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A Violin You Say? Yes A Violin

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Well M_A_T_T has influenced me and i'm now making a violin. Wish me luck! The back and top are made and and dont look to bad. Attaching the bass bar as been the most difficult for some reason. Even bending the sides was alot less dificult then getting the bas bar level and true. Well you live and learn.

The purfling channels were easy to make with my fordom flex shaft routery tool. Now to work on the neck seeing as the bas bar is giving me hell.

I have been using hide glue but its been very picky I was ondering if using titebon would really sacrafice sound or if it really matters?

Ill have some picks up in a bit!

if anyone has done violins or the like before, where do people get your stain pigments?


Edited by guitarchump
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Yeah, good luck. It's fun building instruments other than guitars occasionally (guitars are the best though). :D I'm currently working on a hammered dulcimer. It would be cool to make a violin, but they look too hard to play. :D

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The only reason im building one is one of my good friends has his grade 10 in violin and he said he was going to teach me. Plus i wanted to see what being a "real" luthier ( if you can call it that) is like when all you use are hand tools.

Its been hard as hell to keep the top and back plates even thickness seeing as all i have are the good old fasion calipers not some fancy digital meter. At least I got to trace and get the measurments from a kit my friend bought. I also am not going completly legit i did buy a pre made ebony fingerboard ( I think it has an ebony veneer on top for some reason... Maybe just to make it look higher quality.

M_A_T_T's tutorials have been soooo usful better then any book. He keeps it simple and does every thing by hand and doesnt use to many expensive tools i cant get my hands on. Im kind of a starving student.

Also The guitars I have been building are comming along well finnaly got my parts ordered in so i could get to work. More pics on thos soon as well. All i can say is im doing an inlay that has over a 100 peices... Its the legendary norse serpent that lay at the bottom of the sea and it's all twisting and inter-twining down the neck. Hopefully iy will look cool when its done.. wish me luck on this its my 2nd inlay!


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more power to you man. I bought a violin kit from stew mac for my wife. And I have a friend who is a violin builder so I can pic his brain for tips on building this thing. Iwould have made it from scratch but time is a major factor since I want it done for a christmas present....

I wish you all the best on your quest......


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