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picture0013kh.jpgI have an Ibanez RG with a flat mount string through bridge, does anyone know of a model that will be a direct replacement for the bridge and offer acoustic tones? I have included a pic, any info is appreciated, I really want to expand the tone of this guitar.

is there anyway to wire a push-pull pot to control the output? Like down is just magnetic pickups and up is the piezo? I don't want to add anymore switches, what is the best way to keep it looking stock while expanding the tone?


Wiring the output of the mags and piezo to a push pull pot would be no problem. The only issue I see is that the volume pot for your mags and piezo cannot be the same as piezos require a different value potentiometer than traditional magnetic pickups. So basically, if you want to control the volume of the piezo and pickups, you'd need to ditch the tone control and have two volumes.


GraphTech's GHOST system has saddles in various different types, you can get 'em at StewMac or order direct. You will need (it's NOT optional) a preamp system of some sort, so factor that into the cost. You'll also need to drill an extra hole in the guitar, probably in front of the bridge.


thanks for the input. The tone pot is a dud anyway, I bypassed it when I installed the Duncan Invaders so it's just a single volume on the guitar right now. Does anyone know what the color of the Ghost Saddles from stew mac really look like? I'd like to keep all the hardware black, but if the saddles are the dark chrome like in their pic that would look ok. Also will the ones on Stew Mac fit on my bridge? I mean are they pretty much universal or are they meant for a specific bridge?


If you want black hardware go with the graphtech system. Seeing as you can't get the LR baggs x bridge in black. Oh, and you CAN put a ghost system in without a preamp. Ummm... external preamps work fine for me. Plus you only have to buy one (lr baggs preamp thing is about $150) as apposed to buying one for each guitar annnnd having bloody batteries in them. The graphtech saddles are pretty black so i wouldn't worry about that :D




I have 2 of those Fishman preamps (one on the pedalboard powered by my OneSpot--no batteries). I paid $65 for one, $25 for the other. Watch ebay and don't get in a hurry and you can find some bargains.


Ok I have one more question. If I use an internal preamp (this is the only guitar I'm going to put the piezo saddles on) what resistance volume/push pull pot do I need? I want the push pull to control the volume of the piezo pickups and switch between the magnets and the piezo for the output. Do I need the 25k pot for this since I'm using the internal preamp that has the 9 volt battery?

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