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Attention High School Seniors!

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It's that time of year where we seniors are hearing back from colleges and making our plans for next year and the rest of our lives.

I know there are a couple other Seniors on this board besides myself, and I was just curious what colleges or other plans you guys had for next year-- schools, majors, jobs, etc.

Happy building! :D

Dan D

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Centeinal College Ontario Canada - Motorcycle Mechanic

It is part of my apprenticeship, I already work as a motorcycle mechanic, but i dont have my liscense, so i cant certify bikes or anything that a mechanic really has to do, but i sign and fill out all the work orders i do, which is pretty cool i guess.

This summer though, holy crap, cant wait, BIG party after we are done highschool, and ladies, watch out, i am struttin my stuff in a yellow bannana hammock!


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Nice to see so many people going into engineering and other technical disciplines. North America needs all the engineers and scientists it can get if we're to retain our technical edge in the coming decades.

I'm headed (back) to U. Texas in the fall for a master's of electrical engineering. :D

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Nice to see so many people going into engineering and other technical disciplines. North America needs all the engineers and scientists it can get if we're to retain our technical edge in the coming decades.

Now if we could just figure out a way for them to keep from dropping out of college or moving into easier Basketweaving majors just so they can party more, that'd be even better!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all, It seems like the military really wants me bad.....

LOL just kidding.

I am actually going to be taking a non-college route, My entire family has real-estate liscences so I am going to get mine and we are thinking about starting our own real estate office, we are up in New Hampshire so buisiness is always booming, I am also taking that as a job so I will still have time to play guitar and perform on weekend nights.

I may start a mini-lutherie shop too, just building guitars for a few friends mostly.

Edited by Firefox2551
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