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Wenge Problems


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i tried this once with good success...instead of using a cloth get a piece of paper and use a household iron set to medium so you don't burn the wood. lay the paper over the spot then heat. the glue will most likely stick to the paper when you lift it off. it did for me anyway.

good luck

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Well no luck with the iron and paper ....although that is undoubtfully much more effective than a solder gun and damp cloth! I tried a few more solvents with no success. Think I'll have to run this piece over to my local lumber mill and have em run it through thier thicknes sander. One thing I will not do again....wipe my glue joints. Fine with closed pores but not a go with wenge,ash etc etc.

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Well no luck with the iron and paper ....although that is undoubtfully much more effective than a solder gun and damp cloth! I tried a few more solvents with no success. Think I'll have to run this piece over to my local lumber mill and have em run it through thier thicknes sander. One thing I will not do again....wipe my glue joints. Fine with closed pores but not a go with wenge,ash etc etc.

Why is wiping the glue line a problem? I always wipe the glue lines.

If you don't do it, you will end up with gobs of dried glue that are a real pain to get rid of.

Are you saying that you wiped the glue into the pores? I always wipe with a scraper and then follow a couple of times with a damp rag, which sucks up any leftover glue.


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.....think most of these problem areas could possibly be between the clamps and wood where I could'nt wipe. Then again wiping immediately like I did did'nt help the situation.This is my 1st time using wenge and I thought I'd be O.K. pore wise. My rosewood& walnut blanks turned out fine and I did them the same way.If I had to compare pores here this wenge reminds me much of ash. Thing with ash is you can visibly see the pores better since it's a lighter wood. I may try the pins and needles along with a magnifying glass....I'd probably lose an 1/8 of an ingh chasing this with a sander...will get it worked out! I appreciate all the feedback. This is how we learn... :D

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