you angled the jack enough so it could fit under the tone pot. Are the lines you have on the guitar for the contour of the top? Well keep us posted with pics! Jason

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