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Well the day has come and Im moveing to Alberta to be With My Girlfriend Megan



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Wow that has to be the first spelling mistake I've seen on the internet. Please stop doing that. It's annoying to read a thread with you and others correcting people's spelling and grammar. Who cares? If you don't like it then learn to deal with it. Last I checked I'm on the internet not in a classroom.

Congratulations on moving day. Hope things go well.

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Well Im hear and the move went great!!! now Im looking for work

HA someone skilled headed over my way! Hope you have a good move!

Where you headed in alberta? Calgary Maybe?!?!

Hey wicked man, Im in Cold lake

good luck getting your girlfriend let you make any more guitars!

HAHA ARE YOU KIDING MAN, shes trying to make me build one for her now B) but really shes given me more surrport in my building than any one ever has, it feels good to have that in life

NOW there is.


Theres no "e" in moving....

HAHA YES THERE IS :D thanks man


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Well Im hear and the move went great!!! now Im looking for work

:D work? what's that then?

HAHA ARE YOU KIDING MAN, shes trying to make me build one for her now B) but really shes given me more surrport in my building than any one ever has, it feels good to have that in life

:D that's cool :D actually I think my girlfriend want's one too but she's got to re-learn to play first.

B) looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Planning out your new workshop yet?


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work? what's that then?

Ive just heard of it, its where you sit and do the same thing every day untill your mind rots away :D


looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Planning out your new workshop yet?

Well the new shop is going to be simple and small, but untill I build up funds I'll be driving 4 hours to use my shop in saskatoon when I can :D


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Ive just heard of it, its where you sit and do the same thing every day untill your mind rots away

:D ah like school but you get paid for it?

Well the new shop is going to be simple and small

its not the size its how you use it B)

but untill I build up funds I'll be driving 4 hours to use my shop in saskatoon when I can B)

ah that sucks :D but I can see how that's better than having to drive 4 hours to see your girlfriend! :D long distance relationships are a pain in the arse


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ah like school but you get paid for it?

HAHA That must be why I droped out :D

its not the size its how you use it


ah that sucks but I can see how that's better than having to drive 4 hours to see your girlfriend! long distance relationships are a pain in the arse

I can stand waiting to build guitars BUT It really really REALLY sucked being Away from Megan like that So Im glad I made the Move


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HAHA That must be why I droped out :D

jeez I've nearly dropped out several times but I'm glad I've stuck with it because now I get to go to uni which should be cool.

I can stand waiting to build guitars BUT It really really REALLY sucked being Away from Megan like that So Im glad I made the Move

I know what that's like, my girlfriend lives about 3 and half hours travel away and I don't get to go see her very often (can't drive and being in school means I can only go during holidays).

:D I hope you and Megan have a really good time together


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jeez I've nearly dropped out several times but I'm glad I've stuck with it because now I get to go to uni which should be cool.

Ya I wish I had pulled thru!! ive been thinking about going back or something, If anything just so I can prove to my self I can do it

ah wishfull thinking :D ONE DAY B)


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by the look of some of your builds I don't think you'll need to! you'll be making them professionally full time before long by the sounds of things!


Im geting there!! :D I still have Much to learn, I never will stop learing the day I think I know it all is the day I crap out


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work? what's that then?

Ive just heard of it, its where you sit and do the same thing every day untill your mind rots away :D


Well, I sit here playing on PG most of the day, wondering where all the paper keeps comming from. I really should do something about it.

Is this you first house then? First time living alone with a woman? I moved in with my girl a few years ago (although we always lived together at uni) and it's wicked. Even with the gardening and washing up. I've given up on trying to offer an opinion on the decorating though (but she's given up on trying to tell me what to do in the kitchen) :D

Good luck man, I hope it all works out. Just remember that the washing up just appears, even if you're both doing it. No point agruing about it B)B)

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Is this you first house then? First time living alone with a woman? I moved in with my girl a few years ago (although we always lived together at uni) and it's wicked. Even with the gardening and washing up. I've given up on trying to offer an opinion on the decorating though (but she's given up on trying to tell me what to do in the kitchen)

Good luck man, I hope it all works out. Just remember that the washing up just appears, even if you're both doing it. No point agruing about it

Not My first Place On my own, BUT first Big Move like this. With the decorating thats no problem EVERTHING BLACK with Black Metal Posters for wallpaper, DISSECTION Flags for for window treatments :D


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now that you have moved take a look at www.albertametal.net cool forums great place to find shows happening in the area. I know this is kinda offtopic but meh you may enjoy it.

DEADLY!! I just Signed up thanks man :D

ah now that's a taste in decoration!



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