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Wiring Idea

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I just finished building my first guitar and im starting on my second i have a few ideas but i dont know if i will run into any problems....

First im want to sink a wireless kit into a pocket on my guitar so the guitar itself would not have an output jack just a simple on off switch but i dont know if a wireless setup will transmit a signal through the guitars body....'

second i want to use some old school knobs from an old stereo the roller kind where its like a wheel but only alittle bit shows through the body and but i dont know where i can find these other than on radios....will radio controlls work?

if any one could advise me on this i would be very appriciative....thank you

Edited by Ferdinand_Oconner
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I am not sure about the type of knobs you are talking about, pictures would help. As for the wireless, I am not sure how well it would still transmit, but you could cut the cavity so the wireless pack would fit in nice and snug with maybe some type of retaining ring, but almost all of one of the sides would still be exposed to the back. Then just your body is in the way.

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for the wireless system it would probs be best to have the ariel come out of the guitar.

and those you could rip out a sterio if they are the right values.. otherwise i dunno.. try an electrical retailer like www.maplins.com

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They use roller knobs in fender's jazz master for the secondary tone/volume circuit on the upper control plate. A stereo is unlikely to have the rignt values but you might be able to use or adapt the wheels to turn a conventional pot mounted on it's side. Otherwise, make your own by adapting a normal oversized knob and make a bracket to mount it sideways in the control cavity...for an oversized look.

I like the idea of an internal wireless system, however it is now dedicated to one guitar, which could be a hassle. I really do think that the ariel will need to be exposed...

good luck, pete

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thanks for all the advice i really appriciate it.... i will have to look into it a little more but i think it will turn out like i have planned in my head(hopefully).... the controls im looking for are thumbwheel switches but i cant seem to find them in the right values if any one knows where i can find them or has someone who knows please tell me about it

thank you everyone

Edited by Ferdinand_Oconner
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You'll probably just have to use regular pots mounted sideways with some custom knobs. Mouser Electronics has just about anything you'd need to make it work.

Also, you don't need to have the aerial outside of the guitar to make the wireless work well. Just make sure it's not stuck in a shielded cavity!

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yeah arnt they selector knobs though for a rotary switch ?

radio knobs usually work by pullys (the tuner anyway) theres a complicated load of string inside to tune the radio (this make its more precise compared to a direct connection, i think its somthing around a 3:1 ratio, so you turn the tuner 3 times and it only moves once)

Edited by Samba Pa Ti
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I was brainstorming this earlier, the wireless guitar thing. I think that if someone was talented enough, they could route a space inside the guitar body and strip all the electronics from the wireless transmitter. I bet you could use a 9v battery like an active system and hook up the transmitter to it, and hardwire the electronics of the transmitter to the guitar. Yes, the antenna would have to be outside of the body, perhaps where the output jack originally was (key if this was a retrofitting).

The only downside I see to the project is that one would have to have a different transmitter/channel for each guitar, which would be pretty expensive.

But if I could have a guitar that all I had to do was flick a miniswitch and start jamming wireless, I think I might cry.

Oh yes, and also, you would only be able to play the guitar through your setup. Not like you can bring the guitar over someone's house and play through their system.


I want to try it, but I don't want to risk ****ing up a $150 wireless system in the name of experimentation. I ain't an electronics guy in the least.

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thanks again ive got some great feedback and have com up with a new plan....

im am going to use both a wireless kit and a fm transmiter wire them together using the same anntena and have a three way troggle switch (fm transmiter/off/wireless) and sink all of it into a pocket in the body.... i think i can wrap the antenna wires around the stud screw for the stapbutton and it should be enough to transmit for about 30ft...

again if any one can forsee any problems let me know!

thank you

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You mention fm transmitter and the first thing that pops into my head is that stupid iTrip attachment for the iPod. I'm sure there are much better transmitters out there, but even though I generally laud Apple for its product quality, the transmitter in the iTrip isn't fantastic. I think, if only for safety's sake, I'd stick with the wireless systems made for instruments over any old system. I know the two are very similar, but I guess it's just me.

Also, what would be the benefit of having both a guitar wireless system AND an FM transmitter in the same guitar? I do see the benefit of having a wireless system and a functioning jack, but not all 3.

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yeah the idea really came about when me and some friends were out in the school parking lot messing around playing and i thought it would be cool to be able to hook up to my trucks stereo and play through my sound system.... as well as i just want a really clean guitar no visible knobs and switches just clean and simple(even though the setup will be any thing but simple)

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