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You know you're a guitar dork when.....


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well i must admit, i am glad i am not the only one B)

- i dream about guitars. i dream about building and playing them.

- i draw guitars at school. that's pretty much all i do.

- i even talk about guitars to people i don't know, teachers, friends, chicks, parents. it doesn't matter.

- i can nearly name every guitar i see a person use. sometimes i can get the model and year of when it was made.

- i love guitars so much, i look at rich peoples furniture when i work with my dad and guess what wood it is [most of the time i am right] then i tell them that's a waste of good wood and that they could of built a guitar with that.

- you know you're a guitar dork when you walk past lacewood trees and try and hack enough off for a guitar body. :D [it was to hard to hack off and i got in trouble, so that didn't work :( ]


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  • 10 months later...

You build a guitar from scratch just for a science fair...

You read the encyclopedia of electric guitars from cover to cover..

You've played guitar for 10 years (and you're only 14)..

You are not embaressed to shout phrases like "My wengie is leaking!"..

You post on a forum thread while cradeling your wood. Lacewood, currently...

You have furious heartfelt debates about the tonal properties (and migration patterns) of African Limba versus European Limba..

Listing "The most risky thing you've done" (in college applications) as "Routing a 5A Quilted Western Big Leaf Maple top to 1/16th of the top for the electronics".

Those sucked..

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when you have a couple megabytes dedicated to guitar photos and docuements

OMG I have litterly got about 15 MB's on my machine of pictures with cool guitars

and guitars I never wanna forget... (I once downloaded 8 pictures of jimi hendrix's painted flyign V so i could ruin one in the exact same way later!!)

or everything from an "urban camo esp explorer" to a "copperhead snakeskin jackson sl2" or a 10000$ ebay warlock wich is just too good to be true or close ups from a "man to wolf inlay" on hetfield's explorer...

I could go on for another 20 minutes about more then 80 pictures!!

oh and I draw guitars in school a lot (mostly flying V's for no ptclr. reason)

Edited by ikke_998
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- When you take all of the pictures off the walls and put up "String Swings" so you can hang a guitar or bass every 21.5" and cover the wall (I did that this weekend!!)

- When you spend all of your free time in search of that "priced just right" Ric you've been looking for all of your life......(Funny, I bought that one this weekend - a 1977 4001 - that was a long search!) (ouch, I bought a MusicMan Stingray Saturday too!!)

- When your hobby becomes selling guitars full time on ebay so you can support your playing and buying habits!

- When you are so addicted you tell your wife that you bought ANOTHER bass/guitar for yourself and she just smiles and says "Oh, a different one than you bought YESTERDAY!!!" and she is so used to it you don't even get in trouble anymore.

- When you're having sex and she's on top and you find yourself staring at the ceiling thinking of how to get that sound you heard on an old Pink Floyd song.....I don't do that....Really B)

- When you realize ALL of your friends play an instrument because you can no longer form a sentence in a conversation without using the words guitar, bass pickup, trem, routing, fret wear, neck pocket, riff, groove, etc, etc, etc.........

Hi, My name is Steve, and I'm a..................

Life is Good!! :D

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You know your a guitar dork when you cry when you have to be without your guitar for a week.

that's not funny...

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You know you're a guitar dork when you read through the past year of Players Corner threads just to find a thread that is worth your 3 minute post wait time that had died nearly a year before you dredged it up from the PG.com archives.

Seriously, man, what's with the post revival?

Also, it's spelled "wenge".

You know you're a guitar dork when people won't talk to you because the conversation inevitably turns to either guitars or exotic woods.

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