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Carved Top Strat Build

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OK, basically this build started out as an experiment which can be found in one of my threads, it dealt with different bridge types and sustain. The experiment probably had a few errors in it, but basically it found that bridge construction didn't effect sustain all that much, (by one or two seconds.) Anyway in its current state it is just being finished up


thats the body with sealer on (no clear coat) the whiteness in some areas is probably because of the flash and the sealer being wiped on.


the neck is the one thats to the right the other two are for my other builds that i may be posting soon


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well here are some pics of it now, i sanded off the white and went for an oiled back, I'm pleased with the results as its a very nice piece of poplar, i don't know why I didn't do this from the start. I kind of messed up the top when i was sanding the back a little, thats why in these pics its not 100% buffed.

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Looks great! That is a hand rubbed burst? If so, that proves that you don't need fancy spray equipment in order to make an awesome burst. What wood is the back of the body and the neck? I wouldn't mind seeing more pictures of the whole thing. Again, great work! :D

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more pics will come when i fix my camera.

here are some specs

one humbucker (I'm changing it to an emg)

tung oil back

hand rubbed burst coated with polyurethane

curly maple top

poplar back

birdseye maple neck

EIR fretboard

gotoh strat trem

gotoh tuners

left handed

abalone inlays (just dots on the fretboard letters "JS" on the headstock)

24 frets

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heh I hate having to play lefty. I'm actually a righty but I cant (due to my left hand) play righty so I'm forced to play lefty.







note: The picture that is displayed does not capture the color of the top due to the lighting. It's much brighter than that. You can see the real color in the first finished pic I posted (http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r191/stelmach1117/DSCN0178.jpg). I think I'll have to take some in sun light

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lol thats true. I know what it is :D. I'm not creative enough. You guys come up with so many good designs and all I can come up with are boring strats :D. The next guitar I build for myself will be wild, mark my words. Of course that will be after the strat im building for someone else, and an acoustic. I haven't had much time recently to do anything.

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Hey, I've built an Explorer and I'm working on a Rhoads now. I'm not exactly thinking outside the box, just building what works for me. Yngwie has a literal ARMY of Strats at his disposal. They work for him. Angus ONLY plays an SG.

Neither of them have built one themselves, though :D

The most inspiring designs I've seen on this forum haven't been over-the-top radical, just flavorful takes on an existing design. Creativity doesn't necessarily manifest itself in groundbreaking designs, in my opinion.

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