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Fret buzz


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Have you tried adjusting the nut? See how far the strings clear the first fret whith your finger on the third fret. The strings should barely clear the first fret as a rule of thumb.

You can also try a neck shim away from the body if this is a bolt on. Youu can use a business card doubled over.

Most guitars will have some buzz and this is normal. If your using an electric and cannoot hear the buzz through the amp don't worry about it. I have $3000 guitars that buzz a little.


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remember too that sometimes it takes a little while for the wood to settle in it's new position after a truss rod adjustment.can you adjust each string"s height seperately?

anyway if all that doesn't do it you may need to level the frets

just me but i wouldn't use a neck shim.it is an accepted way to do things sometimes but from what i understand the more wood to wood contact you have in the neck pocket the better.in effect you would just be making it possible to raise the action higher without actually fixing the real problem.but maybe someone else has a different opinion.

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