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Progress On Lp Build

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Nice job on a solidly built guitar! I for one like the KL headstock being used on more than the typical "explorer-style" guitars. I think it would also work well on a "V-styled" guitar body. Anyway, nice job!

BTW: How does it sound clean???

Edited by mikevirok
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well, it diddnt feel perfect and i wanted to change a few things. so i took her appart and made a few changes. i scalloped the horn on the cutaway, and it feels great. i also am going to have the finish a bit lighter, and refinished the neck, and now it doesnt look "dirty" like it used to. feels great and better than before. the neck has a red tint in the curls. will post pics tomarrow after school.

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well, here are a couple of pics, i guess it doesnt look that much different in the pics, but trust me, it feels and is a lot different. the color is much lighter also.


closeup of font


back of neck


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It looks better, but again in the pics its tough to tell as the definition is low. Once I looked closer I noticed the nice little carves you put in which look great. At first I thought that making the lower horn one deeper would be best, but quicklt realized that it wouldn't fit the body well if you went any deeper. For the cutaways, they look nice too, as you said I'd imagine it feels worlds more comfortable than it did. If you wanted that one deeper, you would probably need to carve the edge all the way around deeper. I noticed right off the color difference. I liked the other one just fine and same for this one. I couldn't say what I like better without some sharp images with some flash.

The neck looks better as well. That was kinda a strange look that occured when you finished that neck. For whatever reason, it did seem slightly off to me, something to do with the figure and grain gave a strange appearance, but the new one looks better. For the pictures, maybe you can try using a light like a flashlight or something to light it as you snap pictures. If bright enough, it might really capture the images better. Just a thought. I just wish you could get better pics because I know the response to your work would be better than it is. Anyway, it does look better and I bet it looks way better in real life and feels much better to play. It is really a cool guitar. Well, nice stuff man and keep the work coming! J

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