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Rock/shread Solo With A Squire Lol


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And you wont believe it's a stock squire std series with some visual aids + a crate 15watt amp using it's overdrive, no pedals. Also used is the amps chorus 2, which is enough chorus to color the tone and some delay thrown in.

What do you think? Any tips on my playing/ gear combo?


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Any tips on my playing/ gear combo?

Not really...you seem to be doing allright for your age....only thing I would rather not see is the way you put your pick in your mouth to do simple tapping with the index finger on your right hand.You seem to handle it pretty well,but you can save time and potential dropped picks by tapping with your middle finger for the simple stuff like that(a la kirk hammett in the 80s),but that is pretty minor.I think you sound pretty good and at least you have talent,unlike most I run into.

The type of guitar makes no difference unless you are a goofy old primadonna like me.If you are comfortable with it and it keeps all 6 strings in tune,that is all you need.

I wonder if your fret hand positioning at the speed you play is going to cause tendon problems as you get older and less flexible...but that is all I can think of.I don't want to just give you the same old standard drivel if you are honestly seeking critique...

too bad AlexVDL isn't around anymore....he plays much more your style than me,and I would bet he could help you in ways you never thought of....that dude has a natural gift I wish I had...I have to work long and hard for everything I do.

you might talk to Saber on this board if you honestly want critique....He and I can't seem to get along in any discussion on this board,but he has alot of talent in that area,and I have a feeling his tecqnique is probably pretty damn good.

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