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Mahogany Les Paul With Floyd And Walnut Neck

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I'm liking it! If only the body were a tad bit sharper, to match the headstock better. Just a personal thing, not that you can make an LP "sharp" hahaha.

On a related note, do you have like...... a job, or school, killemall? Because you've made so much progress on so many builds, it's enviable, VERY enviable for the guy who has 5 classes this semester and is holding down a girlfriend, bills, and a job :D

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I'm liking it! If only the body were a tad bit sharper, to match the headstock better. Just a personal thing, not that you can make an LP "sharp" hahaha.

On a related note, do you have like...... a job, or school, killemall? Because you've made so much progress on so many builds, it's enviable, VERY enviable for the guy who has 5 classes this semester and is holding down a girlfriend, bills, and a job :D

you just basicly described me. got school, girlfriend, and just starting to work at home depo. building is my life (besides my girlfriend) and all i do is work and build every second i get. unless im broke (wich is a lot of the time)

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It's totally on you as far as fretboards, but you won't be disappointed with anything you get from Jon. He work is excellent and he has an eye for wicked fretboards, so if you find something you like don't hesitate. Like you I am often struggling to put money together for certain things and I almost missed out on the amazing bubinga he had. When I saw it I wanted it, but afford it yet, then finally got it and was super happy. So, I would just go find what you like and go for it. You made a nice guitar, there isn't many woods that will look bad on it. Good luck. J

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just waiting to get a fretboard. cant decide on what kind of wood. i was thinking of going with one of jon's fbs from his ebay store, but still not sure. any suggestions?

I'm thinking Wenge would look pretty cool with this build. If you are interested in buying a board from me, just let me know if you need the board slotted or not and I'll find you a good piece.

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build every second i get. unless im broke (wich is a lot of the time)

So... do you have a growing collection of guitars, or do you sell them?

I totally agree with you... the only thing I want to do is build guitars! :D

i usually sell them. thats the only way i can afford it. but my builds are usually pretty cheap. i have 2 completed ones right now, only because my v diddnt sell.

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build every second i get. unless im broke (wich is a lot of the time)

So... do you have a growing collection of guitars, or do you sell them?

I totally agree with you... the only thing I want to do is build guitars! :D

i usually sell them. thats the only way i can afford it. but my builds are usually pretty cheap. i have 2 completed ones right now, only because my v diddnt sell.

Really? Hopefully you sell them for enough more than they cost to build so its reasonable for you!

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this neck isnt going on this, but i still like it. one of my better roughed out necks. the curl looks great. just a random post.




Edited by killemall8
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just waiting to get a fretboard. cant decide on what kind of wood. i was thinking of going with one of jon's fbs from his ebay store, but still not sure. any suggestions?

I'm thinking Wenge would look pretty cool with this build. If you are interested in buying a board from me, just let me know if you need the board slotted or not and I'll find you a good piece.

ya, i am dying to have that 25" scale wenge fretboard from your store, but i am broke right now, so if its still there in a few days i will definitly get it. i am thinking of going with abalone block inlays on this one, i think it will look good on the dark fb.

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Oooh, yeah that wenge would be nice! Hope you are able to grab that, it would be great and you would be very pleased with the work. I agree abalone would go nice with that fretboard. White MOP always looks nice on dark stuff, but the strong contrast seems to make any figure in the MOP disappear, not sure why. Abalone or even some very light Black MOP would look very nice. Either one would look wicked. I really like block inlays, especially the "v" type, I'm not looking forward to inlaying the shapes I decided on, too difficult for me and on the wrong type of wood, I should have got a dark board, but Jons bubinga was too nice to pass up.

BTW-That neck/headstock looks really cool. I glanced at it yesterday or this morning and thought wow nice. I didn't even realize it was scarfed, when I saw it just now I thought Wow! Not easy to make scarfed neck look like a one piece when its figured like that. Worked out really well. Good stuff! I can't be certain but it looks as though your headstock tapers towards the top. Do you like this design? I believe I've read there are some benefits with doing this, such as making the neck/headstock area less prone to breaking. I hadn't thought about that in a while and I am glad this post reminded me as I am getting close to shaping the neck/headstock, actually I was thinking about starting that tonight or tomorrow.

Well, best of luck and keep the progress reports comin. J

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I can't be certain but it looks as though your headstock tapers towards the top. Do you like this design? I believe I've read there are some benefits with doing this, such as making the neck/headstock area less prone to breaking.

it is tapered for now. the neck isnt carved yet, and it is just a rough shape on the back. i always do the thicknessing from the back of the headstock. ya, i hope i can get a piece from jon, like he said, he still has some left. i agree black mop would look cool, but its hard to find pre cut inlays in that. once i sell my v (if i can) i will stock up on stuff for a few next builds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, nothing really new. all i have been able to do is carve the body contours. well only one actually. i hate my camera. it is actually a camcorder, so thats why the pictures are so low quality. this is inside at night, so it looks horrible and unreal color. it has to be outside in natural light for it to look good. o well will get better ones tomorrow.



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