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V. G. Stratocaster


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I'm underwhelmed by the specs. The guitar doesn't have near as many models as the Variax, nor does it seem to have any ability to edit the models and tunings. On the other hand, it's got the option to go passive, and it's packaged into a better guitar than the Line 6. Still, I think Fender missed the mark. It seems like they're trying to market it as the "no hassle" modelling guitar, but the Variax is already a model of simplicity (from a usability standpoint at least). And what's up with the lack of an AC adaptor? Fender can try to spin that as a feature all they want, but it's a big omission if you ask me.

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It can alter the tunings (eg: without touching the actual tuners). I saw one of these at a clinic a couple months ago and it seemed pretty good. But, ive not had much experience with a variax, so i dont know how they compare.

The Variax can alter tunings, too. You need a computer to program it, though. What I meant to say was the the Variax offers you the ability create your own tuning whereas you're stuck with the factory defaults on the Fender. On the other hand, the Fender is more plug and play, and I doubt most musicians would need tunings besides what the Fender offers. Still, I like options.

I'm not saying the Fender is a bad guitar or a bad deal, but in this day and age of sight-unseen internet buying, a product has to look good on paper. Based on the specs alone, the Variax appears to have the VG strat soundly beaten in the modelling dept. I have no doubt some players will love it, but it seems to me that the guitar would have broader appeal with more flexibility in the modelling features. After all, isn't flexibility the main appeal of modelling to begin with?

Edited by fookgub
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To people who have used Variax or the VG-- when using alternate tunings, how have you dealt with the "acoustic" (natural) tuning of the string being at odds with the "virtual" tuning? I mean, a tuned D string is still doing to ring out with a D when the guitar's not plugged in at all, which is audible.

Headphones for isolation?

In any event, I'm more interested with MIDI possibilities of stuff like the Ghost Hex + MIDI brain combination... I'd rather be able to control a virtual violin than simply sound like another guitar. :D I didn't notice anything in the VG literature indicating the possibility of MIDI conversion/output, which is a shame and a missed opportunity.

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