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The 'crocodile Hunter' Is Dead

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By Brian Cassey

CAIRNS, Australia (AP) - Steve Irwin, the ebullient Australian TV personality and conservationist known as the Crocodile Hunter, was killed Monday by a stingray barb to the heart during a diving expedition, police and his wildlife park said.

Irwin, 44, was filming an underwater sequence for a television series on remote Batt Reef off the far northeast coast of Australia when he encountered the ray and was stung about 11 a.m., Australia Zoo, Irwin's park, said in a statement.

Crew members aboard Irwin's boat, Croc One, called emergency services in the nearest city, Cairns, and administered cardio pulmonary resuscitation techniques as they rushed the boat to nearby Low Isle to meet a rescue helicopter.

Medical staff pronounced Irwin dead at about midday, the statement said.

"The world has lost a great wildlife icon, a passionate conservationist and one of the proudest dads on the planet," John Stainton, Irwin's friend and producer who was on board Croc One said in the statement.

"He died doing what he loves best and left this world in a happy and peaceful state of mind," he said. "Crocs Rule!"

Queensland state police said Irwin's family - which includes U.S.-born wife Terri - had been notified of his death.

Irwin is famous for his enthusiasm for wildlife and his catchcry "Crikey!" in his television program, Crocodile Hunter, which was first broadcast in Australia in 1992 before it was picked up by the Discovery channel, catapulting him to international celebrity.

Irwin, who made a trademark of hovering dangerously close to untethered crocodiles, often leaping on their backs, talked mile-a-minute in a thick Australian drawl and was almost never seen without his uniform of khaki shorts and shirt and heavy boots.

His ebullience was infectious and Australian officials sought him out for photo opportunities and to promote Australia internationally. Irwin was among guests hand-picked by Prime Minister John Howard to attend a barbecue to honour U.S. President George W. Bush when he visited Canberra, the national capital, in 2003.

The public image was dented in 2004 when Irwin triggered an uproar by holding his baby in one arm while feeding large crocodiles inside a zoo pen. Irwin claimed at the time there was no danger to his son, and authorities declined to charge Irwin with violating safety regulations.

Later that year, he was accused of getting too close to penguins, a seal and humpback whales in Antarctica while making a documentary. Irwin denied any wrongdoing, and an Australian Environment Department investigation recommended no action be taken against him.

He is survived by his wife, from Eugene, Ore., who was Terri Raines before they married in 1992, their daughter Bindi Sue, 8, and son Bob, who will turn 3 in December.

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who used a photograph of his family at Australia Zoo for his official Christmas card last year, hailed Irwin for his work in promoting Australia through projects such as the "G'Day LA" tourism and trade promotion in Los Angeles in January.

"The minister knew him, was fond of him and was very, very appreciative of all the work he'd done to promote Australia overseas," Downer's spokesman Tony Parkinson said.


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He left a wife and two kids age 8 and 3.

Very sad. When you're young with few responsibilities, the possible ramifications of your decisions aren't nearly as wide or deep as when you are older and responsible for others. And nature is an unforgiving teacher.

Still, the last sad memory hovers round, and sometimes drifts across like floating mist, cutting off sunshine and chilling the remembrance of happier times. There have been joys too great to be described in words, and there have been griefs upon which I have not dared to dwell; and with these in mind, I say:

Climb if you will, but remember that courage and strength are nought without prudence, and that a momentary negligence may destroy the happiness of a lifetime. Do nothing in haste; look well to each step; and from the beginning, think what may be the end.

- Edward Whymper, Scrambles Amongst the Alps 1872

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If you take chances like that all your life sooner or later the odds change, no matter how much of an expert you think you are. Look what happened to Indian Larry. One report said Irwin was "attacked" by the stingray. But I'll bet he was trying to climb on the animal's back and stick his thumb up its ass! Anyway, I'm not denying I wasn't entertained by his antics and he certainly DID provide a lot of valuable lessons, right up to the moment of his death ie. NEVER trust Mother Nature.

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I don't think Irwin was anything like Timothy Treadwell, the guy who "protected" grizzly bears and was eventually killed by them. Irwin was a bit of a showman, but, a dedicated conservationist. Treadwell, from what I saw in the movie "Grizzly Man", was self-absorbed and delusional. Irwin knew the animals he encountered and understood the risks... he didn't scold or baby-talk grizzlies like they were miniature poodles.

(BTW, "Grizzly Man" is a great movie... Richard Thompson playing guitar on the soundtrack)

Yeah, Irwin's death is tragic. As far as risk goes, he probably was in more danger driving around Oz in a car than in the somewhat controlled environment of his animal encounters. Dead is dead, but, there's something a bit more fitting to die in a passionate pursuit than to get hit by a bus or succumb to a disease that robs you of choice or your identity.

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It was a freak accident. I've gone diving with stingrays on many occasions and they are probably one of the safest large aquatic creatures you can dive around. This guy dove with sharks, man. He wasn't stupid and the animal certainly isn't considered to be a mankiller. A shot to the heart with a ray barb is a billion to one shot.

I really do feel sad about this. For his children who will grow up only seeing their father on TV, and for the loss to the conservation community. This guy was a true ambassador for wildlife and Australia's culture, and he'll be greatly missed.

G'day Steve.

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I don't think Irwin was anything like Timothy Treadwell, the guy who "protected" grizzly bears and was eventually killed by them. Irwin was a bit of a showman, but, a dedicated conservationist. Treadwell, from what I saw in the movie "Grizzly Man", was self-absorbed and delusional. Irwin knew the animals he encountered and understood the risks... he didn't scold or baby-talk grizzlies like they were miniature poodles.

(BTW, "Grizzly Man" is a great movie... Richard Thompson playing guitar on the soundtrack)

Yeah, Irwin's death is tragic. As far as risk goes, he probably was in more danger driving around Oz in a car than in the somewhat controlled environment of his animal encounters. Dead is dead, but, there's something a bit more fitting to die in a passionate pursuit than to get hit by a bus or succumb to a disease that robs you of choice or your identity.

I agree, that guy thought that grizzly bears were his best friends and that they actually liked him. He had very little repect for them as wild animals that get hungry.

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Yes, he got careless. Following a stingray too closely, obviously. The stingray stopped short and instinctively raised the 6" long barb on its tail to protect itself. Irwin swam right into it, no other way it could have happened. Ever had one of those days where you should just stay in bed?

Dude, rays don't "raise" their barbs to protect themselves. They snap their tails and the barb stabs into whatever is threatening them. In this case, he swam over top of the ray that was mostly buried in the sand out of sight. The ray was boxed in, snapped its tail, and swam away. It's not uncommon for people to step on buried rays and get stung in the leg, but it's incredibly uncommon to take a shot to the heart from one.

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