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How Many Scallopers Here?

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I've never tried one, but was considering buying a full-scalloped neck from Warmoth sometime in the future for a project, I hear they're sweet, and you can get spoiled on one quickly.


Are there a lot of scalloped-neck users here?

Would a scalloped neck work best in conjunction with a Floyd? (tremolo)

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Guest AlexVDL

If you have a guitar with extra jumbo frets you probably wouldn't notice it that much, but still there is a little difference... your fingers don't touch the wood of the fretboard, so bending goes way easier than on a non scalloped neck.

Like Sean said, a light tough is a must, but if you're used to jumbo frets you won't have any trouble.

Brian did a full scallop job on one of my new necks, and I probably want all my necks (except the ones with the cool inlays) fully scalloped! Oh yeah, I wouldn't scallop the JPM because the value will get less :D

Scalloped necks rule B)

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it's a cool sensation, and really neet for doing lead work cause ur more connected and in control of the strings, that said, if ur not the most tallented lead player, it's going to show a bit more. i liked it, but i ended up taking that fingerboard off the neck cause the fret spacing wasn't correct. i might do it again to a neck but for now jumbo frets will do fine since i'm used to little tiny fender frets..

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ya, the half scallop has it's up's and downs'. The pro's are that u don't have to be as carefull with chording (coming back to the "light touch" issue, and u have the freedom of a scallop on the upper frets for shredding. Con's are, well it can be a bit frusterating, cause i agree with the above, u have to play scalloped a bit differently, and switching back and forth could get agervating, it also looks kinda odd :D

i'd say if u want to try it out on a neck, get the whole thing done.

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Ritchie Blackmore use(d?) scalloped strats. Several Yngwie-style guitarists as well, although I'm having a hard time remembering any names...

I don't think there would be any point in scalloping an acoustic. you hardly ever do any bends on those anyway...

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Please, could someone enlighten me on what a scalop is! I hear the word being thrown around all the time and not have a clue what it means, I feel stupid :D I guess i'm not as cleaver as other poeple, eh.

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