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EMG after burner


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hey there,

at the moment im getting the ZW EMG set fitted into my ESP. i want to get a switch from esp which will give the guitar a boost (20 db). there are two types of switches made by esp that do this.

1. the EMG-AB (afterburner) seen on hetfields SP grynch guitar. this is a push pull pot.

2. the EMG-PA2 which seems to do the same, but it is in the form of a mini toggle.

does any one have more information about these? and which would be the best to get?



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i have the PA2 in a box here somewhere i don't use it anymore. the only thing about the PA2 is that you have to take off the control plate to change the ammount of boost it gives to the signal via a very small screw on the circut board. the AB is the same thing just in a pot form instead of mini switch.... i would sujjest the AB more control, but it may cost more, unless you want to have the same amount of boost every time or a small switch instead of a big knob then get the PA2 (let me know the retail on these i'd probably sell you mine for pretty cheap)

oooh one last thing, neither has a filter in place so the louder you make the signal with these the more noise you're going to get, so.... a low output pickup with a AB or PA2 can be just as loud as an emg 81 or X2n or invader pickup.... but it's going to be a hell of a lot more noisy...

why do you want one anyways? emg's are already rediculusly loud...

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hey there,

well im getting the 81 and 85 put in to my esp guitar. i wanted the AB/PA2 to add as a boster, jst in case i needed it for a solo etc. i am also having an EMG-EXG fitted onto the guitar to give the guitar more tone.

there for both the volume and tone controls on my guitar ( it only has two) will be push pull pots, so if i had the AB on my volume control, and turned it up for more bos,but then pushed it down, woud the volume be higher then it was before i had it pused down, due to the rotation of the knob?

do you get what i mean? its hard to explain


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i know what you mean.... i don't think you can do that.. you're going to need a dual concentric knob for what you have in mind... a push pull can only be an on off swtich, i don't think it can change the use of a pot.... can it? and... the AB is build onto a an emg pot.... so taking it off and rigging it up to the emg's dual concentric A25KX2 pot could be kinda tricky...

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  • 6 months later...

actually yes you can do the ab on a a push pull but you will need to set it up to both come on and switch the guitars vol pot to full and disengage and reingage the ab vol pot i am pretty sure i can draw this up someone email me and i will giv it a whirl

i drew it up and i am 99% shure it will work, but i am unsure of the ab's circuit try, in the pic i saw of one from a friend it uses a transistor but in the pdf it shows a smt chip.. so it is qutie unsure however you can make something simialry for around 5bucks yourself.. its calle a lpb1

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