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Video Feedback Please


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Dunno, mang. Everything depends on budget. It doesn't seem like you had an infinite budget, but I think it does what it needed to do. Perhaps a bit more of the 'performance' would've been good. The music is great, if a little bit "A New Found Glory".

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You know, I didn't click on the link because I had this eery feeling that it was some XXX spam or something, since it was the posters first post, and a very vague post at that. Glad it wasn't. I'll check out the video tomorrow.

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The music isn't my thing at all. However, the video is very well produced, and I agree, maybe a bit more live performance would be nice from my nuetral perspective. Very well made film though, fits nicely, better than I initially expected!

to be honest, the overiding thing I felt watching that video was severe shock at seeing the guitarist with red LP spin his instrument around him and the head towards the floor- I feared a headstock caualty!!!

Those are my very limited thoughts, sorry I can't be more constructuve.


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yeah i thought i was pretty good

id work ont he story line but ...you know......if thats wat the songs about

just like "artistically" i thought the colours were to bright ....i dont know sounds gay but i reckon it would make a difference if they were more real

Edited by tim_ado
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I think this is most likely spam designed to get people to listen to the band,rather than actual fishing for opinions.The video is much too high quality for just a general "what do you think" post.


I decided to "bite", but even as I was responding, I had this thought.

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Actually guys it really is an eval of the video, Thats why it's not on the bands site as they have not released it. There was at least 2 things the band did not like about the video and they were curious if anyone else commented on them. 1. The accoustic guitar players were strumming obviously not to the song, some of the band thought that disconnected the viewer from the vid. The other was the bar scene where the guys are checking out the girl some thought it was a little to much maybe even a bit creepy. They would have liked some cutbacks to the band earlier in the video. This was actually shot for less than $300 it was however shot with $60,000 equipment.

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They do kinda look like they're about to slip something in her drink in the bar scene...

It looks well produced overall, but I would agree, If they could re-film the bits you mention it could maybe be better.

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You guys are being pretty tough on this.... The guy just wants opinions from other musicians....

I thought it was par for the course. Nothing really stood out and that's what you look for in a video. Acoustics was a bad call... should have been a guy trying out electrics in a music store as she peers in. The chick in the bar... don't know what to think of that... seems pretty normal to me.... see that all the time. Wouldn't worry about that.

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