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Strangest Feedbcak Problem Ever?!?!


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SORRY for duoble post... I'm noob and I dont know how to delete a thread...

I have a ****ing massive and strange problem thats been taking too much of my much needed time, and it is very odd.

Ive been having pickup problems for ****ing ages. After re-potting to no avail, I decided to change neck pup (as bridge seemed fine).

I got a SD Jazz, same damn problem.

So I decide, hmm, it must be pots/ switch. I got them replaced today, and wired everything up. FEEDBACK MORE THAN EVER.

( : Feedback more than ever as in, on old components only neck pickup had terrible feedback, with bridge a large amount, but nowhere near what it is now. New components, everything is ****ed, and switch is a bit different, as position 4 has no signal ... but read on to justify this)

In complete despair, I asked a good mate, what could be wrong. He gave me the idea that it could be the amp (Peavey Bandit). So I quickly went over to a mates to try out his amp(Marshall cab + head), with my lead, and what do I hear? ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT TONE.

( : although wiring may be a tad off (though it shouldnt, its the best job i've ever done, and perfect with the diagram....(yes I know SD wires are different to dimarzio, problem rectified)) the amp worked fine, position 4 still killswitch, but everything is good, and im actually happy with killswitch idea)

In relief, I think, Oh.. its the amp thats ****ed, and it comes off my mind for a few hours.

I then realise I have another amp, which I completely forgot about. I plugged my guitar in, with a brilliant plan to try and amplify my tone with my bandit (as the little amp has headphone jack, and it worked to amplify), and what do I hear?


I'm completely dumbfounded. I'm having a practice at a mates tomorrow, so I'll take my Peavey, as I don't think anything is wrong. If something was wrong, the BC Rich 12 watt amp should be fine.

I have these ideas, which seem strange, but in such a situation, i'm just stuck.

a) guitar wiring is ****ed, problem I thought to be initially, most probably something with grounding, but my mates Marshall somehow overcame the problem??. I have spent so many hours re-wiring my guitar, it is basically at perfection right now, however, with new pots and switch, only old components are the input jack, and bridge (relevant due to bridge grounding).

:D both my amps are ****ed in the exact same way, or my guitar responds differently to my amps than others??? man i'm ****ing dumbfounded.

c) A massive electromagnetic leak in my house??? I tried it em in another room without electrical devices (except for stereo) and still ****ed.

d) all of the above THAT WOULD SUCK.

Anyhow, taking amp and guitar to mates place might clear a bit up, I have a feeling feedback will still be there though... dunno why, it just feels like it. I don't have another guitar to try out, I might ask friend to bring his on weekend or ill put a pickup into my out-of-action guitar to try **** out.

I really hope someone takes time to read this, or at least skim over, and give me some ideas... PLEASE PEOPLE. I HAVE A BIG PERFORMANCE ON WEDNESDAY HOLY ****

Edited by 7stringtechdeath
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Here's my thoughts:

Are you trying to play low wattage amps very loud? If so, you're almost always going to get squealing feedback, especially with hot pickups (even though they are potted and all).

Are you using any high gain distortion pedals? That will exacerbate the problem more.

Are you standing right in front of your amp? That will also cause easy feedback.

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When you say feedback, do you mean squealing, ear-piercing, microphone-held-up-to-speaker feedback, or do you mean buzzing or humming?

I only ask because there was a recent post complaining about feedback, when what they meant was buzzing. Buzzing or humming is most likely a grounding issue. Feedback could be caused by any of the factors mentioned above, particularly if you are playing a hollowbody guitar (I don't think you mentioned the guitar).

I am by no means an expert, just trying to help clear things up.

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Thanks guys for your replies. Thanks Batfink, your test is relevant in this situation. It is most probably the amps distortion channel, as I had it hooked up to a multi effects on the clean. It sucked, but it worked.

This is still extremely strange.

I really dont understand hwo two amps 'break' at the exact same time, conspicuously during DIY guitar repair. I'm still really confused, as their is a high possibility of it breaking more, considering how it 'broke' after nothing.

I basically didn't sleep last night, counting out possibilities.

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MAYBE, the important difference between your friend's Marshall rig, and what you are playing through is not the amp, but the speakers.

if it was 2 different heads you played through the SAME cabinet, i'd begin to suspect the speakers have very high electromagnetic emission.

it wouldn't make much difference for normal settings, but if you use extremely high gain, it might make all the difference.

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This info could help us help you.

1. Are you using high gain pedals or maxing out the gain on the amp?

2. Can you confirm (you only alluded to it) that the bridge pickup has no problems at all at the gain and volume you are talking about?

If you are using a lot of gain and the bridge is fine, try literally placing your fingers and adding some pressure on both of the neck coils during the feedback - if the feedback goes away then it should be microphonic feedback, and you will need to repot the pickup.

If you are not using gain and playing at normal volume a reasonable distance from your amp - then it could be the amp.

At the end of the day - what wrong with gigging with just a bridge pickup;)

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Thanks for all the replies.

Well, I tried out two more amps at school today, none of which encountered problems. I'd say its certain it's the amp now. Phew. So many needless hours spent rewiring that bitch.

I keep the gain at about 9. It's strange. Before, the bridge was fine, and the neck was completely dead except for on the parallel setting, which it was fine. Now, on my amps, all encounter the same barstard feedback.

I still dont know though. Because I tried my little amp and turned the gain down and the feedback decreased dramatically, but was still too bad at louder volumes. **** I dont know.... :s

Oh well, soon i'll be getting a pedal so I guess i'll justy rely on that 24/7.

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sorry, I couldn't work out if you've done this already, but have you tried the amp(s) using a different power supply to your house? like at your school or a friends house? Could be something to do with that? It'd be good to rule out either way though!

Edited by donbenjy
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When you say feedback, do you mean squealing, ear-piercing, microphone-held-up-to-speaker feedback, or do you mean buzzing or humming?

This is the most important question that's been asked in this whole thread, and it remains unanswered. Please describe the sound that you're trying to get rid of - without that info, this whole thread is useless, since we're all just speculating with no idea what the real problem is.
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So many needless hours spent rewiring that ****

Wait, did you rewire your amp? Or just your guitar? Because if you rewired your amp you could have problems with the layout. The first time I fired up my ax84 P1 I had the exact same problem your describing here. The reason for it was one of the wires (don't remember which one) I had routed too close to something else, I don't even remember now. But when I turned the gain past half way it would start this very high pitched earpiercing super high volume scream (I guess thats the best way to describe it :D )

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When you say feedback, do you mean squealing, ear-piercing, microphone-held-up-to-speaker feedback, or do you mean buzzing or humming?

This is the most important question that's been asked in this whole thread, and it remains unanswered. Please describe the sound that you're trying to get rid of - without that info, this whole thread is useless, since we're all just speculating with no idea what the real problem is.

:D or even better record it, get a host for the file and send a link so we can all hear it!

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