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i started to put this in the off topic chat section but i thought i might get more exposure and answers here.

i'm making some custom guitar wall hangers for my business partner to offer on his bass guitar website. i'm using 5/8" dowells for the actual hanging mechanism and haven't been able to find a suitable material to pad them with. leather is out..he hugs trees and eats vegetables and all that.

here's my question..his guitars and necks are finished with an oil finish. if i shot poly on the dowells and let it cure completely what problems might i run into leaving them that way and not wraping or coating them at all?

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I am not going to try to guess about any chemical reaction? It does seem like a softer surface would be a nice touch (less chance of a ding). Maybe 1/8" cork wrapped around the dowel. Then slide a piece of shrink tube over it, and shrink it to lock it in place. That might add a margin if protection.


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I remember seeing someone selling latex in a pint can. It was meant for dipping tool handles into. If I can remember where I saw it, I'll tell you.

I built some industrial looking wall hangars. I welded a 1.5" piece of quarter inch roundbar to 1/4-20 U bolt. I welded the other end of the roundbar to a plate that had two holes on it(for mounting to the wall). I then cut a 45 degree angle into 2 piece of 1/4" ID clear tubing, which I then slid onto either side of the U bolt. I also added a little bar that latched over the front, so the guitar couldn't fall out of the bracket. They're standing up very well.



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That red latex in a can is available from Eastwood automotive products. You dip steel tools in it to provide a cusioned handle, however Im not sure of any reaction to the guitar, and the finish comes off eventually. Mine of course is in extreme case as my hands are greasy and oily and are abused every day.

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thanks for the suggestions all..the latex won't work..i mean it would work but not on these particular hangers. they're going to be pretty expensive and need to look a little classier than that..ditto the heater hose..though that one appeals to the redneck in me.

the cork has possibilities..i hadn't thought of that. i may also try wrapping a thin strip of tolex around them like a golf club handle.

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good morning all..motus, i thought about felt and aj, i even thought about getting good old mom to make me some sleeves on her sewing maching but i've actually decided on a leatherette fabric wrapped around the dowell like a golf club handle. i had an old amp cabinet with a light tan colored covering and cut a piece off and it looks great. i have a buddy who upholsters and he's bringing me some scraps to work with. when i get one finished up i'll post a pic or two and see what everyone thinks.

thanks for the input

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Thin synthetic leather, they make golf gloves out of it.

"...and no cows were injured in the fabrication of these guitar hangers!"

Ask your partner if the trees have hugged him back yet.

i tease him and his wife all the time about being vegetarians and tree huggers..even though i actually do respect them for their dedication to their views..

and they've got a good sense of humor about it. when they recently returned from a trip to san francisco they brought me a refrigerator magnet that has one of my all time favorite vegetarian jokes printed on it..

"vegetarian is an indian word for bad hunter."

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