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Borrowing a finishing idea...


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I was looking at the entries September guitar of the month contest, and really liked the finish on francelj's second guitar.


I think he said it was just oil on flamed maple. Is that just tung oil on the raw maple, is it stained, filled, dyed...?


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Oh, and how do you do the natural binding? I think I remember seeing a tutorial about that somewhere, but I lost it... :D

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Thats right... I remember now, thanks!

So so so, francelj, or anyone, what was used on that lovely flame to give it that particular look?

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Hey thats a nice looking geetar!

I think you basically answered your question about whether or not it is dyed. I mean if it has a natural binding, then it has to be stained to have that separation effect. Plus we all know that maple is very white/tanish, and thats more of a black-brown color. I think he stained it, and then put tung oil over the entire body after the staining was dry. But I've never Stained anything and then tung oiled it so I dunno if that would even work.

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I gotta find out what stain he used... :D

It also looks like the pickups and trem are brown, does anybody else see that?

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This may give you a clue on how to go about it...

You may need to jump from step 7 to 10.


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Ah, that may be it then. Will using the black stain be too much for this particular finish you think? Or should I look for a brown...

Hey, also, when useing Tung Oil, do you need to use a filler? I also assume that you can oil over a stain. Right now I'm thinking of a basswood body with a flamed maple top (I've heard this lends to a even tone, good for many styles), and a maple, mohogany laminate neck. I know bass wood is soft, and a hard finish is reccomended, but it may not matter as it will only be visible on the back...

I dunno... :D

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I believe it's ok with anniline (water-based) dyes. As for oil-based, no idea, sorry. I wouldn't have thought filling would be necessarry unless you have some major pitting.

With the powdered annilines you can mix the colour you want, so you could get a very dark brown, which I think would look wicked!

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Thanks wes, I'll look into that as well. Is there a particular place that is good to buy that from?

Incidentially, one of the last bands I was in had a song called "Dont sleep with your neighbors goat" ... the stuff we came up with at 3 am...


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To find it locally (Tru-Oil), most all gun shops will carry it, as well as any big superstores that have a gun section.

It is primarily used to coat and protect gunstocks.

Use lots of really thin coats, not a few thick coats.

PS, I do a lot of 'stain black and sand back' finishes, that guitar doesn't look to me like black was used, just brown.

There 'is' a powdered anilyne stain made by Lockwood called silver-grey that reminds me of that look, the one above looks more brown tho.

I think PRS used the silver-grey as a base and shaded the sides black, I think that was one of their finishes years ago, but I'm no PRS expert...

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