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Black Walnut

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Ok Im thinking about useing Black Walnut for the Body on my new 8-string guitar I was just woundering if any one hear has used it before and if that person could let me know how it sounds and reacts to low tuneing

I think it will work great I mean I see it used on bass guitars all the time


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Try it. If it WODs on you, then you have a perfect template to build another one after learning from the first one. Then another one, and another one.... :-D

I'm quite a way ahead of you on my eight-string already and this thread is what inspired me to make one in the first place....!!

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matt..i've used walnut in several guitars and love it. it's a great wood to work with..cuts and sands nicely and even though i almost always use an oil finish i don't know anything that would keep it from taking a poly or lacquer finish just as well.

as for sound..i love it. in my last build i put in a humbucker/single coil/humbucker. the humbuckers were a dimarzio paf fred and paf jo and the single coil was a fairly high output dimarzio. i was going for a blues/jazz sound and nailed it.

as a dense wood walnut is great for sustain and if you put in some high output pups you should get a screamin' bright metal sound..assuming you like that sort of lthing. :D

i personally think you're gonna love it.

good luck with your project


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I'm with Uncle. Walnut is great to work and sounds rich and full. I'm on my second walnut build now, a solid walnut carved prs-type. The dust from sawing/sanding/routing is quite irritating though so take proper precautions.

I spent 20 minutes wet sanding my walnut blank with a little white spirit last night. Oh boy, it comes up sooo sweet. :D

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deadly thanks guys!! it looks like I may have found the wood for this build

The dust from sawing/sanding/routing is quite irritating though so take proper precautions.

Ok what do you mean by irritating? Is It skin or lungs? megan was hopeing to help me out on this build BUT she has Asthma and I was worried enough just haveing her around any dust and Im not sure if a dust mask is enough


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ok, i know that i'm old school and stupid so i don't often use a mask and out of all of the woods that i work with walnut is probably the one that irritates my sinuses the most. at that it's not terrible..just stops me up a bit but if your lady has asthma it really might iritate her.

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I've heard different people describe Walnut differently.

I built 3 guitars and 2 necks with it and found it was dead.

That could be the quality of Wood I got,I don't know.

People who use it for gun stocks say they use it for it's Shock resistance quality.

Like it absorbs vibrations or something.

That's exactly what I found it sounded like.....like it absorbed the sound to the point of deadness.

All opinion though

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Well Im going to try the Walnut, thanks guys :D


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  • 8 months later...

I loved working with Walnut.It works about the same as Mahogany and sands down to almost glass smooth.I cleared mine with Nitro and used no grain filler.I am more than happy with the tone but weight is a factorbut not much more than Mahogany.This Tele has P90's and sounds like no Tele I have ever played.If I could afford to I would use walnut exclusively.I just hope Matt that you are not going to paint it flat black.Can't wait to see the progressglassguitar029.jpg

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