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1st Build

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Here is my 1st build. Swamp ash tele W/ maple neck. Wanted to metal up the tele so I used humbuckers, GFS lil' puncher in the neck and a Dimarzio fast track in the bridge. deleted the pickguard to lose the country look. wilkerson tuners and my name on the headstock. serial # 0001, guess I can build 1000 more if the psychologist thing don't work out.

Edited by cyco
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Sorry dude, but for me, the second you start throwing pentagrams or upside-down crosses or other similar items on the ax, you might as well throw it away. I wouldn't care if C.F.Martin himself made it. And yes, I felt this way before becoming a Christian.

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I think it looks pretty cool, though I think it would take a certain type of player to really get it to work onstage :D The paint job in particular is what I'd like to see more pictures of, though I agree with Arie that when you make a neck, I'd leave the fret markers off.

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Sorry dude, but for me, the second you start throwing pentagrams or upside-down crosses or other similar items on the ax, you might as well throw it away. I wouldn't care if C.F.Martin himself made it. And yes, I felt this way before becoming a Christian.

Pentograms don't mean what you may think. In Christianity they were believed to protect against demons. Only recently (20th Century) did it become coined as apart of Satanism but that's only because of a misunderstanding.

With that out of the way, Nice build. But the pentagrams aren't my thing either, just 'cause of aesthetic reasons. I've never been one for putting graphics on guitars.

Edited by relapse9999
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Thanx for the input. I built this as an Ebay parts project. The paint is duplicolor auto paint, comes in any color you could want. If you don't like the pentagrams that is a matter of personal taste but as a staunch athiest I feel it keeps the christian zealots at bay. Funny, I would never chastise a person for wearing a christian symbol.

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Funny, I would never chastise a person for wearing a christian symbol.

And yet, you chastise them in the previous statement...

as a staunch athiest I feel it keeps the christian zealots at bay.

ANYWAY, decent job, the paint color looks good with the blonde neck and I'm sure it sounds awesome! :D

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Funny, I would never chastise a person for wearing a christian symbol.

And yet, you chastise them in the previous statement...

as a staunch athiest I feel it keeps the christian zealots at bay.

ANYWAY, decent job, the paint color looks good with the blonde neck and I'm sure it sounds awesome! :D

wow,so much for posting here! I thought this site was about guitars.

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Before this gets out of hand i think everyone should read this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagram

This site is about guitars you have to let people express their opinions though and i think that's all avengers was doing. It's very easy to lose the meaning of a post on the internet. And I do think your comment about zealots was a step to far any opinions like that should be kept to yourself. I have no religious views except that when people start slating peoples beliefs trouble nearly always ensues (you should come to glasgow for a celtic rangers match).

My personal opinion for your guitars would be to put one symbol on it in a contrasting colour.

Stick around man it's worth it.

Edited by joshvegas
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wow,so much for posting here! I thought this site was about guitars.

Quite right... the thing is, you might want to ease up on the offensive comments. They don't offend me, but they offend others, and I'm just trying to point it out to you, so that perhaps in the future things like this won't happen.

It's a cool metal-style Tele. Love the sparkle paint. I think it would look better without the decals, but hey, this is art and you get to do what you want! :D

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